Britans Youngest Mum to be (12years old)

Tenner says that the girl will have another kid soon after this.

Ohh and whoever said that idealy, the pub should be shut down, parents procecuted for neglegency as the girl and boy, I actually agree with that.

Lets face it, unless they are made an example of, and made extremely well known to everyone below 16, the kids of now might actually think of what would happen to them.

The best way to get any message across to kids are shock tactics frankly. Heck shock them hard enough so that they don't take a step outside the house :p
pyro said:
My guess it has to do with the time she did the test. When you do get tested they say that, even though the test is negative, you might still be pregntant. You have to wait till your period comes, if that doesn't happen then you have to go back for another test.

Yeh I have heard that you can have false negative tests, however a false possative test is extremely very unlikely o.o
Matblack said:

Do you know;

a) how much that costs in taxes
b) the potential psycological damage that state care does to children and parents who have their children removed
c) the increased chances of abuse whilst in care
d) the ongoing support offered to looked after children and the increase in child crime and ironically teenage parenthood in looked after children.

In some cases care is the only choice but it is and should be a last resort, for most children it is a saving grace and solice from what they might have been through but at the moment it is a tool of last resort and should IMHO remain that way lest we return to the childrens homes of the 1950s/60s


Surely it costs less than giving the girl a house, allowance, childcare money, free drugs etc etc? And how can you possibly say that a 12yr old (in that age I was playing with cars that had guns and missiles on them while doing boom boom sounds) is going to be better at taking care of the child? A 12 year old should not be allowed to have a child!
Stinky said:,,2,00.html

Lost her viginity at 11 years old


why would you want to do that so young
I think we are looking at the state of our society in UK. Not individuals.

Clearly, other european countries are doing much better than us and maybe it's time to have a good hard look at our way of life?

The way I see it, bad society breeds bad individuals.
jezsoup said:
Just out of interest MB what do you think should be done to tackle this problem?

Do you think I have a solution to a problem that governments have been trying to solve for years?

It kinda bugs me that people come on here and give a two line solution to a complex issue which people have been working on solving for ages and still not made a huge dent in.

To improve this situation I believe there are a number of tactics which can make a difference but they are not solutions

DECENT sex education - not just the birds and the bees but a proper PSHE ciriculum which instills the impact of a child on the life of both parents. Recently we have been using 'cyber babies' with children at risk of teenage pregnancy and this seems to be helping, its an expensive initative though.

Better Parenting - I beleive there has been a reduction in parenting skills over recent years but I am usure how to address this. Parents need to take responsibility for their children and know where they are

Constructive opertunities for children - Increase the amount of youth work taking place in the more neglected areas to provide constructive activities for children who are bored.

Publicity of what welfare actually gives a teenage mother- Most would be very very suprised if they did the research as to how little a teenage mother can expect from the state, the people who would be most suprised would be the teenage mothers themselves who did not investigate before the decided it was a viable career path, it isn't and most will be on the bread line for life if they don't couple it with some form of work.

College places for single parents - there is still a problem with teenage parents continuing their education and if we want them to be productive citizens we need to give them opertunity.

Protection of individual teenage parents from being victinised by the press; children need to be protected and exploiting a child for headline news when it is not in the public interest is wrong even if their mother sells the story.

Thats just a few ideas, there is a huge amount more I would like to see but as you can tell it will cost money and you won't find many people who will vote for a party who will increase spending and put taxes up so theres minimal chances of you seeing many of them happen.

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The problem lies with her mum, I dont see what else can be done, accept take the kids away from parents, like this..

You could try sending them on parent teaching courses. and overnight stays in prison, but I can't see it working on these types of parents.

"mum stands there proud" FFS
Bennah said:
That comment is'nt needed is it?

This is a forum for all ages...

Not needed, but nonetheless highly amusing....

I'll have a £50 bet with anyone that she owns a pair of Reebok Classic trainers and the "father" wears a McKenzie hoodie.
pyro said:
Surely it costs less than giving the girl a house, allowance, childcare money, free drugs etc etc? And how can you possibly say that a 12yr old (in that age I was playing with cars that had guns and missiles on them while doing boom boom sounds) is going to be better at taking care of the child? A 12 year old should not be allowed to have a child!

Long term I would say no, the cost to society will be massive

A twelve year old mother should not be allowed to look after her child alone, she will need the support of social services and her parents and if these can't be given then I agree some form of residential care will be needed.

I disagree with you, a twelve year old should not be put in a position where she has a child but once she has then I do not advocate her having the child removed UNLESS they are both at risk.

Matblack said:
Do you think I have a solution to a problem that governments have been trying to solve for years?

It kinda bugs me that people come on here and give a two line solution to a complex issue which people have been working on solving for ages and still not made a huge dent in.

To improve this situation I believe there are a number of tactics which can make a difference but they are not solutions

DECENT sex education - not just the birds and the bees but a proper PSHE ciriculum which instills the impact of a child on the life of both parents. Recently we have been using 'cyber babies' with children at risk of teenage pregnancy and this seems to be helping, its an expensive initative though.

Better Parenting - I beleive there has been a reduction in parenting skills over recent years but I am usure how to address this. Parents need to take responsibility for their children and know where they are

Constructive opertunities for children - Increase the amount of youth work taking place in the more neglected areas to provide constructive activities for children who are bored.

Publicity of what welfare actually gives a teenage mother- Most would be very very suprised if they did the research as to how little a teenage mother can expect from the state, the people who would be most suprised would be the teenage mothers themselves who did not investigate before the decided it was a viable career path, it isn't and most will be on the bread line for life if they don't couple it with some form of work.

