The prices are a bit steep compared to Virgin.
BT ULTRAFAST 1 (up to 152Mbps)
PRICE: £54.99 per month
BT ULTRAFAST 2 (up to 314Mbps)
PRICE: £59.99 per month
Does that include line rental?
Ultrafast Fibre isn’t available where you live right now
Can't get it yet either, I'd probably go the for ULTRAFAST 2 if I could get anywhere near the 314mbps but not sure I'd pay the £54.99 for up to 152mbps.
You'll need to be pretty close to the cabinet in the street to get 314 mbps.
It's around 40 meters away I believe but not sure on actual line length.
You need to go through one of the few ISPs that is prepared to manage an on demand order and those monthly prices are what Openreach charges the ISP, so you’ll pay more.Guys, how do I actually go about getting Openreach FTTPoD ?
I've seen the pricing below which I'd definitely consider. GLsH2e9+mw==
Do I contact Openreach directly or must it be through an actual ISP? products are now available on the BT website, minimum speed guarantee of 100 Mbps.
I guess you'll be stuck using the Hub X as your router, unless they have added bridge mode like on the business hubs.....
The prices are a bit steep compared to Virgin.
Yeah, wouldn't go for that without some kind of discount. It's kind of moot though since BT's broadband availability checker suggests I can't even get basic FTTC let alone (which is nonsense since I currently have FTTC). Hopefully they fix it soon.The prices are a bit steep compared to Virgin.
BT ULTRAFAST 1 (up to 152Mbps)
PRICE: £54.99 per month
BT ULTRAFAST 2 (up to 314Mbps)
PRICE: £59.99 per month
Hmm. Sitting here in rural Welsh Wales. staring at my PON flashing green and willing it to turn solid! (I've ordered Infinity 3 200/20) Going from 5.5/0.3) Frustratingly waiting for BT Openreach to sort issue "out there " somewhere. A few others in the village have just had the fibre installed and have the same issue. I've waited years to get this far, so close now. Come on Openreach sort it
The neighbour is into week 2, I’m in week 1 of waiting. Apparently the contractors haven’t done a great job of hooking up the fibre!! At least my line sees the light and the infrastructure is in place. Come on little green light turn solidI wish you luck! We spent 4 weeks with a flashing green light!
What Speed did you end up with ?The neighbour is into week 2, I’m in week 1 of waiting. Apparently the contractors haven’t done a great job of hooking up the fibre!! At least my line sees the light and the infrastructure is in place. Come on little green light turn solid
Update: Openreach came to sort neighbours fibre out and sorted mine alsoJust optimising home network and wifi. Oh joy going from 5.5/0.3 to a possible 200/20. Woo hoo
What Speed did you end up with ?
It's around 40 meters away I believe but not sure on actual line length.