Brexit thread - what happens next

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5 Jul 2005
We don't even know what "Brexit means Brexit" really means. We don't yet know what the governmentis truly aiming for. Is it full Brexit, Brexit Lite or some kind of "sorry but this is the best we can do" kludge where we muddle through in true British omnishambles fashion?

High fibre brexit, 'cos they're full of **** :p
17 Feb 2006
Where's the appeal in 'jettisoning' London?

From the point of view of a region (by no means the only one) where the net flow of money is *out* of the region; where housing stock is bought up by Londoners to rent out to locals; that the London-based government has neglected since records began...

London is a bubble. The government lives in that bubble, and its interests are London's interests. The entire rest of the UK is something to tax and draw from, in order to enrich London.

London first, London last, the rest of us get the scraps. *And* we're supposed to be grateful for the "city" and the wealth it allegedly provides.

But how, and why, when they extract more from a region than comes back in investment, should we care for London at all? Or its glorious ever-present banking cartels...

Nah, screw London. They can quite happily sod off and be part of the great EU federation.
15 May 2006
Musician and front man of the pop group Queen, Freddie Mercury (1946-1991), was born to Zoroastrian Indian parents in present-day Tanzania. His birth name was Farrokh Bulsara. At the time, the country was a British protectorate known as the Sultanate of Zanzibar. Freddie’s family fled to the UK during the Zanzibar Revolution in 1964, during which widespread violence was targeted at the Asian and Arab population.
15 May 2006
Co-founder of Marks & Spencer, Michael Marks, was born in 1859 in Slonim, present day Belarus, which was then part of the Russian Empire. He fled to England in 1882 following large-scale, anti-Semitic violence and rioting against Jewish communities, known as pogroms.
11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
The entire rest of the UK is something to tax and draw from, in order to enrich London.

London first, London last, the rest of us get the scraps. *And* we're supposed to be grateful for the "city" and the wealth it allegedly provides.

But how, and why, when they extract more from a region than comes back in investment, should we care for London at all? Or its glorious ever-present banking cartels...

Nah, screw London. They can quite happily sod off and be part of the great EU federation.

I was curious about your comments so did a little digging around. London does receive a smaller proportion of public money than it contributes to the economy through tax:

You've probably seen these:

15 May 2006

For weeks, Macedonia has blocked passage into its territory for thousands of mainly Middle Eastern refugees seeking entry into Europe. The Macedonian government has said they cannot take the strain, echoing statements made by other European politicians. “The migrant crisis threatens Europe’s soul,” says the Italian Foreign Minister. But what about the refugees themselves? This film is a journey with the refugees from Macedonia through Serbia to find out how hard life is on the road, often with the sick and with children: this migration is of epic proportions.

Originally, mostly from Syria, they are fleeing war largely fuelled by the West and are trying to reach Hungary, an EU member. Refugees are currently desperate to get into Hungary as soon as possible, as time is running out. Hungary is building a four-meter high fence along its borders. Hungarian Prime Minster Viktor Orban has likened refugees to terrorists and does not want them to pass through his country. Orban has been condemned for his unsympathetic treatment, but is Europe acting any differently?
8 Oct 2009
United Kingdom
Should Scotland leave the UK and join the EU?. Surely a Scottish independence vote, Brexit vote, and rhetoric of Scotland blocking the Brexit vote is evidence enough we should be going our seperate ways.
14 Feb 2004
Peoples Republic of Histonia, Cambridge
What are you going to do, Stretch?

I don't actually believe I'll need to do much. There are many high hurdles to jump before Brexit becomes a reality, and I'll be just another voice in the court of public opinion making sure the government needs to jump them all, and cheering on when they fall.

Then calling for an election, or a vote in parliament.
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30 Jun 2007
If you dont know then dont worry about it and ignore my post.

that the actions of one or two individuals should be used to judge groups of thousands in their entirety?

cause so far if we use your logic we should judge all these refugees quite negatively given they have gone on to massacre innocents not found shops or sire sexually liberal front men.

see why your logic is stupid?
17 Feb 2006
I was curious about your comments so did a little digging around. London does receive a smaller proportion of public money than it contributes to the economy through tax:

You've probably seen these:


Maybe it does; maybe that by itself doesn't mean a whole lot. Not all the tax revenue comes back into the system, some of it leaves to go to Brussels, etc. And the money we get back from the EU won't be counted as money that originated as UK tax revenue...

