**British Armed Forces Discussion Thread**

Make the uk armed forces pensions for 22 years service tax free.


The police force recieve a 100% non taxable pension after 20 years service with a maximum of 30 years service.
The fire service receive a 100% non taxable pension after the same service but can serve up to 40 years for a increased pension of roughly £19,000 a year.
the armed forces, however serve to their immediate pension point and have their pensions taxed, and classed a second earning, this needs to be changed and made fair across the board of the public sector industry
You do know that isn't true don't you? NHS, Police, Fire Service etc, they all pay tax on their pension. The only time you don't with military pensions is when you are Medically Discharged with a pension.

I would love the idea, but unfortunately the petition is ********.

But i'm fine, i never have to pay taxes anyway after blowing up that asteroid a few years ago.
Doesn't matter, if it gets discussed in parliament then it raises the matter for further debate by the people who can make changes. No matter how low the likelihood, its defeatist to say we can't. Another thing, when the US deploy, they receive tax free earnings. We don't. We even pay taxes on bonuses/extra earnings when deployed. Madness when you think about it.
Doesn't matter, if it gets discussed in parliament then it raises the matter for further debate by the people who can make changes. No matter how low the likelihood, its defeatist to say we can't. Another thing, when the US deploy, they receive tax free earnings. We don't. We even pay taxes on bonuses/extra earnings when deployed. Madness when you think about it.

Yet we don't on LOA IIRC. it is madness.

Same with the Aussies.
People in the forces enjoy the benefits that living in this country provides so they should pay tax on earnings like everyone else. I've served seven years and if people knew what the majority of the forces do day to day they wouldn't even want us being paid :)
People in the forces enjoy the benefits that living in this country provides so they should pay tax on earnings like everyone else. I've served seven years and if people knew what the majority of the forces do day to day they wouldn't even want us being paid :)

I'm not in receipt of those benefits when I'm living in a **** hole for 6 months :)

And speak for yourself, I work 6 days on, 3 days off. We're undermanned, we're well out of harmony and people are banging out because of being fed up through being thrashed and dwindling benefit/perks. You might sweep up for a living, but some of us work.
If it's so bad then why not change career.

It's not bad, the situation isn't great but it can be better and anyway I love my current role, it's one of the most interesting jobs in the world in my opinion. Not only that but I promoted a few times pretty quickly, so it's worth pressing on like a true thruster. The fact of the matter is, perks are being stripped away and it does make you think, I could do a civilian job with equivalent pay, 9-5 and no deployments. Because what's the point if there is no perk?
It's an odd one. In some respects it seems like they are doing all they can to make it a high turnover career. Yet if you listen to what CDS has to say personally, he says the biggest thing that keeps him awake at night is retention of his people
Speaking of leave... I managed to take 72 days by the end of last month. The gf hates me with her measly 28.

I'm not in receipt of those benefits when I'm living in a **** hole for 6 months :)

And speak for yourself, I work 6 days on, 3 days off. We're undermanned, we're well out of harmony and people are banging out because of being fed up through being thrashed and dwindling benefit/perks. You might sweep up for a living, but some of us work.

You made that far too easy.
The perks of being in the forces have been dwindling for years. I joined in 92. You used to get 4 MMA claims a year, it was great for getting you home when you're in the south of England and come from Scotland.
I did 3 years in Northern Ireland then 2 in Germany. By the time I got back to the mainland I was entitled to 0 MMA claims.

There are still a lot of plusses for being in though. I've seen most of the world. Some nice places. Some not so nice places.

Yeah, the current pension isn't up to much but if you're old enough to have been on the 75 pension then the monthly payout is gravy :D
I did 700 days away in just over 4 years at one point - not including exercises and courses, some of which were 6 weeks long.

This year I would have finally caught up with the leave I had accumulated but i've just been given another 6 month OOA :o
Read a book about the formation of 617 Sqn in WW2. The squadron was stood up in less than 7 weeks.

Nowadays it takes that time for me get a new pair of shoes from stores :(
its the change in the law that allowed government to change the pensions of those who were already in 'under contract' with an expected pension income that is unfair (an arbitrary 10 years left to serve being protected) - the petition is incorrect in its assumptions but is does deserve some new discussion - my whole financial plan has now had to change due to the 'new' pension. Lots of people leaving as the 'offer' is no longer good enough compared to what is being offered outside - not just the pension but the whole package.

For those stating that service persons dont get 'tax free' when deployed - its true but thats why, for some deployments, an Op bonus was paid (although it didnt cover the 6 moths tax for some it was better than nothing).

What has to be remembered is that every allowance, pension etc comes out of the defence budget and the country doesnt have the money in the budget to pay tax free pensions so it will come to nothing.

Source BBC - "There are 198,000 active members, 406,000 deferred members, and 399,000 pensioners or their dependents receiving a pension."
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Being one of the biggest defence budgets in the world, there is money in the budget to make life in the service a little more desirable for us mere plebs. For instance, the crazy pensions the top brass achieve could surely be reviewed. I'd be interested to see how much we pay all those retired starred officers as compared to the rest.

As for an instant pension at 22, well it's now deferred isn't it, so it's much less than it ever was.

On tax free Op bonus... We barely have anywhere that deems you worthy of an Op Bonus anymore. We get LSA, which isn't much and taxed. You get more in LOA if you go and live in Cyprus! Neither is it right that we pay income tax on any of our earnings when deployed, at her majesty's pleasure, out of the UK. I wouldn't pay tax if I buggered off to Saudi Arabia to work there for someone else.

If CDS is so concerned about retention, then why screw the forces more and more on one of the most important retention factors: pay? And don't even get me started on pay as you starve.
Sure there's plenty of civilians that could be replaced with regulars. That would save some money. The bloated offices full of civilians that have a plethora of "managers" "supervisors" and "team leaders" that could be replaced with a small contingent of JR's and an SNCO. No longer would I have to hear the words "Not contracted to do that." "That's not in our contract". "Not my job."
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