Having been on VM cable for 15+ years we're moving and i'm going to have to give up my beloved 350Mbps VM internet connection. The place we're moving to has FTTC although as we'll be some distance away online speed estimators reckon we'll get "Typical download speed of 57Mbps, typical upload speed of 18.7Mbps". It's along time since I was on non cable so my memory is somehwat vague but assuming all providers go over Openreach LLU infrastructure I assume speed/contention/congestion etc locally is the same across all suppliers. That given is there any recommendation currently on who is best for gaming/work etc where low contention, good back end connections and bandwidth will help assuming within reason cost isn't a primary concern? Am I right in thinking once you get beyond the FTTC they all share, peering arrangements and ISP infrastructure can vary somewhat still and effect perfomance/ping/packet loss etc? Any thoughts?