Britain secures agreement to join Indo-Pacific trade bloc

Forget voter ID we should really be focussing on voter IQ
I agree in some ways, but careful as it rapidly spins into justifying an intellectual elite deciding what is best for everyone. Democracy is supposed to prevent any one group dictating to others, be that due to wealth/status/intelligence etc. There is however a fundamental problem with allowing dim wits to vote in ways of national self-harm and for people in power to thus follow a non-binding advisory vote without challenging it, even when electoral commissions state the vote would be deemed void were it a binding vote, due to IIRC manipulation and coercive factors such as Cambridge Analytica and a failure to follow electoral spending requirements by the leave campaign amongst others.
And because we democratically voted to leave, part of that vote outcome was to set up trade deals like this.

Thats not how this works. The vote in 2016 was about the EU. CPTPP is something completely sepaerate and just because of 1 vote doesnt automatically mean its carte blanche for anymore. There is precedent on this.
I dont care, i was replying about your assertion we had a referendum on joining CPTPP when the UK hasnt

Don't deflect, you know the answer.

My assertion was that the trade deal is an outcome of the referendum that we did have.

If you did care and answered with honesty, you'd know that.
Lol climate change activists - whatever..
What you forget is that these activists have a disproportionate influence. I remember being at an Oil and gas conference in Aberdeen in the 80's. A guy with the biggest balls I've ever seen stood up there promoting climate change and the need to reduce oil consumption. He was just one voice but 40 years later look where we are.

A deal like this, with a significant carbon footprint, might look good now but if enough pressure is brought to bear the politicians will cave.

Good is still a relative term. I give away £4 in return for £0.08. You can't spend "potential".
Don't deflect, you know the answer.

My assertion was that the trade deal is an outcome of the referendum that we did have.

If you did care and answered with honesty, you'd know that.
No. I corrected you about the referendum, that the UK has not had a vote on joining the CPTPP. Anything else is exclusively from you alone.
Wierd. I took a look at the Wikipedia page, any idea how true this is CPTPP experts?

I don't want to lose any of that sovereignty we've worked so hard to take back :(


Economist José Gabriel Palma has criticized the treaty for severely restricting the sovereignty of the signatories.[151] Signatories are subject to international courts and have restrictions on what their state-owned enterprises can do.[152] According to Palma the treaty makes it difficult for countries to implement policies aimed to diversify exports thus becoming a so-called middle income trap.[151] Palma also accuses that the treaty is reinforcing unequal relations by being drafted to reflect the laws of the United States.[152]
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