Brexit thread - what happens next

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17 Feb 2006
Remain over exaggerated and told lies also.

Both campaigns were about manipulating the public, rather than presenting facts. Both sides showed willing to lie and spin.

But many, many voters cast their vote based on something intangible, or on a particular soundbite they'd been fed, or on their personal like/dislike of the current govt.

I'm sure they choose idiots to interview on TV, and thus it isn't representative. But if you want to lose a couple brain cells, and choose to watch the TV coverage being shown atm, all the interviewees are pretty much all saying the same thing. "I'm not happy with my own personal circumstances; I dislike politicians, so I voted out."

None of them knew the first thing about the EU, or had any clue about the consequences of leaving it. They'd either bought the sound-bites they'd been fed, or they just wanted to stick two fingers up to the government.
26 Dec 2011
City of London
none Fluently

but learning a language small fish compared to other issues

especially if you work for a multi-national company

Why would there be more issues if you worked for a multi national company? Surely there would be less? I work for a multi national and if I wanted to move I'd just look on the internal job board. I'm sending this post from a lovely sunny bar on the west coast of the US where I'm working for a couple of weeks but I wouldn't want to live here permanently.

And talking as someone who did move to another country for some years and could easily move again if I wanted I wondered which country you would consider moving to and why? Surely there is more to emigrating than being embarrassed about a referendum?
3 Jul 2008
Remain over exaggerated and told lies also.

Not all of us voted on a 350 million figure. My reasons was for nation sovereignty.

Wish the remainers would stop whinging and trying to excuse the result in any **** way they can and start trying to move the country forwards.

We had a lucky escape imo.

Yes you're right. The Remain campaign behaved very poorly too, with constant negativity, scaremongering and threats. They completely failed to highlight the many positive benefits of being part of the EU and tried to bully the electorate, which was always going to fail.

The whole referendum was a total shambles of lies, deceit, threats and scaremongering on all sides. For a country to take such a huge step as leaving the EU on the back of such a campaign is a huge mistake.

We cannot move this country forwards until someone steps up to actually lead us forwards with a plan / manifesto. How on earth can we have voted for something as a nation that no-one seems to have a clue how to actually enact?

At this time we have no effective government and a power vacuum until the Tories choose a new leader in October who may or may not press the button on Article 50.
19 Feb 2010
Given that Scotland voted mostly to stay in the EU and England (apart from London) didn't, I suspect the SNP will use this to push for yet another referendum to try and take Scotland out of the UK.

If THAT happens.... I wonder if Scotland would try to get back into the EU on its own?

What currency will Scotland use, as the pound has already been ruled out?

It looks like they'd have to adopt the Euro seeing as they wouldn't have a rational argument for a "native" currency - rolling out a new Scottish Pound would be expensive.

A newly independent Scotland in the Euro would not have control over interest rates or the value of its currency. Without even going into acepting EU supremacy over law and other matters, it suddenly doesn't sound so appealing or independent to me!



28 Jul 2010
The ruling class have essentially conned the working class into voting to keep the ruling class in power, simultaneously ****ing the working class... like they've been doing for decades. This vote has instigated austerity, it's allowed the ruling class a free reign and to totally take the ****.

I read today that the Tees area, between 2008 and 2013, has received £40m in EU infrastructure investments. Indeed, in the 80's the EU decided to invest in the area and Thatcher threw her toys out the pram when the EU wanted to give the money directly to the NE instead of to her in London to distribute. How on earth do the regions think this or the next government will invest in them. They've barely done it beforehand, now we're going to have less money floating around, why would they invest more?

Your point is.... a different ruling class to our own ruling class ?

I have just took this snippet from Wikipedia regarding the current EU head honcho....

" In early November 2014, just days after becoming head of the commission, Juncker was hit by media disclosures—derived from a document leak known as LuxLeaks—that Luxembourg under his premiership had turned into a major European centre of corporate tax avoidance. With the aid of the Luxembourg government, companies transferred tax liability for many billions of euros to Luxembourg, where the income was taxed at a fraction of 1%. Juncker, who in a speech in Brussels in July 2014 promised to "try to put some morality, some ethics, into the European tax landscape", was sharply criticized following the leaks.[53] A subsequent motion of censure in the European parliament was brought against Juncker over his role in the tax avoidance schemes. The motion was defeated by a large majority.[54] "

So you see, we have zero control or accountability to these people.... But your happy to hand your future to them ?

Sorry something stinks in the EU and aside from London and the foolish Scots (they need EU money and is a Greece waiting to happen)
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
I'm back baby!
Why would there be more issues if you worked for a multi national company? Surely there would be less? I work for a multi national and if I wanted to move I'd just look on the internal job board. I'm sending this post from a lovely sunny bar on the west coast of the US where I'm working for a couple of weeks but I wouldn't want to live here permanently.

And talking as someone who did move to another country for some years and could easily move again if I wanted I wondered which country you would consider moving to and why? Surely there is more to emigrating than being embarrassed about a referendum?

I think he was saying it would be easier...
20 Aug 2006
Why would there be more issues if you worked for a multi national company? Surely there would be less? I work for a multi national and if I wanted to move I'd just look on the internal job board. I'm sending this post from a lovely sunny bar on the west coast of the US where I'm working for a couple of weeks but I wouldn't want to live here permanently.

