BT Infinity & FTTx Discussion

I've been making solid progress restoring on the speed on my line as I have gained 10Mb~ on where my line has started about 5 days ago.

Since the DLM reset this morning, its now showing the following from where it started. (You can pull stats by running - xdslcmd info --stats on a unlocked HG612)

Max: Upstream rate = 23435 Kbps, Downstream rate = 58904 Kbps

I've been limiting the line rate by running the following on my HG612 - xdslcmd configure --maxDataRate 29000 15000 100000

Bearer: 0, Upstream rate = 14997 Kbps, Downstream rate = 28999 Kbps

I will start to bring the speed from tomorrows re-sync if the DLM pattern holds true. However at the current speeds the line is free from any errors

Previous 15 minutes time = 15 min 0 sec
FEC: 0 0
CRC: 0 0
ES: 0 0
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0

What is interesting though, since i've limited the line I can see the following

Bearer 0
INP: 57.00 0.00
INPRein: 1.00 0.00

Bearer 0, INPRein 0 is Retx Low
Bearer 0, INPRein 1 is Retx High

I expect this to change shortly though as well.

I will also be moving this line back to Zen from AA ISP.
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So Openreach have been installing FTTP around here for the last few months, I've been checking availability every couple of days (I know an install wouldn't happen at the moment) but it's still showing FTTC only. Someone on the local Facebook group posted a link with a map of FTTP availability which showed part of my street. Upon checking, numbers 1 - 15 on my street can get FTTP. I live at number 19 and can't.
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So Openreach have been installing FTTP around here for the last few months, I've been checking availability every couple of days (I know an install wouldn't happen at the moment) but it's still showing FTTC only. Someone on the local Facebook group posted a link with a map of FTTP availability which showed part of my street. Upon checking, numbers 1 - 15 on my street can get FTTP. I live at number 19 and can't.

They've taking fttp of the website temporarily, I have fttp but can't upgrade due to the vjrus
So Openreach have been installing FTTP around here for the last few months, I've been checking availability every couple of days (I know an install wouldn't happen at the moment) but it's still showing FTTC only. Someone on the local Facebook group posted a link with a map of FTTP availability which showed part of my street. Upon checking, numbers 1 - 15 on my street can get FTTP. I live at number 19 and can't.

It could be they were in the process of needing a duct sorting, assuming it's not being installed on overhead poles. The pandemic might have seen them needing to cancel some engineering work? Or they were part way through installing an aggregation node? I know that our house is connected FTTP to an aggregation node on our street about 25m away, whereas the next door neighbours FTTP goes around the corner onto another street. When FTTP was being installed, they were able to get their first as it is a main road and presumably was prioritised, then a month or so later ours was sorted, even though we are next door.
Openreach dig team turned up for the fibre ducting, decided they didn't want to touch the drive and went with the original plan of digging in a new duct in the soft ground much longer run but they thought it will take them less time than relaying the monoblocks on the drive. Surprised they turned up on a bank holiday.
They're paying their staff anyway and the order book is probably drying up so they might as well carry on doing as much of the civils work as they can - it's probably a lot easier to get road closures now as well.
Hey guys,

By a "blessing in disguise" I had a drop on my internet for about 10-15 mins, running real slow..

So I thought I would get it touch with BT and by checking the services page, my 300meg serivce has now been updated to as high as 900meg :eek: :D

So straight away I phoned them, and as of Wednesday I will be rocking my new serivce! Pumped! :)

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Nice, but I find it really odd their upload speeds are so poor.

I’ve had fttp in my last two places & both have been symmetrical gigabit, only BT seem to be stingy, not sure why.
Yeah thats true, but for me its not as essential, as im currently around 30-40 meg upload and is OK, so anything higher is suitable for my needs.
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The other vendors that are doing symmetrical gigabit FTTP are B4rn, Community Fibre, Hyperoptic, and Vodafone. The total number of customers covered by those networks is roughly what Openreach were building to in a couple of months before we ran into a pandemic - Openreach don't consider them competition that is worth shaping the whole product portfolio. Only if Virgin Media moved to a symmetrical service (currently they only offer a 50Mbps upload) are Openreach likely to consider it. They also have a leased line business to protect, and I imagine a lot of their customers would be upset if they started offering gigabit symmetrical fibre at a price that it could be retailed at £60 a month.
The other vendors that are doing symmetrical gigabit FTTP are B4rn, Community Fibre, Hyperoptic, and Vodafone. The total number of customers covered by those networks is roughly what Openreach were building to in a couple of months before we ran into a pandemic - Openreach don't consider them competition that is worth shaping the whole product portfolio. Only if Virgin Media moved to a symmetrical service (currently they only offer a 50Mbps upload) are Openreach likely to consider it. They also have a leased line business to protect, and I imagine a lot of their customers would be upset if they started offering gigabit symmetrical fibre at a price that it could be retailed at £60 a month.

Fair point on the commercial client aspect.

You missed Gigaclear, that's who I was with before Hyperoptic.
Its seems DLM is in fix it mode now, as I am now back over 60Mb ( another 10Mb or to go) and it continues to bump the speed up. The line also seems very clean at the moment in terms of ES / SES's and the lines also on low retx which is a huge improvement.

Previous 15 minutes time = 15 min 0 sec
FEC: 0 0
CRC: 0 0
ES: 0 0
SES: 0 0
UAS: 0 0
LOS: 0 0
LOF: 0 0
LOM: 0 0

I have given my noticed to AA ISP and I am going to move the line back to Zen Internet.
Hey guys,

Just setup my "BT Wifi disc" and hooked it ethernet to my PC. My services went live about a few hours ago..

My UL speed and ping are good, but my DL is only around 450mbps and I phoned BT and they said that should increase over the next few days as the line becomes fully stable..

Is this the case?

Even if not, the guy was really helpful, and said to phone back in a few days if things havent got better and they will take it from there..
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