Budget 2500K First Time Build

Yeah, even on easy, I couldn't do it. Anyway, I've stocked up on explosives, ammo and health boosters. I didn't get the chip upgrade so now I keep my augs. And I've got the turret with me. If I can't beat him now, Odin help me. ;p
I hit him with a frag grenade, and blasted him with the laser while he was stunned. Then ran over to the turret and shot off a few with the shotgun.


Sarif also got on my nerves.


Well, finished it now. Guess I'd better tear down the case and put the cooler on.
lol, I saved just before shooting, then reloaded that save just after and carried as usual. Sarif lived on. :p
You're the scientist, so you cant kill Sarif and put humankind back into dark ages for fear of technology. (Yes you can, its just a game:p)

Did you manage to win the argument with the Humanity Front leader at press conference? I couldn't:) However, I found out that I've missed "Acquaintances Forgotten" side mission, so I have restarted the game from scratch (plot branches in the first mission so that wrong choice makes it inaccessible much later on), so I'll have another go at this press conference too:)
You're the scientist, so you cant kill Sarif and put humankind back into dark ages for fear of technology. (Yes you can, its just a game:p)

Did you manage to win the argument with the Humanity Front leader at press conference? I couldn't:) However, I found out that I've missed "Acquaintances Forgotten" side mission, so I have restarted the game from scratch (plot branches in the first mission so that wrong choice makes it inaccessible much later on), so I'll have another go at this press conference too:)

Yeah, you mean Taggert? I won that one. I found out there are several side quests I missed. I did try to do the ones I came across.

I think I'm ready to go on to another game. Arkham City is supposed to be good, but it's nearly £30!
I dont know, maybe I'm too fussy, but aprat form really enjoying DeusEx (first time, now its stale as well), other single player games do not woo me. I've played (a bit, got bored rather quickly) the first batman- Arkham Asylum and would not buy the sequel...

LA NOire is very ambitious (and looks great on max settings on PC!) but also is not that well thought out... Too much trial and error.

Splinter cell conviction's pretty good I thought but after DX:HR its hard to maintain the set standard.
Installed the gelid cpu cooler. Pain in the arse having to take the motherboard out. :mad:

Tidied cables and both 2.5" drives up a bit. Cables wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the GPU. I've got one lead that has all the molex plugs on it and I need that out for the GPU, plus the pcie power cable. I'll use extensions once I get a new case, then a better PSU.

Need to test the cooler out now. :)
Well, you've installed it now -is it?:)

I've had a dell which I've overclocked as well and it had stock cooler (it was Core2duo though) and to be honest, unless CPU was 100% loaded, it was very quiet. And even under load, gfx card was about as noisy anyway...

You need to post some pictures of your new install;)
Yes it is much quieter. :) I can't hear it over the PSU and case fans.

Did some inteliburn stress testing on maximum.


Seems I may have put the TIM on a little unevenly.

Overclock and photos will arrive eventually. ;)
It got to those temps after about 4 minutes or so, then stayed there without going any higher for another 4 minutes so I shut it down.

I never stress tested with the stock cooler, but it would get to those temps just from gaming alone.
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I've also missed like half of side missions first time round- Also, apart form side missions, some decisions make a mission play out in different way- I didnt even FIND the hostages on the very first level first ime i played:), couldnt convince the police station guard to let me in and had to sneak in instead... or like if you lose the Humanity Front leader debate (what's his name again?:p) you have to sneak into his guarded room to achieve objective...

There is also a good DLC for DX:HR - The Missing Link. Its a new campaign on a ship and new island with some optional side qusts and branching plot.
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Seems I may have put the TIM on a little unevenly.

Oh, so that's what it is! I also have about 4degrees difference between the cooolest and hottest cores, I thought it was just down to architecture... My max temps are about 70C (OCed, stock were about 60C if I remember right). I run stress tests for 15 minutes though, and temps do pick up after 10+ mins on my cooler (Arctic Freezer something, wish I spent and extra fiver and got yours:( )
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