Brexit thread - what happens next

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8 Mar 2007
I wonder if the press feel any shame for what they are wrought on our country. They were just trying to sell newspapers and get advertising revenue but now they have lead us to the brink of disaster with their hyperbole, half truths and poorly contrived statistics.

Oh the irony....
30 Nov 2005
very clever flip flopping by Cameron, extremely well played.

No one was expecting him to give an honest answers, given he spent the whole run up to the referendum lying.

"Last Friday morning was amazing! I woke up in my Union Jack jim-jams to the sound of a squadron of Spitfires racing overhead and leaving a trail of hot buttered crumpets behind them

TBF that would be pretty cool.

If anything I'm more convinced now than before that it's not set in stone.

If Boris remains in hiding or does turn out to have no plan as to what to do, who is the pro-leave leader they're going to look to?

They need someone to lead on it or it won't happen.

We need the elected government to enact the will of the people & lead on it. Because they haven't got the result they wanted it doesn't absolve them of the responsibility of doing the jobs we elected & pay them to do.

I'm sitting here and thinking... WOW this is a massive mess! :o

tbh I think the country would've been better off without this referendum.

You could be right. But I certainly voted on something I was very uncomfortable with in TTIP, I'd hate not to have a say on that coming to fruition.
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15 Oct 2005
People are looking far too short term, this decision isn't about today it's about how the country stands in 10 / 20 years time.

The European market has been in decline for years with only a slight increase seen recently but for how long who knows. The real opportunities now lie in Eastern markets such as China and India, I've seen this in my line of work where premium products which were once designed for western markets are being made to suit Eastern tastes.

We will be in a far stronger position to deal with these countries outside the EU

I've got to totally disagree. Yes there's plenty of new money in China and emerging markets, I'm sure we'll punt plenty of Range Rovers but the Eastern markets have been in borderline recession for years, China is barely staving it off with massing currency manipulations. Others are so intrinsically linked to the EU/US that they are also on rocky foundations.

Furthermore what makes you think the UK alone (5th largest) is in a stronger position to negotiate with China then the EU (1st/2nd combined)?
30 Mar 2004
Who's that? The person that has had to sell it to pay for life saving surgery when TTIP came into being?

We're better protected against a TTIP-style agreement from within the EU, tbh. Most of the other countries are against it. Not so much the Tories, who will most likely be in charge when it's time to renegotiate our trade agreement with the USA.
23 Oct 2002
The chances of a TTIP style relationship with the US are likely higher out than in.

Fraid so. A lot of anti-TTIP has come from Germany. With the UK desperate to get some trade deal they might grab this without looking too carefully. Then they will have foreign companies deciding instead of foreign countries as at present.
7 Feb 2015
South West
No problem with free movement of people personally but I don't think in work benefits should be available the second they arrive it's pointless anyone coming here or anywhere else if they have to claim straight away.

The bolded part is a major problem with a lot of remain people from more affluent areas. They don't and have never had to experience the problems with the recession head on, nor have they had to deal with high levels of immigration in their areas.
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