British Grand Prix 2013, Silverstone - Race 8/19

His point being directed to those who look only at points to decide the relative merits of a driver - as demonstrated today, they don't tell the whole story of a race weekend and so relying on them as a measure of driver skill is flawed.

True, but that's not what he said though. And we're not being pedantic, DM is usually more than particular enough with his rants.
I was watching it in 3D :D

I have to admit I did laugh with the crowd when Vimtos bubble went pop :D

What's it like in 3d? I've seen footy/rugby games and it freaks me out.. one time in the cinema I forgot I had my 3D glasses on and an advert for the rugby league world cup came on, wasn't paying attention, looked up and this ball was coming at my face. Didn't half ******* jump out of my seat :eek:

I thought to myself there was no way that gap was 2.5 seconds, then the crowd went mental and I realised..
I don't know what to make of that race, the last few laps were great. Other than that it was the controversial tires being the star of the show.

They seriously need to sort that crap out, these tires are an accident waiting to happen.
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