this game is ****ing me off! I hate how its the norm to release an unfinished game these days, disgusting. You don't sell a half built TV and then send the rest of the parts at a completely random time during the first week.
Anyone get a FPS increase on ATI cards with the patch they just released about 20 minutes ago? Just had a quick shot and mostly staying at 60 FPS except some minor jerking due to texture loading, that's with everything on including shadows and AA.
Anyone get a FPS increase on ATI cards with the patch they just released about 20 minutes ago? Just had a quick shot and mostly staying at 60 FPS except some minor jerking due to texture loading, that's with everything on including shadows and AA.

I'm getting super high FPS and had it before patch. Have you disabled shadows?
Just incase some of you guys don't know, the FPS is capped at 30 in single player even though Fraps or what ever you use will show higher, but MP is NOT capped!

Bloody annoying about the sound cutting out randomly in games though >.<
My experience is the same as everyone else's terrible frame rate in single player better but not perfect in multiplayer. Sound issues and slow server menu. having said all that I do believe there is a great game in there I just wonder if they used beta testers as it's obviously unfinished.
I rolled back to 11.2 drivers, and the fps is better, but thats with no special video effects and shadows turned off. My PC should be able to run this game flawlessly, new patch didn't do ****. Its playable, 60fps now, which drops to 30 in big areas. Sighhhhhh
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