And talking as someone who did move to another country for some years and could easily move again if I wanted I wondered which country you would consider moving to and why? Surely there is more to emigrating than being embarrassed about a referendum?

I meant LESS issues if you work for a multi national company - as as you have said you just look at internal vacancies
22 Nov 2003
so our only hope is for the whole of the EU to collapse

we'll then end up with even less trade


Nah, what I am saying is the EU is not there to wield its power in a tyrannical manner and make an example out of us. It's there to facilitate a working union between its members, and to create good partnerships with those outside.
14 Nov 2002
Under the Hill
What I took from the televised debates in recent weeks was the the remain supporters were doing their best to come across as obnoxious and condescending. How can you ever have hope to convert people when you were disrespecting them so vocally?

I am now interested in when (or if) Article 50 will be triggered. I think Cameron has made his last and only play in forcing the next PM to do the dirty job. This puts the Conservatives in a tricky position as their next leader will most likely call a general election. An opportunity will arise for the opposition to pledge not to trigger Article 50. If they were to win on that basis then they could claim a mandate from the people.

The reality is that there are so many variable it is all conjecture at this point. The sooner the Conservatives resolve their leadership issue the better for us all.



28 Jul 2010
Both campaigns were about manipulating the public, rather than presenting facts. Both sides showed willing to lie and spin.

But many, many voters cast their vote based on something intangible, or on a particular soundbite they'd been fed, or on their personal like/dislike of the current govt.

I'm sure they choose idiots to interview on TV, and thus it isn't representative. But if you want to lose a couple brain cells, and choose to watch the TV coverage being shown atm, all the interviewees are pretty much all saying the same thing. "I'm not happy with my own personal circumstances; I dislike politicians, so I voted out."

None of them knew the first thing about the EU, or had any clue about the consequences of leaving it. They'd either bought the sound-bites they'd been fed, or they just wanted to stick two fingers up to the government.

I Know a great deal about the EU thanks very much, again a sweeping generalisation thinking "you know best" as the EU is what I wanted.....

There was hundreds of informative articles/videos on the vote putting the entire vote down to BBC news/ Daily fail/Sun/ Guardian is short sighted and not true. So please drop the facade. Its over deal with it, or move out.
7 Aug 2003
Nah, what I am saying is the EU is not there to wield its power in a tyrannical manner and make an example out of us. It's there to facilitate a working union between its members, and to create good partnerships with those outside.
Sadly, when those in power at the EU talk about the EU project, you know that they have an end game (Federal Europe) that they are working towards. Nothing will change that whilst the EU exists in it's current form.
29 Jan 2008
You only need B1 level German to get German citizenship. And if you're married to a German you can get it in three years. Why, yes, we have looked it up, why do you ask?

If you really want an EU passport then you can move to Portugal under the golden visa scheme

or if you're a bit wealthier you can buy full on citizenship via Malta or Cyprus
11 Aug 2009
Your point is.... a different ruling class to our own ruling class ?

I have just took this snippet from Wikipedia regarding the current EU head honcho....

" In early November 2014, just days after becoming head of the commission, Juncker was hit by media disclosures—derived from a document leak known as LuxLeaks—that Luxembourg under his premiership had turned into a major European centre of corporate tax avoidance. With the aid of the Luxembourg government, companies transferred tax liability for many billions of euros to Luxembourg, where the income was taxed at a fraction of 1%. Juncker, who in a speech in Brussels in July 2014 promised to "try to put some morality, some ethics, into the European tax landscape", was sharply criticized following the leaks.[53] A subsequent motion of censure in the European parliament was brought against Juncker over his role in the tax avoidance schemes. The motion was defeated by a large majority.[54] "

So you see, we have zero control or accountability to these people.... But your happy to hand your future to them ?

Sorry something stinks in the EU and aside from London and the foolish Scots (they need EU money and is a Greece waiting to happen)

If we're in the EU a buoyant UK is good for the EU. They're not going to try to screw us for the sake of it. A Tory party won't have to account to anyone until the next generation. They've not given a **** about the North East, amongst other areas, why do you think they'll give a **** now?

London is going to be fine - we're net. The regions are ****ed, despite the fact that London (and a few other marginally altruistic regions) voted to retain absolutely necessary investment, the regions decided to back out. It's so absolutely mindless imo - turkeys voting for Christmas.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Aftermath of Brexit...

2nd referendum

So they say there should be a 2nd referendum because the winner had less than 60% and the turnout was less than 75%. So what happens if there is another referendum and that one doesnt win with 60+% and a 75+% , have a 3rd referendum? And a 4th? And a 5th? And a 6th? Is the complaint of all the undersigned truly that there wasnt 60% and 75%, or is the truth that their complaint is that they didnt get the result they wanted?
21 Jan 2003
Aftermath of Brexit...

2nd referendum

"We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based a turnout less than 75% there should be another referendum."

Guy starts a petition and can't even proof read what he's written, "based a turnout" :confused:

Secondly, what he's proposing doesn't make sense, "if the remain or leave vote is less than 60%", well obviously irrespective of the overall outcome one side will be less than 60%. What he presumably meant was one side had to win by a 10% margin.

Thirdly, the recent turnout was 73% with months of publicity/campaigning. A second referendum won't meet his 75% target, so the leave vote still stands.

But goes to show what remainers will blindly sign their name to with no real thought, a tad hypocritical given their views on leavers. :p
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