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Are you buying 4000 series, if so which one?

  • YES: 4090 24GB

    Votes: 153 19.4%
  • YES: 4080 16GB

    Votes: 23 2.9%
  • YES: 4080 12GB

    Votes: 7 0.9%
  • NO: 3000 SERIES

    Votes: 55 7.0%

    Votes: 550 69.8%

  • Total voters
If they go higher than site prices looks like I'll be going else were again no way om paibg 2000 for a card no chance !

The exchange rate impacts everyone, the question will remain if NVIDIA hold the MSRP they set at 1.14, if they do then the FE will be the cheapest model by over £100 compared to regular AIB models, and several hundred pound cheaper than OC models.
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Have they took the good guess prices off the cards now on main site?

Yes some sites were spotting it and claiming we are scalping, seems some of the press cannot grasp currency fluctuation.

As such we will just leave pricing blank for now and then when our stock lands we can set the price as it won't change then and it will just be what it is, so lets hope the GBP gains some strength, if it gets back to 1.14 before stock lands then were good for MSRP on entry level AIB cards.
I know there are only placeholder prices right now but the difference between standard versions and the OC version can run up to a £170 difference! If you get the standard version All you need to do is set the GPU clock higher before you use whatever program you want to use and you save a fair bit of cash unless there’s something I’m missing about the OC versions?

More to it than that, some of the OC versions use 600W PCB, so can pull more power, superior cooling solutions and as such they *MIGHT* be able to run at higher boost frequencies, but as there is no reviews or real world testing I cannot deny or confirm this.

But lets say for instance a 450W reference card runs and boost in a 2600-2800MHz region max and an OC 600W version runs 2800-3000MHz, then what your paying for is the extra speed the OC card can maintain whilst gaming, but whether any truth or not, no one knows yet.
@Gibbo, so if all is good in terms of currency rates, are the flagship 4090s gonna be around £1800? so the lower tier 4090s could be £1500 to £1600

Any indication, or estimates, so we know what to prep with in terms of cash.

Lowest they will be is £1679 if the rate gets back to 1.14 with flagship ones around 2k.

As the rate is currently 1.07 there won’t be any cards under £1800.
How does the prices work if you buy on release day and the product isn’t due in stock until the following month. If the pound gets hammered even more do you get locked into the price that you bought the card on the 12th October or does it go up even more until it’s shipped?

When you place the order, you pay in full, so if the price increases, your order will be shipped at the price you paid.
Judging by the underwhelming (to put it mildly) launch of AM5 Jensen and his shareholders are in for a rude awakening.

Though by no means the numbers are not that of Ryzen 5000 but no one was ever predicting they would be due to the change of the market, the actual sales are incredible especially as the majority of the sales are all on the flagship 7950X, we've already sold over 200 of them. :)
Proving the Pro market can afford to buy these for work purposes (because time is money), but the gaming market is dead this generation. Totally different market for the 7950x and sadly the 4090 is not looking good for the pro market this time either as the problems are no extra VRAM from 3090s before and no NVLINK for people like myself that need that for work.

The 7950x is an amazing cpu for the price for the pro market and same was said for the 5950x and why we all jumped on them and built high end rigs with dual 3090s, this time I feel the only people updating will be the pro market that requires the CPU power more than the GPU power.

I would jump on the 7950x too if motherboards had 4 slot spacing so I could use my 3090s in NVLINK but the boards that allow that this time have doubled in cost and this is coming from a person that paid a lot for the MSI x570 Godlike as they were near impossible to find anywhere in the UK and EU, to the point I had to order one from USA and pay silly prices for it and hit by customs too.. So not in the mood for that game and when EVGA released x570 with 4 slot spacing they again were near impossible to find and same for the ASUS board that was again silly money.

What most people didn't realise the MSI Godlike x570 ended up in workstations and we have a lot of them at work and all with dual 3090s in, the problem for us to update this generation would mean we need these 4 slot spaced boards and again we are being hit with the 3 slot spaced boards for z690,z790 and x670E.. Till the usual suspects release 4 slot spaced boards at a hopefully sensible price.

Not sure how many R7 or R5 cpus you are selling but I bet a lot less than many thought would sell as the motherboard and DDR5 pricing is putting a lot off updating their computers that are mostly used for gaming and light other tasks.

We will have to see how it all goes down but sadly with everything happening in our country and the world right now these type of luxury products are going to be the last thing on most peoples minds even the people with money.

