Brexit thread - what happens next

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Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Well at least until we've negotiated our deals so at least a couple of years. The leavers who aren't racists, knew that this wasn't going to be a quick fix. It was always for the long term.
20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Yes, with the way things are looking it could be france or italy. More likely italy. And if one of those two left it would put a huge dent in the EU's budget and bargaining power.

Yeah...looking at what is happening here you really think their government would have a referendum?

Look!!! GB's economy is falling and falling, they lost their credit rating, they have no plans to get it back on track, let's join them!
6 Sep 2011
Those that voted leave didn't vote for a delay in getting a conservative into the position of leader and prime minister. Everyone knew it was likely to be a fairly close result from the polls so it seems remiss of the government not to have been better prepared with a plan b.

I somewhat agree.... but i think the leave campaign should have responsibility too. Why should they get away scott free. They should have explained to their voters that although we have that £350 million per week we would "likely have to spend that proping up our economy and taking a hit on the interest rates"

Because now you have a bunch of voters who thought nothing much would happen, and some thought we would be better off.
18 Oct 2002
Well at least until we've negotiated our deals so at least a couple of years. The leavers who aren't racists, knew that this wasn't going to be a quick fix. It was always for the long term.

If things are fixed in two years by general consensus then I will donate half of the average daily UK wage to a charity of your choice. Carve this into a stone if you like.
12 Jan 2009
And they are in that situation becasue of being in the EU and having taken the EURO, they can't adjust their currency to help their economy. which is another major reason why they would want to leave. As getting back the lira is something they can't do now that they are part of the european economic zone.

Their economy has been mishandled in 1000 different ways. Italy and Berlusconi were The Economist's favourite punch bag for years.
7 Feb 2015
South West
Yeah...looking at what is happening here you really think their government would have a referendum?

Look!!! GB's economy is falling and falling, they lost their credit rating, they have no plans to get it back on track, let's join them!

They are in such a position becasue they cannot adjust their currency due to being in the European economic zone and having to use the Euro. And getting back the Lira once having joined the EEZ is never going to happen.

We were right to keep the pound and the EU is stagnating due to the EEZ.
11 Mar 2005
Leafy Cheshire
And they are in that situation becasue of being in the EU and having taken the EURO, they can't adjust their currency to help their economy. which is another major reason why they would want to leave. As getting back the lira is something they can't do now that they are part of the european economic zone.

Resurrecting a currency and printing money to try and start getting rid of your debt whilst trying to negotiate trade deals without the country collapsing, good luck i say, it seems to be hard enough without the Euro.

Yeah...looking at what is happening here you really think their government would have a referendum?

Look!!! GB's economy is falling and falling, they lost their credit rating, they have no plans to get it back on track, let's join them!

Indeed, however could the government of another country really stay in power if the call for a vote got loud enough?

I feel one way to be saved is for another country to jump off the bandwagon, Netherlands might be the most likely.
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Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
If things are fixed in two years by general consensus then I will donate half of the average daily UK wage to a charity of your choice. Carve this into a stone if you like.

I didn't mean things will be all sunshine and rainbows in 2 years, I meant that we'll start to see if the benefits are, if any, that are available to us

But yeah I'll hold you to that
21 Oct 2012
London/S Korea
Looking on the daily mail, readers are angry at david cameron for not having a plan.
Whilst I somewhat agree, this is something I would have asked the leave campaign before. I would have asked - how are we going to spend that £350 million when the economy takes a hit. How are we going to afford much when our credit rating takes a hit. How are we going to help those deprived areas of the uk when we are bailing out our economy.

Why have none of the leave voters asked this questions to there campaign leaders??!

He did have a plan. Resign and force a general election. The next leader needs a mandate and needs a general election to do that.
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