Went from around 6k peak near release date to around 300 people peak to now 10k peak during free weekend promotion.

Its sad as this game did have monumental potential but somehow someone messed it up. I think their biggest mistake was trying to please PC and console crowd at the same time and both were left miserably disappointed.

What someone messed up was releasing the game early.

A quote from them was on the lines of "The game is done, so why shouldn't we release it early?", which was then met by an extremely buggy experience for Xbox 360 players and people with AMD cards. This lead to a massive wide spread amount of bad press from the gaming community giving it shockingly bad and under rated scores which it didn't deserve, and lead to not many buying it and it dying off fast.

The game was fun in its own right, but it died rather quickly.
No mate, its not even worth 5 quid. I wish i had someone to tell me this before i got it. Im still bitter about the fact i bought it for full price when it was released :(
I'd forgotten about it completely, went to look on Steam stats and it's not even in the top 100, says it all really, my worst game of 2011, massive flop.
The game had massive potential but failed miserably at tapping in to it. Its maps were all horribly unbalanced and gave huge advantages to the defenders. It gave lots of customisation, some of which for some stupid reason was permanent and then slapped you on the hand by preventing you from really customising anything during a game.

It was a game that couldn't figure out what it wanted to be. It offered a lot with 1 hand and restricted it with the other.

But yes, it says it all that its not even in the top 100 now which means less than 300 people playing. I'd be surprised if they even bothered with DLC.
is there a single player experience with this game at all, like story etc?
im downloading the demo atm as its free to play over the weekend, is it still not worth bothering with at £5?
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