Changed over to Infinity from BeThere around 3 weeks ago. Can't fault the service so far.
Which exchange are you on?
I'm on the Sale exchange.
I'm also with Be and considering switching to a Bt Infinity package.
Changed over to Infinity from BeThere around 3 weeks ago. Can't fault the service so far.
Are you sure it's not insufficient seeders? I get full download speed outside 5pm-midnight using uTorrent.Recently speeds have dropped using Transmission though at any time of the day. Could be some settings though.
That's the slowest connection I've seen someone moving to FTTC from. You must be loving it.
Tomorrow morning im getting a MAC code from Sky and come the 23rd ill be good to go.
my line has always been BT, sky are just my ISP so that shouldnt be a problem.
They first visit the green cabinet at the end of the road, then they attach the new faceplate, hook the modem up to it, then hook that up to the HH3.Tomorrow morning, the BT engineer comes. Can't wait!
What do they do by the way. Plug in the Home hub and ring BT to activate?
Yay, finally connected to fibre. Was on 3.5Mb
Although I should be on about 38.5 Mb says the engineer. Hope it speeds up!
Indeed, for the first few hundered feet to the cabinet, then it's fibre.You're connected to copper.