BT Infinity & FTTx Discussion

Hmm. So it looks like DLM finally changed on my line although only for my upload.


Was connected at 39999 down, 3208 up earlier but it's just reconnected at 1308 up. Seems there's a bunch of lost packets initially and then it's fine. I may plug the router back into the master socket just to see whether the extension is making a difference.

I wish I could get Virgin in these flats, never had any of these problems at my last place.
Hmm. So it looks like DLM finally changed on my line although only for my upload.


Was connected at 39999 down, 3208 up earlier but it's just reconnected at 1308 up. Seems there's a bunch of lost packets initially and then it's fine. I may plug the router back into the master socket just to see whether the extension is making a difference.

I wish I could get Virgin in these flats, never had any of these problems at my last place.

should really be in the master socket with all extensions in the house completely disconnected. then use an ethernet cable from router to your other room or whatever.
Hello everyone, I had some thunderstorms, last night and not surprisingly the FTTC connection was lost.

Now I have a big gap between theoretical and current speeds, will this fix itself?


My contract with BT has finished a while ago and it's costing me around 50 quid a month. Thinking of jumping over to Plusnet. Anyone use them in N.ireland?

Currently getting 50mb down. Think it's the max I can get.(FTTC)
So is the plan eventually to have most streets dug up and fibre fitted to properties? A quick google shows FTTP rollouts being a slow process up till 2030-33 :( I'm not very hopeful for the house I've just moved into as it's over 100 years old, my FTTC connection syncs at the full 80/20 though as the cabinet is close and the exchange is also very close.

I was looking forward to as I think my downstream would have more than doubled or tripled but after the previous post in this thread, that looks unlikely now.
There wouldn't necessarily need to be that much digging. The ducts should already exist and be full of the copper cabling they'll be replacing.

Where the cabling is overhead it'll presumably be a much simpler job.
So is the plan eventually to have most streets dug up and fibre fitted to properties? A quick google shows FTTP rollouts being a slow process up till 2030-33 :( I'm not very hopeful for the house I've just moved into as it's over 100 years old, my FTTC connection syncs at the full 80/20 though as the cabinet is close and the exchange is also very close.

I was looking forward to as I think my downstream would have more than doubled or tripled but after the previous post in this thread, that looks unlikely now.

I'm starting to think we'll get widespread 5G coverage long before FTTP becomes the norm :(
Why can't get get unlimited mobile broadband? Landline is mostly unlimited and for obvious reasons mobile broadband would be so much better and more convenient!
5G might be nice for the odd rapid download but at the current mobile data limits it's useless, even if 100GB data packages became the norm.
Most homes with kids or even with two people will use more than 100GB a month. And we always see a huge spike in usage when we upgrade someone from DSL to Fibre.
Until decent usage limits or unlimited usage at a decent price becomes the norm then while coverage will be widespread it won't replace fixed line broadband for quite a while.

5G might be nice for the odd rapid download but at the current mobile data limits it's useless, even if 100GB data packages became the norm.

We'll see. Verizon is launching an unlimited 5G service in a few US cities next week -

Verizon promises typical speeds of about 300 Mbps and peak speeds up to 1 Gbps (1000 Mbps)—and no data caps. The service costs $70 a month if you’re not already a Verizon customer and $50 per month if you are.
Most homes with kids or even with two people will use more than 100GB a month. And we always see a huge spike in usage when we upgrade someone from DSL to Fibre.

Even on my crappy internet we must use going on 400GB a month with netflix and amazon and Windows Update constantly downloading. And yes I've just pulled that figure out of the air as a rough estimate.
Wouldn’t latency and capacity still be an issue with 5G?

Mobile internet is also really inconsistent. It’s passable because normally you are not doing serious work on your mobile.

You can easily get 40+mb on 4G but I’d never want to for example play a FPS game online using it.
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