Budget 2500K First Time Build

Just installed Office 2010 and set up Outlook. I think it added a second or two to bootup. But I timed it at 27 seconds to desktop. I'll get around to tweaking later for faster boot up. Under 20 seconds would be nice, though I've seen some that are barely 12 seconds.

Waking up from sleep is faster than my monitor (U2311H). By the time the screen wakes up, it's already at the desktop.
Well I do have a couple Coolermaster Stackers floating about here somewhere... Might one of them help you ;) :lol:

I used to run water cooling with my Socket A rigs I still have.. I did nearly manage to hit 3Ghz with my little XP 2500!! :eek: :D
I can't see a Sandy Bridge struggling with RAW files.. I take it you like photography and work a lot with RAW file types?
*googles coolermaster stackers*
*prefers simple understated cases* :D

Yeah, doing individual RAW files isn't too bad, but can get heavier with more and more image layers. But it takes too long doing that I just want to start batch processing entire folders. Also, I want to start doing family videos and things nearer summer when I have more time.
I thought the Stacker was a understated case but they are huge and can fit a lot of hard drives in there!! :D

I must admit I havent had a lot of dealing with RAW files at all so I can't really say how long or short things take to do... I have to go and use my camera in a bit as I have a load of hardware that needs pictures taken and I have to update my own build log as well :)
I think most of all, I'm just really happy with how straight forward the actual build was. I just put everything together, turned on first attempt, booted up and installed windows first attempt. Installed drivers and basic apps. Zero problems so far. :)
Need to crack open this 500GB external HDD and pop it into my PC. Already putting files/data on now and don't want to start piling it onto the SSD.

Also, I need to get an HDD rack or tray for my case; the SSD is just sitting in there. -_-

No way am I taking case photos anymore. It's mess in there. In a couple of months I'll get a decent case, get everything neat, tidy and cable managed, then I'll take some really nice photos. :)
I just my 5 year old laptop for a bit. 1.66GHz dual core, 2GB RAM, 60GB HDD.

How did I even live?
Saving up now for a decent 460 GPU. By saving up I mean paying off my overdraft back into the black. Don't think my 430W PSU will like this.

I have the ap-d3 mobo that you have, and have been having problems with the USB slots with them not supplying constant power and it being abit hit and miss..

You haven't had any of these problems have you by any chance? Worth a shot :P

And nice build!
I have the ap-d3 mobo that you have, and have been having problems with the USB slots with them not supplying constant power and it being abit hit and miss..

You haven't had any of these problems have you by any chance? Worth a shot :P

And nice build!

No, nothing that I've noticed so far. And I installed Windows 7 off a CF card in a card reader plugged into the front USB. :D

I've also installed loads of drivers and transferred several gigs from an external HDD. No problems.

I hope you get it sorted. :(
Great read, thanks for sharing your story!
I've also just assembled my first PC, also with 2500k and Z68AP-d3, and doing it on abudget, I reused some of my old Dell stuff.

The only MAJOR dissapintment with my new Z68 is the fact that it does not natively support PCI, so my music studio £120 card (a very nice sounding Audiophile 192) pops and crackles - with no hope for solutionon the horizon as problem is purely hardware and not firmware.
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Great read, thanks for sharing your story!
I've also just assembled my first PC, also with 2500k and Z68AP-d3, and doing it on abudget, I reused some of my old Dell stuff.

The only MAJOR dissapintment with my new Z68 is the fact that it does not natively support PCI, so my music studio £120 card (a very nice sounding Audiophile 192) pops and crackles - with no hope for solutionon the horizon as problem is purely hardware and not firmware.

I don't even know what this means exactly. :p :D
Just saw someone got a Mac Pro/G5 case and they're building a Windows machine inside. And the case only cost him £50 and was in good condition. I've found a few spares and repairs Mac Pro/G5s for around that, but many are in terrible condition.

That sounds like something I'd like to do eventually though. I think it's a sexy case. :)
Just saw someone got a Mac Pro/G5 case and they're building a Windows machine inside. And the case only cost him £50 and was in good condition. I've found a few spares and repairs Mac Pro/G5s for around that, but many are in terrible condition.

That sounds like something I'd like to do eventually though. I think it's a sexy case. :)

Wow, just looked at the Mac Pro case and its the best looking functional case that I ever saw!:eek: I'm usually completely indifferent to bells and whistles on cases, but this one IS cool. I like how it has its own tall "legs" too - this would save it from dust/carpet lint...
Just wondering, did you get in befre MM requirement was raised to 1000 posts?(I've got no hope now, as much as I wanted to- even forums where I was a member for 7 years, I'm still nowhere near 1000 posts. I'm just too impatient with posting and just use search instead usually :p)
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Wow, just looked at the Mac Pro case and its the best looking functional case that I ever saw!:eek: I'm usually completely indifferent to bells and whistles on cases, but this one IS cool. I like how it has its own tall "legs" too - this would save it from dust/carpet lint...
It is a really good looking case. I'd happily sacrifice some desk space to put that on the desk instead of under. My desk is big enough.


Just wondering, did you get in befre MM requirement was raised to 1000 posts?(I've got no hope now, as much as I wanted to- even forums where I was a member for 7 years, I'm still nowhere near 100 posts. I'm just too impatient with posting and just use search instead usually :p)

The ****? :confused:

*looks into this*
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Dammit. Not only that, but now it's 180 days!! :mad:

I had less than 2 weeks left and was looking forward to getting a 460 GPU. :mad:
I was looking forwards to a whole host of things;( YOu have more posts than was required previously, did you need to qualify on some other criteria?

Yeah, the ATX MAcPro mod is cool, but I didnt realise that Mac was not ATX standard. In that case I personally wouldn't spend so much time/effort just get its looks. But maaan, apple designers really know their stuff!
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