Assignment order received. Promotion in March (Corporal)
Assignment order received. Promotion in March (Corporal)
The police force recieve a 100% non taxable pension after 20 years service with a maximum of 30 years service.
The fire service receive a 100% non taxable pension after the same service but can serve up to 40 years for a increased pension of roughly £19,000 a year.
the armed forces, however serve to their immediate pension point and have their pensions taxed, and classed a second earning, this needs to be changed and made fair across the board of the public sector industry
Doesn't matter, if it gets discussed in parliament then it raises the matter for further debate by the people who can make changes. No matter how low the likelihood, its defeatist to say we can't. Another thing, when the US deploy, they receive tax free earnings. We don't. We even pay taxes on bonuses/extra earnings when deployed. Madness when you think about it.
People in the forces enjoy the benefits that living in this country provides so they should pay tax on earnings like everyone else. I've served seven years and if people knew what the majority of the forces do day to day they wouldn't even want us being paid
If it's so bad then why not change career.
Speaking of leave... I managed to take 72 days by the end of last month. The gf hates me with her measly 28.
I'm not in receipt of those benefits when I'm living in a **** hole for 6 months
And speak for yourself, I work 6 days on, 3 days off. We're undermanned, we're well out of harmony and people are banging out because of being fed up through being thrashed and dwindling benefit/perks. You might sweep up for a living, but some of us work.
You made that far too easy.