I see people are using the HG612 modem, what is the benefit over HH5?
I honestly believe my problems are from this HH5, someone suggest me a good vdsl modem that's not gonna break the bank and be reliable and not push me down to copper broadband speeds.
Please i'm desperate now.
Has the HH5 issue now been resolved?
I know that BT kept to the line "There is no known issue with these devices", however I also know I was not the only one to suffer regular dropped connections.
My 74/16 connection via HH3 & Modem dropped to 56/12 when I "upgraded" to the HH5.
My HH3 has died - just will no longer power up. I know I could look at buying a relacement, however I've got a HH5 here.
I know there have been some new firmware updates for this device - if I were to plug this HH5 in I'm assuming that it would automatically get the latest firmware, will that then be a stable device? Or are tehre still issues?
Is the HH5 with external VDSL modem an option? The VDSL modem I have is fine, it's just the HH3 which ahs died.
Can't say i've had issues with my HH5. Changing the RJ11 lead to a shorter one gained a few mb. I connect at 79000/20000 with a max rate of 79000/24900.
Uncle_Gravy, I'm having similar issues where my infinity 2 has plummeted from 80 / 20 to 40 /10 for at least 10 months. More recently, I will get a tonne of disconnects 959 a day according the BT) and during that period, I noticed my upstream was 500k/b or less.
Apparently, something is borked at my exchange and they are currently working on it.
In 2014, Openreach failed to meet the broadband delivery date it had promised to customers in 55 percent of cases. Ofcom's proposals would force them to make their targets in 80 percent of cases by 2016, followed by 85 percent by 2017 and 90 percent by 2018. The regulator is also considering a new maximum length of time between a customer pressing order and their connection being ready. At the moment, it takes Openreach roughly 46 working days to prepare a line -- up from 40 days in 2011. Ofcom's proposals would set the 46-day figure as an absolute upper limit, effectively banning the company from taking longer. The figure would then be reduced to 40 working days in 2017.
Best guess, how long will that process take, and then how long from being able to order to actually being online? Any good/possible steps for making sure I'm top of the queue? Currently I'm on 3.5Mbps ADSL so you can imagine my desperation for a faster connection.
Right, someone explain to me after I've put the unlocked fw in the hg612, and plugged into lan1 I'm getting undentified network....help