BT Infinity & FTTx Discussion

Had an OpenReach engineer round to sort out noise on our phone line, which was also making the ADSL loose sync... turned out to be water damage at the Cabinet. Asked him about when there'll be FTTC for our exchange and "no idea". And it's still not listed in any of the BT spreadsheet leaks or availably checker :(.
It isn't? I thought there was a 10 day period during which speeds wouldn't be optimal? Switches do affect latency, not by much - my main PC is behind two switches, although I don't think they add much.

72up and 4 down doesn't seem right though, they advertise it as up to 76 and up to 19 down. So if I'm getting near max up I should get near max down - around 18.

Fault rates are set during the first 7-10 days. You'll see max potential sync from day 1. Switches do not add latency. There's a fault somewhere if you're seeing an increase in latency. Run the BT speedtest (java).
The latency is 25 ms ping approx, I'd seen some people with 15ms. Switches do add latency, however a quick google shows my understanding was greatly exaggerated, it wouldn't add latency in the region of ms, it's a much smaller impact. So yes and no on the latency from the switch. I've assumed that my 25ms ping compared to other people's 20mx ping is because of the switches - it's not. I am however not in the least concerned about my ping times, because they're low enough for everything and they're low enough that there's no problem indicated.

The BT speedtest says this


The upload speed seems wrong to me.
What's the Java speed test?

I've run 2 BT ones, both given the same result. I've run several times. I've also tested myself with my own remote server.

I know what the upload speed is, and it's not what it should be. A java speed test does not have the potential to change anything.
Oh, that doesn't work.

The Performance Tester is currently unable to run a speed test for your broadband connection. Please try again shortly, however if this problem persists, raise the issue with your service provider.
Asked him about when there'll be FTTC for our exchange and "no idea". And it's still not listed in any of the BT spreadsheet leaks or availably checker :(.

Westyfield2: Which part of Bath, & which exchange out of interest, I'm Kingsmead & Bathampton side.

Also pings here are terrible, been between 50-60ms for last two weeks, compared to around 20ms.
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Indeed. Some people. :rolleyes:

Indeed. Perhaps I should have better pandered to your passive aggressive inferiority complex.

Edit: In fact I'm going to go right ahead and reject the whole transaction here. I have to endure this at work - insecure people who feel that their knowledge of bank systems warrants them some kind of special attention and some kind of deference. It doesn't. And I'm certainly not going to express the deference I refuse at work to some random on the internet.

So help me if you feel like it I can always phone BT - but rest assured I'm not going to pay any kind of homage to your insecurity.
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We've already tried to help you. Apparently a switch adds many milliseconds to latency & the BT java speed test isn't any different!
Westyfield2: Which part of Bath, & which exchange out of interest, I'm Kingsmead & Bathampton side.

Also pings here are terrible, been between 50-60ms for last two weeks, compared to around 20ms.

We're connected to the Combe Down exchange, but round my way there's also the Limpley Stoke exchange which also isn't on the list either!

I've actually had BT Infinity for Business installed for an address that is connected to the Kingsmead exchange, and even more annoyingly I know that there's an FTTC cabinet connected to the Kingsmead exchange 0.9miles from our house!

I spoke with someone at OpenReach that Dad knows... he reckoned that the best bet is to get our ISP to do the recently announced FTTP overlay option which may allow them to get fibre delivered from Bath Exchange (and that'd be fully fibre 100Mbits symmetrical :cool:). Another possibility was to get a decent amount of local community members, with the support of any local councillors or MPs, to write to Liv Garfield...
We're connected to the Combe Down exchange, but round my way there's also the Limpley Stoke exchange which also isn't on the list either!

Even more annoyingly I know that there's an FTTC cabinet connected to the Kingsmead exchange 0.9miles from our house!
Another possibility was to get a decent amount of local community members, with the support of any local councillors or MPs, to write to Liv Garfield...

I knew of several people who hopped from the Combe down exchange to Kingsmead just to get fttc, one house had two lines, one Kingsmead & other Combe down, due to which pole they were using.:eek:

Definitely gang together, flyers,etc & get your councillor involved.
hi all been watching this thread for quite some time,

Bt infinity has been put off and off for my exchange and now its finally here! I had seen 2 cabs around my area before and thought i would be good with these as there not very far away. I had been doing some emailing with Openreach as to which cab i was connected to ect and found out it was neither of these but instead a 3rd one over double the distance away :(

Here is a map of where the cabs are


also link to make pic bigger -

There's 3 cabs in green

Cab 57 the one im connected to is what the Openreach guy said was a main cab which is bigger than the other 2 cabs which are about half the size.

Im predicted 17mb down 4mb up

Do u guys think this is slow for the distance from cab 57 to my house? Can i change cab? Is there any way i can find out if my overhead wires are copper or not? I guess most info ill have to provide when line and bt infinity is installed?

Many thanks for all the help!

oh forgot to say phone line/adsl installed monday and then i have to add my order for infinity on tuesday.
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