The 200+ sold since launch are all to consumers, no business or corporate sales yet. :)
So what you're saying is if we can get enough people buying a 4090 to the point stock runs out like last time and the £ continues to freefall we could short OCUK like it was a stock

Customer pays the price advertised when they check out, if the price to us increases by £100, you the customer pays no extra, you get it at the price you paid.
The card I wanted was £1700 at ocuk.
It's now £2056 :( The pound has gone up so I am hope they bring the price back down.

I made a post over a week ago, stating no prices were final and total guesstimates and just there for place holders, the prices were not displayed for this reason. As some guesses were miles out, like Asus cards for example, others were not so far out but the pound moving around was creating to many issues.

The only stock landed so far is Inno3D now, so its pricing is now firm at £1779 and £1879 for their X3 And X3 iChill. Unless we get stock land at 1.14/1.15 we won't be hitting £1700 or lower and stock is due to land this week on other brands. We have small amount of Gigabyte in stock but there is a huge amount due this week once that lands will have a more firm idea of what they will be priced at.
Thank you.

I was hoping that the Zotac amp would be about £1800.
Will have to wait and see.

Even at 1.14 rate, the AMP was never remotely close to £1800 sorry to say, its a full custom 600W board, be more like 2k. The Trinity models be around £1800.

Asus strix you said before limited numbers, what's the split between std and OC ones? and will you have stock flow?
When will details of the cards be posted (power limits boost clocks etc).

Only OC Strix and OC TUF so far, small numbers on both, not so sure on future numbers yet from Asus.

Best supply so far is Zotac and Gigabyte, in the 100's.
I think the Zotac lineup is one of my favourites on looks alone, and a 5-year warranty is decent. I still just can't get over the whole PSU situation though and if I'll have issues with an older PSU with a card that has that much power draw (AMP Extreme)

Yes Zotac have re-designed the coolers from ground up, decent lineup for them and yes as long as you register your card with them, you get 5yr warranty.
Just checking if you are able to give an update before the launch on the numbers of each product so people don’t buy something with no stock?

I won't give exact numbers but those who want best chance of a card on the day should be looking at Gigabyte and Zotac models. Inno3D iChill X3 stock is OK as well.

Other models so far are small numbers or zero stock, as we get closer I am happy to update this.
Just to clarify, all Zotac models or just Trinity OC and AMP AIRO?

Trinity, Trinty OC and AMP AIRO will all be in stock in decent numbers. But if we sell 1000 of each then of course we don't have 3000 in stock on Zotac but at the same time were not expecting sales to be that level of crazy, but Zotac could be a firm favourite this round, particular their AMP AIRO card.
@Gibbo How is the website setup for this launch? Lets say I order a 4090 AMP Extreme from Zotac when it shows "in stock" - if I'm able to successfully check out, does this mean I've secured a card? Or will it queue up a pre-order for me if the stock runs out while I put my order in?


The website updates typically every 60s so if 100 people are all ordering the same card within that 60s window and we say only have 50pc then of course half the customers won't get a card even though it showed in stock. I think this is an issue on website as they simply don't update in realtime and even when they do if the customer load is so high it is causing slow downs then of course the website is also slower in updating.

As these cards are near as dammit £2000 were not expecting total chaos this time round and we expect at most to sell 1000 cards on day one, whereas I think on the 3080 10G we had pre-sold like 14,000 cards in first 24hrs as NVIDIA literally shocked the market with both performance and price.

This time round performance is insane, but price is also very high, it totally depends where you sit, the kind of customer buying a 3090 or 3090Ti at launch will of course feel the 4090 is an absolute bargain due to how much quicker it is for relatively not a lot more but I doubt miners will be attempting to buy and I doubt scalpers will want to risk it as well, supply is also pretty decent for this first wave of stock, we have no idea on second waves yet however so we shall see.

My advice is be on the website from around 13:50 and be ready to buy we will do everything we can to ensure website handles the load and we get orders out, but I have no crystal ball how the day will actually go is an unknown.

Cards in stock will show 10+
Cards not in stock will remain as pre-order.

I shall post up which brands to focus on buying for forum members in the morning next Wednesday a few hours before launch to give forum members the heads up on which cards to be buying.

it is fair to say any SKU listed at MSRP anywhere will be a major issue regarding wait times, they are typically just a handful of units and of course 100's of people will attempt to buy them, scalpers will also target MSRP SKU's as well, so my advice if you want MSRP buy an FE, if you want an OC card then order one as supply on OC models from AIB's will be vastly superior to MSRP models.
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