I'd be interested in your IP Profile Nazca: http://speedtester.bt.com/
38,718kbps at a guess.
I'd be interested in your IP Profile Nazca: http://speedtester.bt.com/
They first visit the green cabinet at the end of the road, then they attach the new faceplate, hook the modem up to it, then hook that up to the HH3.
Yay, finally connected to fibre. Was on 3.5Mb
Although I should be on about 38.5 Mb says the engineer. Hope it speeds up!
That's what I suspect but the max thoughput on that profile is 37.5Mbps, however the engineer said he should get 38.5. I've not seen a higher IP Profile than 38718 so either the engineer is quoting ip profile or a higher profile is possible or he is confused38,718kbps at a guess.
Is it possible to use the Infinity infrastructure but a different provider? I guess you would need to get the kit installed by BT regardless?
Order placed, even ordering from BT hacked me off, install date is 1st of April what's the odds that it's all an april fools gag......
Does anyone know the ip address for the modem?