British University bans all offensive words and phrases

12 Sep 2012
Different strokes for different blokes.

I would certainly say that she likely rates very high for many people. Maybe its very much age group dependant as what is desirable goes in an out of fashion really. She is certainly high up on my rankings. fair enough if she isnt your cup of tea but there is no need to act like an uglier jealous girlfriend, she definitely consistently makes it to the top xxx most hottest/desirable or whatever
28 Nov 2003
Getting kids used to inequality at school and university prepares them for the workplace and marriage under UK law :)

On a more serious note the over protectionism that is proffered at UK universities, and the lack of subjecting the students to disappointed, losing, divisiveness, and all that goes on in the "real" world is probably the reason so many are devoting hours and hours of their lives blathering on about their self diagnosed trauma post the UK EU exit vote and the appointment of Trump as the president of the United States of America. If they'd had a good and deserved beating or two at school, and a regular tongue lashing from a vitriolic form master with no pretensions of PC, and with goodly helping of good old British snobbishness thrown in, they might not be so maladjusted to defeat.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
Getting kids used to inequality at school and university prepares them for the workplace and marriage under UK law :)

On a more serious note the over protectionism that is proffered at UK universities, and the lack of subjecting the students to disappointed, losing, divisiveness, and all that goes on in the "real" world is probably the reason so many are devoting hours and hours of their lives blathering on about their self diagnosed trauma post the UK EU exit vote and the appointment of Trump as the president of the United States of America. If they'd had a good and deserved beating or two at school, and a regular tongue lashing from a vitriolic form master with no pretensions of PC, and with goodly helping of good old British snobbishness thrown in, they might not be so maladjusted to defeat.
Yes, if only we were all as well balanced as you clearly are.
28 Nov 2003
Sadly the universities are now turning out a stream of graduates with useless degrees, with thin skins, a chip on their shoulders and inflexible expectations far above reality.

Couple that with a pervasive liberal view of how our country should be run despite the practicalities of achieving their dream, and we have a swathe of disenchanted
young people who have been told they can be wealthy and in demand yet industry finds them lacking in work ethics and finds they themselves overly demanding. They then take to social
media and the streets to vent their frustrated spleens. Whilst they grow beards and vape the shrewd school leaver, straight into a trade, has climbed the ranks and has already taken home more
than his "better educated" but unemployable compatriot from higher academic strata can achieve in years of job searching and swapping. Just look at the average hard working gas fitter or plumber, they can make a fortune and be in a lovely gaff whilst others study trendy subjects becoming lazy and work shy both in the process and in practical terms.
9 May 2004
Leafy outskirts of London
Sadly the universities are now turning out a stream of graduates with useless degrees, with thin skins, a chip on their shoulders and inflexible expectations far above reality.

Couple that with a pervasive liberal view of how our country should be run despite the practicalities of achieving their dream, and we have a swathe of disenchanted
young people who have been told they can be wealthy and in demand yet industry finds them lacking in work ethics and finds they themselves overly demanding. They then take to social
media and the streets to vent their frustrated spleens. Whilst they grow beards and vape the shrewd school leaver, straight into a trade, has climbed the ranks and has already taken home more
than his "better educated" but unemployable compatriot from higher academic strata can achieve in years of job searching and swapping. Just look at the average hard working gas fitter or plumber, they can make a fortune and be in a lovely gaff whilst others study trendy subjects becoming lazy and work shy both in the process and in practical terms.

I wonder what the ratio of uneducated tradesmen coining it vs uneducated dole scroungers is like, compared to educated non-trade employed vs educated unemployed.
29 Jul 2010
Sadly the universities are now turning out a stream of graduates with useless degrees, with thin skins, a chip on their shoulders and inflexible expectations far above reality.

Couple that with a pervasive liberal view of how our country should be run despite the practicalities of achieving their dream, and we have a swathe of disenchanted
young people who have been told they can be wealthy and in demand yet industry finds them lacking in work ethics and finds they themselves overly demanding. They then take to social
media and the streets to vent their frustrated spleens. Whilst they grow beards and vape the shrewd school leaver, straight into a trade, has climbed the ranks and has already taken home more
than his "better educated" but unemployable compatriot from higher academic strata can achieve in years of job searching and swapping. Just look at the average hard working gas fitter or plumber, they can make a fortune and be in a lovely gaff whilst others study trendy subjects becoming lazy and work shy both in the process and in practical terms.

Setting aside your ridiculously caricatured descriptions of 'lazy work shy students' compared to 'hard working gas fitters' you are comparing the bottom of one set to the top of the other and focusing on the overlap, whereas when you look at the whole picture...

It’s a well cited statistic that graduates can expect to earn £100,000 more over their lifetimes than someone who didn’t go to university. Now research suggests the gap could be even wider.
26 Dec 2003
Another good relevant article here:
Why Modern Liberalism Is Fascism In Disguise

TLDR snippet:

Modern liberalism can’t tolerate true individual freedom.

It is sad because it is a forward looking, hopeful worldview. It believes we can change the world for the better. But it has partnered with the devil to do so.

It forces me to fund charity services with which I may or may not agree.

It forces me to invest in my retirement in a way I may not approve.

It makes me pay into savings and job security in a way that I may not like.

It makes me pay for someone else’s medical expenses.

It assumes it knows best and forces me to play along.

That is not freedom.

That is barbarism wrapped in modern ideals.

That is fascism.

Here’s the definition of fascism once again:

“A way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government”

We may not have a single dictator, but a government built on modern liberalism is dictated by the masses.

Modern liberalism says that it is an advocate for minorities. Racial minorities. Gender minorities. Income minorities.

But it refuses to recognize the smallest minority of all: the individual.

Modern liberalism has ambitious and noble aims.

But I believe that if most people truly understood how modern liberalism achieved these goals… and saw where it could end up… they would be appalled.
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