BT Infinity & FTTx Discussion

Just got my quote back from Cerberus :D

Estimated Build Cost: £39000.00 ex VAT :eek:
Number of premises passed for FTTP: 17

Will be sticking with 2x ~25mb FTTC lines for the time being. Just annoying that the upstream is only ~1.5mb per line.

I knew it would be high at roughly 8km from the exchange, we are lucky that the new FTTC cab is 1.5km away to get FTTC as before our old cab was about 4km, half way to the exchange. ADSL speeds were 1-1.5mb down!
New query

I’m moving in a couple of weeks to a new house, I checked before we put an offer on the property and it was in a FTTC avail area, just got off the phone from BT discussing moving my account to the new property and they tell me the cabinet is now at capacity and all I can have is normal broadband @ 8meg max

I have been on 70meg for the last couple of years, worried about stuff like Sky on demand etc.

BT told me they would add capacity to the cabinet, anyone been in the same situation ??


Phil G
New query

I’m moving in a couple of weeks to a new house, I checked before we put an offer on the property and it was in a FTTC avail area, just got off the phone from BT discussing moving my account to the new property and they tell me the cabinet is now at capacity and all I can have is normal broadband @ 8meg max

I have been on 70meg for the last couple of years, worried about stuff like Sky on demand etc.

BT told me they would add capacity to the cabinet, anyone been in the same situation ??


Phil G

Was in a similar situation for my gf's horse. We ordered it online, then the activation date came and went. Rang BT, they said cab was full, they added a new line card about 3 weeks later.
Thanks for the reply

I really hope that’s the case, we are a high usage family with a couple of kids

The btopenreach says - waiting list for fttc for my property
The other option is to use an ISP that supports adding you to the waiting list, that way as people come and go you can snag a port as it becomes free...

On another note I also asked for a FTTPoD quote and received back the below;

Estimated Build Cost: £8600.00 ex VAT
The build charge includes the estimate for the work and materials required to deliver the service. It also includes the connection charge.

Number of premises passed for FTTP: 6

They also mention a £700+VAT saving for each of the 6 properties passed that apply at the same time. I wonder if the linked application has their own associated install fees or if it would be free for them? If I could sign up all 6 I would almost be tempted to cover the rest.
BTw has updated checker for to be appear to show up as planned in my cabinet 8 as I am current on full stats 80/20 on FTTC:

I'll guess then if it doesn't appear on your check it isn't even planned.
Well at least I have FTTP available - come on lottery win!
Looks like it's a waiting game for, do they plan to attach the module required to most cabinets over the next number of years or is it only going to be specific areas?
Looks like it's a waiting game for, do they plan to attach the module required to most cabinets over the next number of years or is it only going to be specific areas?

G.Fast is a waste of time. Openreach select some houses will get it and some houses will not getting it.

Very strange odd as 13 houses won't get but the rest of 27 houses does after checked it all in BTw Checker! Every houses do not get 330/50. All houses doesn't have any telephone poles at all. All houses in this area are underground copper cable to the street cabinet.

Same houses in the same layout as a terraced houses as the true length to the cabinet approx 250m. Houses 1 to 6 are closer to the cabinet in less than 250m away, houses 7-10 a little further away from the cabinet with more than 250m away.

House 1 get 330/50 (Street Fibre cabinet stood there)
House 2 get 286/43
House 3 get 330/50
House 4 Not Planned ** no
House 5 get 330/50
House 6 get 246/35 (mine house)
House 7 get 330/50
House 8 Not Planned ** no
House 9 get 281/42
House 10 get 230/30
lmao a £20k quote for FTTPoD. It's like they don't want to sell it.

Could have a gigabit leased line service for three years for the build costs of that.
That's Britain for us. They always selling rubbish cheaper stuff to residentials like poorer peoples. The richer get the better and affordable for them. FTTPoD is a NO NO for us all. Only Crappy cheap! Me for one, will going to stay with FTTC 80/20 as because I don't believe in expensive G.Fast no point for that!
£12,800 for me to get FTTPoD, and it must pass a good 60 houses before it reaches the cabinet. I hate being stuck on 25 down, 5 up :( Both my parents and my girlfriends parents have faster speeds than we get and they hardly use it!

My area hasn't been updated for, however my girlfriends parents have it planned at 250 down...
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