BT Infinity & FTTx Discussion

Put my HG in Saturday, It resynced during Saturday night back to what it was when I first got Fibre back in Feb and its stayed that way, Why BT stop supplying them is beyond me, as its quite clear the HH5 is not up to the task, albeit the hardware or the software restricting it.

My stats now with the HG612


Great speeds. :) I presume that is fibre to the home?
I've got my infinity 2 activating tomorrow and im a bit worried about this homehub5 ive just connected up.

Would the HG612 modem paired with a Billion 7800n in EWAN mode do the job a lot better? (ive already got the router )

There seems to be a guy on ebay selling the HG612 for £20

Wish they did a package above 80/20 :P ... 110/35 would be nice :)

I've got my infinity 2 activating tomorrow and im a bit worried about this homehub5 ive just connected up.

Would the HG612 modem paired with a Billion 7800n in EWAN mode do the job a lot better? (ive already got the router )

There seems to be a guy on ebay selling the HG612 for £20

Just checked you can make a PPPOE with the Ewan port so yes it would work :) If your going with bt i believe the pppoe username you need to put into the billion is

User: [email protected]
pass: BT
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Put my HG in Saturday, It resynced during Saturday night back to what it was when I first got Fibre back in Feb and its stayed that way, Why BT stop supplying them is beyond me, as its quite clear the HH5 is not up to the task, albeit the hardware or the software restricting it.

My stats now with the HG612


Sorry - just for my own sanity.
Is this with a HH5 and HG modem or something else with the HG modem?

BT stopped supplying Openreach Modems as it costs them more for an Openreach engineer to attend than for them to send you the router and have the engineer go to the cabinet only. Same with Sky and some other providers.
I ran my TalkTalk fibre with an HG612 without any problems.

The TalkTalk HG635 Super Router adds a lot of latency(in bridge and router modes) to pings which makes it pretty useless if you want to use it with something like the free Thinkbroadband connection quality monitor. Having said that I found the HG635 gave slightly better sync speeds.
HG612 and HH5 acting just as a router, so far in this configuration the HH is actually proving reliable just being a wireless router.

Great - thanks for that.
I've had a HH3 fail on me. I was going to source one off the Bay, however if the HH5 with the HG612 modem is a stable combination, I'll get the HH5 out of retirement and try that combo.

Hi all, we just got fibre today. Here are the stats from the HG612 and they aren't looking too good are they?

xdslcmd: ADSL driver and PHY status
Status: Showtime
Retrain Reason:	0
Last initialization procedure status:	0
Max:	Upstream rate = 10953 Kbps, Downstream rate = 52512 Kbps
Bearer:	0, Upstream rate = 10953 Kbps, Downstream rate = 52640 Kbps

Link Power State:	L0
Mode:			VDSL2 Annex B
VDSL2 Profile:		Profile 17a
TPS-TC:			PTM Mode(0x0)
Trellis:		U:ON /D:ON
Line Status:		No Defect
Training Status:	Showtime
		Down		Up
SNR (dB):	 6.1		 6.6
Attn(dB):	 23.1		 0.0
Pwr(dBm):	 12.0		 5.1
			VDSL2 framing
			Bearer 0
MSGc:		18		26
B:		239		241
M:		1		1
T:		64		56
R:		0		12
S:		0.1451		0.7026
L:		13232		2892
D:		1		1
I:		240		127
N:		240		254
			Bearer 0
OHF:		6921056		1639418
OHFErr:		32474		25
RS:		0		1590410
RSCorr:		0		262
RSUnCorr:	0		0

			Bearer 0
HEC:		15002		0
OCD:		515		0
LCD:		515		0
Total Cells:	1631912128		0
Data Cells:	139082522		0
Drop Cells:	0
Bit Errors:	0		0

ES:		2331		24
SES:		75		0
UAS:		25		25
AS:		16125

			Bearer 0
INP:		0.00		0.00
INPRein:	0.00		0.00
delay:		0		0
PER:		2.33		9.87
OR:		82.37		25.92
AgR:		52722.05	10978.59

Bitswap:	11347/11353		304/309

Total time = 4 hours 29 min 10 sec
FEC:		0		262
CRC:		32474		25
ES:		2331		24
SES:		75		0
UAS:		25		25
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
LOM:		0		0
Latest 15 minutes time = 14 min 10 sec
FEC:		0		0
CRC:		1454		2
ES:		182		2
SES:		0		0
UAS:		0		0
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
LOM:		0		0
Previous 15 minutes time = 15 min 0 sec
FEC:		0		2
CRC:		1272		2
ES:		172		2
SES:		2		0
UAS:		0		0
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
LOM:		0		0
Latest 1 day time = 4 hours 29 min 10 sec
FEC:		0		262
CRC:		32474		25
ES:		2331		24
SES:		75		0
UAS:		25		25
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
LOM:		0		0
Previous 1 day time = 0 sec
FEC:		0		0
CRC:		0		0
ES:		0		0
SES:		0		0
UAS:		0		0
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
LOM:		0		0
Since Link time = 4 hours 28 min 45 sec
FEC:		0		262
CRC:		32474		25
ES:		2331		24
SES:		75		0
UAS:		0		0
LOS:		0		0
LOF:		0		0
LOM:		0		0
Finally getting Infinity 2. Are the HH5s any good? Or should I buy something else.

Also, will an engineer need to visit my property or is this all done from the cabinet?

I was told a new faceplate will need to be fitted? But I thought that wouldnt be needed since the HH5 doesnt require a seperate modem?
As the HH5 has a VDSL modem built in the Engineer will only visit the cabinet, not your house. You can use Microfilters as you normally would or buy a SSFP if you'd prefer.
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