But look at stuff like this:

London getting 24x the amount spent per head on infrastructure.

There is absolutely no doubt that the entire country is run primarily for the benefit of London. No doubt in my mind at all.
15 May 2006
that the actions of one or two individuals should be used to judge groups of thousands in their entirety?

cause so far if we use your logic we should judge all these refugees quite negatively given they have gone on to massacre innocents not found shops or sire sexually liberal front men.

see why your logic is stupid?

You have no clue too so best you ignore my post
3 Jul 2008
From the point of view of a region (by no means the only one) where the net flow of money is *out* of the region; where housing stock is bought up by Londoners to rent out to locals; that the London-based government has neglected since records began...

London is a bubble. The government lives in that bubble, and its interests are London's interests. The entire rest of the UK is something to tax and draw from, in order to enrich London.

London first, London last, the rest of us get the scraps. *And* we're supposed to be grateful for the "city" and the wealth it allegedly provides.

But how, and why, when they extract more from a region than comes back in investment, should we care for London at all? Or its glorious ever-present banking cartels...

Nah, screw London. They can quite happily sod off and be part of the great EU federation.

You're right about the London bubble and how our political elite are blinded by it and have totally lost contact with the issues affecting wider Britain.

But how do you think Brexit will change any of this?

Most of the problems associated with London's dominance weren't caused by the EU, but by successive UK governments. This isn't going to change post Brexit.

Do you really think a London-centric UK government will replace all the EU money that has been directed towards development funds for poorer areas, agriculture and fisheries, all of which don't benefit London? Or the EU money directed to science and research, much of it conducted outside London?

Do you really believe that any overseas investment into UK business will not continue to be dominated by London and other metropolitan areas post Brexit?

I totally get the protest vote component of the Leave campaign against the Westminster political elite, but sadly I feel that people wrongly scapegoated the EU in all this and in the long term Brexit will actually make the very problems people are angry about worse, not better. Still, once the EU can no longer be the scapegoat perhaps voters will focus on the real causes and then there might be genuine change. But until then, Brexit won't be delivering it.
14 Feb 2004
Peoples Republic of Histonia, Cambridge
Most of the problems associated with London's dominance weren't caused by the EU, but by successive UK governments. This isn't going to change post Brexit.

Do you really think a London-centric UK government will replace all the EU money that has been directed towards development funds for poorer areas, agriculture and fisheries, all of which don't benefit London? Or the EU money directed to science and research, much of it conducted outside London?

Do you really believe that any overseas investment into UK business will not continue to be dominated by London and other metropolitan areas post Brexit?

I totally get the protest vote component of the Leave campaign against the Westminster political elite, but sadly I feel that people wrongly scapegoated the EU in all this and in the long term Brexit will actually make the very problems people are angry about worse, not better. Still, once the EU can no longer be the scapegoat perhaps voters will focus on the real causes and then there might be genuine change. But until then, Brexit won't be delivering it.

Or that the much touted free trade deals we (might possibly) sign with India and China, won't flood the country with cheap manufactured imports, at the expense of our manufacturing base, but to the benefit or our finance and service sectors which are predominantly based in... you guessed it.

The government didn't mind selling UK steal down the river to keep China onside. One can only imagine what the future might hold.
Last edited:
27 Dec 2009
Still, once the EU can no longer be the scapegoat perhaps voters will focus on the real causes and then there might be genuine change. But until then, Brexit won't be delivering it.

In your dreams.

Assuming Brexit ever goes ahead, any future problems will ALWAYS be the fault of the EU, immigrants, Remain voters etc.
15 Jan 2005

For weeks, Macedonia has blocked passage into its territory for thousands of mainly Middle Eastern refugees seeking entry into Europe. The Macedonian government has said they cannot take the strain, echoing statements made by other European politicians. “The migrant crisis threatens Europe’s soul,” says the Italian Foreign Minister. But what about the refugees themselves? This film is a journey with the refugees from Macedonia through Serbia to find out how hard life is on the road, often with the sick and with children: this migration is of epic proportions.

Originally, mostly from Syria, they are fleeing war largely fuelled by the West and are trying to reach Hungary, an EU member. Refugees are currently desperate to get into Hungary as soon as possible, as time is running out. Hungary is building a four-meter high fence along its borders. Hungarian Prime Minster Viktor Orban has likened refugees to terrorists and does not want them to pass through his country. Orban has been condemned for his unsympathetic treatment, but is Europe acting any differently?

Wow I hate Brexit now.
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