BT Infinity & FTTx Discussion

I've just had BT Ultrafast Fibre installed today, upgrading from BT Infinity.
My old speeds were 70 down, 20 up. With this new setup, which just required a new master socket and HomeHub, is now 250 down, 40 up (although this is due to increase to nearly 260 once it's settled down).

Very happy!
I missed this first time round.

Out of interest how far from the cab? I'm guessing not very, 100m max?

Any line stats to look at?
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I've just completed on a house that can get 80Mb FTTC...

..except I can't because the cabinet is full. No point in ordering ADSL is it is 0.5Mb.

I missed this first time round.

Out of interest how far from the cab? I'm guessing not very, 100m max?

Any line stats to look at?

Yeah not very far at all. If I look out of my front door I can see the cab at the end of the street. It's over 100m, but less than 150m.
It's still settling down at the moment so sync speeds keep changing as the cab adjusts, but even so, going from 70mb to 200mb+ is lovely!

Line stats from the HomeHub.

Data rate:
38.92 Mbps / 224.31 Mbps

Maximum data rate:
38097 / 223184

Noise margin:
2.2 dB / 3.3 dB

Line attenuation:
0 dB / 11.1 dB

Signal attenuation:
0 dB / 11.1 dB

Just renewed TalkTalk FTTC (80/20) at £25pcm for 12 months. Prices really have tumbled since my last contract :eek:

Quite an annoying situation with regards to billing, we are due to get our POT installed for FTTP in June, but with my existing price for FTTC going up, it barely makes sense not to renew and simply waste the additional months of FTTC. I will just run them side by side for the remainder i guess.
I'm with BT and want Infinity, I live in Salford Quays literally a 5 minute walk from the BBC, you'd think an upcoming area like this would have fast internet, but no, the whole APT block is on between 1-8 Mbit, I can say I'm lucky as I'm getting 4-5Mbit so at least half way between.

Apparently we were in the process of getting upgraded on the BT Infinity site but then it went back to conducting surveys or whatever the initial stage in the process is, absolutely gutted :(
I'm with BT and want Infinity, I live in Salford Quays literally a 5 minute walk from the BBC, you'd think an upcoming area like this would have fast internet, but no, the whole APT block is on between 1-8 Mbit, I can say I'm lucky as I'm getting 4-5Mbit so at least half way between.

Apparently we were in the process of getting upgraded on the BT Infinity site but then it went back to conducting surveys or whatever the initial stage in the process is, absolutely gutted :(
You should look into arranging for Hyperoptic to be installed if you'll be living in the block long term. It'll be several months at the least but worthwhile if it goes through.
You should look into arranging for Hyperoptic to be installed if you'll be living in the block long term. It'll be several months at the least but worthwhile if it goes through.

No we're looking at moving in October because the flat is always freezing :P

According to the quote, at least 7 properties would be served if the install progresses but I question that as the street itself has 11 houses on my side of the road alone and 7 on the opposite side. I know the cable runs the same direction as this google map (minus going around the roundabout) so I'm tempted to pay the £250 survey fee to get a more accurate cost.
Got my quote back from Cerberus this morning as well. £15,200 ex vat construction charge!

You get a £700 ex vat deduction per linked order (e.g. others in estate if they order with you) passed to fit your own fibre. If you want to share the construction charge you can, but have to manage the funds between yourselves.

It reckons only 10 houses are passed for me. Which is impossible as I’m in a cul-de-sac at the corner of our estate. You have to pass every house to get to mine, which is about 30-40 houses at least and that’s just counting 1 side of the road! And the shortest route to my house. If you go the long way out the estate they built first, probably passing 70+ houses.

Don’t fancy burning £250 either at moment to get a more accurate price.

Sigh :(
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I've just had my quote back from Cerberus:

Estimated Build Cost: £24400.00 ex VAT
The build charge includes the estimate for the work and materials required to deliver the service. It also includes the connection charge.

That's a little bit more than I was expecting, so the line must go back directly to the exchange.
Last August I was quoted £6875 install & connection plus £320 PCM on a 3 year contract. That was for 330/30 with 10:1 contention. The quote was from FluidOne. I think however Openreach have changed their prices since?

Still a bit steep even though I could probably get away with it as an expense.
EAD is cheaper than FTTPoD, get a leased line :D

Just renewed TalkTalk FTTC (80/20) at £25pcm for 12 months. Prices really have tumbled since my last contract :eek:

Quite an annoying situation with regards to billing, we are due to get our POT installed for FTTP in June, but with my existing price for FTTC going up, it barely makes sense not to renew and simply waste the additional months of FTTC. I will just run them side by side for the remainder i guess.

The overlap probably won't be as large as you're anticipating anyway, that June date could slip, or the actual date that the service is released to order might be a month or so later.

You also don't *have* to order FTTP as soon as it's available :p
You also don't *have* to order FTTP as soon as it's available :p
I do not understand this line :D

But yes, this is true. I am now not worried about it slipping tbh, and i am sure that it will. That said, the rollout here is *extremely* impressive. There are crews almost everywhere i drive, fibre being laid down even small single track roads to single isolated houses etc. The council are claiming near 100% coverage over the county once complete.
Just got my quote for FTTPoD from Cerberus also : £8900 ex VAT, and it says only 2 premises are passed for FTTP which is total bull as again its a cul-de-sac and its the last house in the street, so a good 20 houses.
Anyway too expensive to consider for now oh well.
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