Britans Youngest Mum to be (12years old)

Matblack said:
They are not cheap, I think about £1500 per unit which includes the PC link/ programing unit, the babies themselves are quite amazing and they are linked to a wrist band so that only the designated user can care for them, they have lots of sensors to monitor for abuse and when returned produce an acurate time line detailing all significant events during the duration of care. We now have 4 at our centre and they are used a lot.


Just out of interest what work are you involved in?

thing is yes 1500 is a lot but in the scheme of things, for the government, it would be a pretty good investment. I think a letter may be heading to my local MP to see what can be done along side the work I will be doing come sept!
jezsoup said:
Just out of interest what work are you involved in?

thing is yes 1500 is a lot but in the scheme of things, for the government, it would be a pretty good investment. I think a letter may be heading to my local MP to see what can be done along side the work I will be doing come sept!

I work part time for the Youth Service and full time for Connexions. Speak to your local Connexions office first as they maybe able to put you in touch with a local program which has the hardware already.

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goldilocks said:
yes they should be
but it's easy to understand how mistakes are made
my cousin (now 13) has looked older than me for a couple years - she's tall, nicely built and 'dresses up' a lot more than i do.
plus if you're a young drinker out with a lot of older friends, you don't need to have i.d to 'be in a family pub' etc...

but is the underage drinking really the issue here?
i'd say not
underage drinking does not always = underage pregnancy
there has to be other factors, family, upbringing, education, down right stupidity etc...

pegnancy, underage drinking, smoking is the result not the cause.
the cause is the mother. the unfortunate thing is the kid didn't have a chance from the begining.
Again whats this world coming to :( baby at 12 is stupid beyond belief, her comments of smoking are again stupid beyond belief, as is her mother letting her, I dont know who to blame here, maybe there SO uneducated and THAT stupid (iq in the single numbers area) they dont think its doing anything, but her comment on smoking suggests shes aware that smoking damages a baby, absolute idiot poor baby :(
It's absolutely crazy. The "proud mum" thing shocks me most. Of course a good parent ought to, after being duly horrified, supportive and helpful, but she certainly shouldn't be proud!

At 19 I can't even imagine myself being a parent, I don't think I'd want it to happen for at least 10 years or so, I can't possibly understand what's going through these people's minds.
jezsoup said:
And how much money is she going to recieve over the next few years in benifits? She shouldnt get any and her parents (plus the lads) shoudl be forced to pay fully and support the mother and new baby.


Odd you havea go and express outrage at a paper for covering a story when, really, the problem is a stupid girl getting pregnant.

"idiots" was directed at the girl, bloke & families actually :)
Xpander said:
That makes zero sense. I guess then that other papers/websites which feature the story are equally rubbish?

no - but i guess the others will cover it as a small story as they have more important / pressing headlines to print that actually effect people.
She said: “I can give up smoking at any time, but I don’t find it affects my pregnancy. I also don’t drink any more.”

oh my god jesus christ what the ****
It doesn't surprise me the old saying "Old enough to bleed old enough to breed" and all that.

The question you have to ask is why is it becoming more common? Why do we hear about it so often? Why does Britain reportedly have the highest teen pregnancy ratio in Europe?

I think its because there is no shame any more, we have stripped discipline away from parents and teachers and anyone else of authority, there is no responsibility taken by anyone.

15+ years ago a teenage pregnancy would be covered up by the family. The child in question (the mum) would be kept out of sight for a while, dressed up in baggy cloths and would probably become ill for 3 months with "Glandular Fever" the parents (grandparents now) would then start letting people know that they are expecting another child.
Now the first thing they think of is making a couple of quid selling the story. No shame what so ever.

15+ years ago if as a boy you went home and told your parents you got some 11 year old knocked up your dad would have kicked seven shades of **** out of you. Then send you round to the girls house to have her father and brothers kick a further 9 shades out of you, each. No such occurrence happens now.

15+ years ago there was not a benefits system which made it so bloody easy to get support for this sort of behaviour. A house, and an income, for what having a baby? I'm having a kid shortly, why cant I have a house and another income. Surely I deserve it more I pay taxes and have done for the past 8 years.
There is no comeuppance or perceived downside to underage pregnancy, it gets you out of school and having to work ever in life. In fact its almost a good idea to get pregnant.

In my mind underage pregnancy is the same as neglect. If your child gets pregnant, you as a parent should be punished. At the least all your child benefits should be taken away. The parents (grandparents) should also be legally responsible for both their child and grandchild until the grandchild is 18. That way there is no need for council housing for the two children. The girl should be made to name the father and a paternity test is confirmed. The father then should at the age of 16 be made to get a real job and pay support or go to jail for sex with a minor.

The only way to deal with this is to make it seem so unattractive to be a young parent that children think twice about having sex
give the power back to the perents/teachers, its time.
kids now KNOW that they can't be realy punished by anyone so they do what they want.
Bennah said:
Just read down a little more...

Wtf were the doctors doing then? Surely the Doctors tests are better than they Clear Blue things you get from a Supermarket or Chemist ?

They're not, actually. When my wife fell pregnant - confirmed by a home test, we went to the doctor and told her. When I asked if the doctor would do a test toconfirm it she said there was no point, as their tests were no more accurate than shop bought ones....
robmiller said:
She said: “I can give up smoking at any time, but I don’t find it affects my pregnancy. I also don’t drink any more.”

oh my god jesus christ what the ****

Yup, clearly at the age of 11 she knows everything :)
Yup. Jordan had a similar attitude though before her baby was born - with serious health problems!

Sadly a lot of young, uneducated women seriously dont give a **** about their kid and think the doctors know nothing and they can carry on smoking etc.

Clearly this girl has no aspirations in life at all and knows only one thing - other peoples tax money will look after them when they have a baby and no job.
D4VE said:
Yup. Jordan had a similar attitude though before her baby was born - with serious health problems!

Sadly a lot of young, uneducated women seriously dont give a **** about their kid and think the doctors know nothing and they can carry on smoking etc.

Clearly this girl has no aspirations in life at all and knows only one thing - other peoples tax money will look after them when they have a baby and no job.

maybe we should stop funding people like this? but then the only person to suffer would be the child, posably turning the mother to drugs/prostitution etc.

its hard to know what the right thing is.
maybe putting the child up for manditory adoption is the best option, you can't tell me its better than being brought up by an 12 year old who smokes 20 a day?
What is this country coming to? I can understand the fact that her own mum is helping her, but being proud about the fact that her 12 year old daughter is going to have a baby. :rolleyes: I don't think many mothers would be especially watching her pregnant daughter continue to smoke 20 cigarettes a day despite carrying a living person inside her. Really sickening. Only the Sun would cover a story like this in the style they have published it. They may condemn it, but I'm sure they paid that family a bit of money to interview them...

Some people....
Good grief. My first child is due in 6 weeks and I'm 24 and scared as anything about how I'm going to cope. How on earth are you supposed to handle a child at age 12 for goodness sake? It's also sickening that she'll get money thrown at her to pay for stuff. The wife and I have been scavenging second hand baby kit left, right and centre because we can barely afford a thing. Yay.

I think it's fair to predict that the child will grow up the same as her mother, and by the sounds of it her mother before her. Social mobility? Do me a favour.
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vonhelmet said:
I think it's fair to predict that the child will grow up the same as her mother, and by the sounds of it her other before her. Social mobility? Do me a favour.

Do you know what's even scarier, when she is your age, her daughter will be 12. :eek:
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