See if you can find your cab. You'll need to filter by postcode.
The roll-out of the original ADSL services took a few years, but now most people have had a taste for broadband, the addiction is kicking in, and announcements of the superfast broadband roll-outs are always being asked about. Openreach has announced another 73 exchanges as part of phase 9b for its Fibre to the Cabinet (VDSL2) service.
The 73 exchange areas cover some 705,000 homes and businesses, and while not all cabinets are enabled, and exchange only lines will miss out, the general estimate is that 85% of lines on an exchange will benefit. The ready for service (RFS) date is Spring 2013, but as people in other areas have discovered, this date can move around due to local delays. With these 73 exchanges added to the roll-out, Openreach is now set to have its FTTC/FTTP services available to around 16 million homes and businesses.
Mine did that last year, along with a few other dates mixed in about this time, went live early May, here's hoping!![]()
My postcode doesn't appear in the PCP file, but my exchange is down to be enabled in June. I suspect this is because the phonelines are distributed in the building rather than from a street cabinet.
What are the chances of me ever seeing fibre?
No Virgin Media for me, just 2meg ADSL.
You'd think a 4 year old estate would have been better provisioned.
Percent Lines: 100%
Uplift: 8.17
Phase: 5a
Deployed: No
Ok my postcode gives me the above results. What does this mean for me getting fibre?
Gone back to June![]()
Hastings has gone back to June too.
I'm pushed back to June as well..
I think March 31st people are now June 30th people and so it goes on ha! give it until June & then if it gets moved again i,m off to Virgin Media or Sky Fibre![]()