jezsoup said:
Just out of interest MB what do you think should be done to tackle this problem?
Do you think I have a solution to a problem that governments have been trying to solve for years?
It kinda bugs me that people come on here and give a two line solution to a complex issue which people have been working on solving for ages and still not made a huge dent in.
To improve this situation I believe there are a number of tactics which can make a difference but they are not solutions
DECENT sex education - not just the birds and the bees but a proper PSHE ciriculum which instills the impact of a child on the life of both parents. Recently we have been using 'cyber babies' with children at risk of teenage pregnancy and this seems to be helping, its an expensive initative though.
Better Parenting - I beleive there has been a reduction in parenting skills over recent years but I am usure how to address this. Parents need to take responsibility for their children and know where they are
Constructive opertunities for children - Increase the amount of youth work taking place in the more neglected areas to provide constructive activities for children who are bored.
Publicity of what welfare actually gives a teenage mother- Most would be very very suprised if they did the research as to how little a teenage mother can expect from the state, the people who would be most suprised would be the teenage mothers themselves who did not investigate before the decided it was a viable career path, it isn't and most will be on the bread line for life if they don't couple it with some form of work.
College places for single parents - there is still a problem with teenage parents continuing their education and if we want them to be productive citizens we need to give them opertunity.
Protection of individual teenage parents from being victinised by the press; children need to be protected and exploiting a child for headline news when it is not in the public interest is wrong even if their mother sells the story.
Thats just a few ideas, there is a huge amount more I would like to see but as you can tell it will cost money and you won't find many people who will vote for a party who will increase spending and put taxes up so theres minimal chances of you seeing many of them happen.