It's been posted before I think, basically saying the 31st March/31st June etc dates are just dummy ones BT put on there as an estimated date. When it changes to something like the 7th April that it's a more realistic date.
Lindsay: Unfortunately BT Infinity isn't available on your lineas of yet. Unfortunately there isn't a date listed when you can expect it, so I cannot check when it will be available, but there should be updates coming soon
Lindsay: Within an exchange area there will be some customers who can't get BT Infinity. There are several reasons why this could be the case:
Your phone line may be connected directly to the telephone exchange and not to a local street cabinet.
Your line may be too far from the local street cabinet to have a stable BT Infinity service.
Your local street cabinet may not be suitable for fibre optic cables.
We haven't yet got the council's planning permission to do the necessary work at your local street cabinet.
The fibre service hasn't reached your area yet.
Your home may not be suitable for fibre optic cables.
Your landlord may not have agreed to the fibre infrastructure being provided in your building (for example if you live in a flat).
So, even though you may be within an enabled exchange area, it's possible that your particular line may not be able to have BT Infinity yet.
Unfortunately there isn't a date listed when you can expect it, so I cannot check when it will be available, but there should be updates coming soon.