College places for single parents - there is still a problem with teenage parents continuing their education and if we want them to be productive citizens we need to give them opertunity.

Protection of individual teenage parents from being victinised by the press; children need to be protected and exploiting a child for headline news when it is not in the public interest is wrong even if their mother sells the story.

Thats just a few ideas, there is a huge amount more I would like to see but as you can tell it will cost money and you won't find many people who will vote for a party who will increase spending and put taxes up so theres minimal chances of you seeing many of them happen.


You may not have THE solution but a lot of what you have put is bloody good! and Id put money on a lot of it working. I think a lot more emphasis is needed on the one to one level parent/youth workers with the kids. If we can slowly change how the youth think and their attitudes (I know its a hell of a lot to ask for!!) then the problem should start to fade.

I do think it is important for all the cards to be on the table so kids can see the raw facts and figures from a young age. Im not sure where I stand on the idea of more free contraception. In theory its a *good* idea. But I feel this would be seen as, by the kids, as a green light from sleeping around. But then agian if you withdraw free contraception theres the potential for a lot more kids with babies.

As of Septmber I will be helping to run a youth program along side a youth Alpha course in a deprived area of Bradford, we have met with other local youth workers and one of their big areas they are trying to tackle is teenage pregnacies .So as of September ill have the fun of tackling this subject but from a Christain perspective.
jezsoup said:
You may not have THE solution but a lot of what you have put is bloody good! and Id put money on a lot of it working. I think a lot more emphasis is needed on the one to one level parent/youth workers with the kids. If we can slowly change how the youth think and their attitudes (I know its a hell of a lot to ask for!!) then the problem should start to fade.

I do think it is important for all the cards to be on the table so kids can see the raw facts and figures from a young age. Im not sure where I stand on the idea of more free contraception. In theory its a *good* idea. But I feel this would be seen as, by the kids, as a green light from sleeping around. But then agian if you withdraw free contraception theres the potential for a lot more kids with babies.

As of Septmber I will be helping to run a youth program along side a youth Alpha course in a deprived area of Bradford, we have met with other local youth workers and one of their big areas they are trying to tackle is teenage pregnacies .So as of September ill have the fun of tackling this subject but from a Christain perspective.

Thank you, its all a bit liberal and wishy washy admitedly but thats just me :D

Good on you for getting involved with the youth service and with young people in general, they do need the support of people outside of their family and its only by having good role models that they learn how to act in society.

If you can have a look at the cyber babies project, coupled with a program to show young people the impact of a child it is a great project


What a load of bs.

Just eleven years old and she got pregnant, smokes twenty a day and "doesn't drink anymore"

Bad parenting, bad sex education and bad system.
its just wrong the parents / schools should be pulled up on this, a 12 year old has there whole life ahead of them not to get short changed with a baby
Matblack said:
Thank you, its all a bit liberal and wishy washy admitedly but thats just me :D

Good on you for getting involved with the youth service and with young people in general, they do need the support of people outside of their family and its only by having good role models that they learn how to act in society.

If you can have a look at the cyber babies project, coupled with a program to show young people the impact of a child it is a great project


That cyber baby project looks spot on! It shocks them into realising what a baby entails and seems to work. How much does one of these cost?

With the youth work its on an estate which is made up fo very broken families where there are huge problems with anti socail behaviour, drugs, alcohol, STI's the whoel lto really. Along side the program I will be running theres another one looking at being set up to teach the parents.

The problem of teenage pregnancy can not be attacked from one direction. All the various problem I see on the estate (drug abuse, alcoholabuse, anti social behaviour, petty crimes etc etc) are all related you have to try attack as many of them as possible and, often, the easiest way to do this is to work on changing the kids attitude and outlook, show them atention and that you actually care.
tbh, what was she doing being served at that age?
the bars she was drinking at should be prosicuted.
jezsoup said:
That cyber baby project looks spot on! It shocks them into realising what a baby entails and seems to work. How much does one of these cost?

With the youth work its on an estate which is made up fo very broken families where there are huge problems with anti socail behaviour, drugs, alcohol, STI's the whoel lto really. Along side the program I will be running theres another one looking at being set up to teach the parents.

The problem of teenage pregnancy can not be attacked from one direction. All the various problem I see on the estate (drug abuse, alcoholabuse, anti social behaviour, petty crimes etc etc) are all related you have to try attack as many of them as possible and, often, the easiest way to do this is to work on changing the kids attitude and outlook, show them atention and that you actually care.

They are not cheap, I think about £1500 per unit which includes the PC link/ programing unit, the babies themselves are quite amazing and they are linked to a wrist band so that only the designated user can care for them, they have lots of sensors to monitor for abuse and when returned produce an acurate time line detailing all significant events during the duration of care. We now have 4 at our centre and they are used a lot.

VeNT said:
tbh, what was she doing being served at that age?
the bars she was drinking at should be prosicuted.

yes they should be
but it's easy to understand how mistakes are made
my cousin (now 13) has looked older than me for a couple years - she's tall, nicely built and 'dresses up' a lot more than i do.
plus if you're a young drinker out with a lot of older friends, you don't need to have i.d to 'be in a family pub' etc...

but is the underage drinking really the issue here?
i'd say not
underage drinking does not always = underage pregnancy
there has to be other factors, family, upbringing, education, down right stupidity etc...
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