[Build Log] --->PROJECT:LAUNCH<---

[Small Update]

Due to afew problems unearthed with the 970 this week and the whole 3.5Gb VRAM debate I've decided to switch my 970 for a 980. Sexy nude pics to come as soon as it arrives :D, followed by dressed up in a waterblock.

lol :D

if i get the z97 gryphon at least i can get a z87 armor casing that will fit the z97, so as to save the new one, im still undecided with colour schemes at the mo but it might be pastel yellow-black , pastel purple-white, pastel blue-white.:)

Pastel purple sounds interesting. :D
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*Small Update*

Due to afew problems unearthed with the 970 this week and the whole 3.5Gb VRAM debate I've decided to switch my 970 for a 980. Sexy nude pics to come as soon as it arrives :D, followed by dressed up in a waterblock.

Pastel purple sounds interesting. :D

u managed to swap your 970, did hear something about the vram, they should give a free upgrade lol :D
u managed to swap your 970, did hear something about the vram, they should give a free upgrade lol :D

Yeah, Essentially the 4GB of onboard VRAM is split up into 3.5Gb and 0.5Gb chunks, the 0.5Gb causes issues with stuttering once you go over 3.5Gb. Fine for 1080P but on larger 21:9 screens maybe not.

I prefer the waterblock on the 980 so much though because its a full cover for the card, not just a 3/4 card.
Yeah, Essentially the 4GB of onboard VRAM is split up into 3.5Gb and 0.5Gb chunks, the 0.5Gb causes issues with stuttering once you go over 3.5Gb. Fine for 1080P but on larger 21:9 screens maybe not.

I prefer the waterblock on the 980 so much though because its a full cover for the card, not just a 3/4 card.

oh really, i want a full block for mine, still waiting for the person to come back to me if he will accept my offer, i nearly thought of getting rid of the gtx780 and getting a gtx970, glad i didnt now, prob just get another gtx780 if i can find a decent one, going back to the water blocks the bitspower one looks really nice. :D
oh really, i want a full block for mine, still waiting for the person to come back to me if he will accept my offer, i nearly thought of getting rid of the gtx780 and getting a gtx970, glad i didnt now, prob just get another gtx780 if i can find a decent one, going back to the water blocks the bitspower one looks really nice. :D

For all of the waterblocks I'm sticking with EK. I like the CSQ circle design and the frosted acrylic looks really nice lit up. Hopefully once I get the case I can show off the whole CSQ design that is for more than just the waterblocks. :D
yer i looked at the csq full , but liked it with the frosty polished out, its something ive thought off, nice block, i see EK are bringing new fittings out for acrylic tubing, i wanted to go with primochill for there tubing as its more tougher, as im sure the other tubing could crack or break easly, im unsure on this side yet as its something im gonna have to research due to this being my first acrylic tube build.

Gave Justin and the Parvum guys the green light this afternoon to cut the case and get it moving on it's way from digital to physical. Here is a final render of the case! Super excited!


Gave Justin and the Parvum guys the green light this afternoon to cut the case and get it moving on it's way from digital to physical. Here is a final render of the case! Super excited!

looking forward to your build, what rads you gonna have.:)
Using the EK Coolstream PE 240 rads, they're taking forever to come in stock though.

I was looking at them, what sort of clearance have you got on the rear, does it resess into the floor, ie have you a false floor on the bottom of case, excuse me im prob gonna ask a lot of questions as im about to order a custom case of justin when i go down there for a chat.:D
Hardware labs are bringing out nemesis gts,gtx new rads with a texturerd finish they look quite nice but not sure what they perform like.
[Small Update]

Got some goodies today so I thought I'd give a sneak peak as to whats going in the case.













I was looking at them, what sort of clearance have you got on the rear, does it resess into the floor, ie have you a false floor on the bottom of case, excuse me im prob gonna ask a lot of questions as im about to order a custom case of justin when i go down there for a chat.:D

There is a false floor in there yeah but the radiators stay within the top chamber if that makes sense. I told Justin i wanted to try and avoid the rads going through the floor as it might mess up the airflow which is a big thing for me with this case. I'm going to have all of the airflow with the rads in a sort of wind tunnel. other things I'm going to do will help airflow too but gonna save those for later.
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[Small Update]

Got some goodies today so I thought I'd give a sneak peak as to whats going in the case.

Haribo's yeah, :D ive start to draw my case up but im crap at drawing, justin is gonna love my design lol its a right mess, i sort of know what i want so we will see. Be good to see your case all fixed up when you get it, still deciding M-ATX OR Full ATX, but would mean a new board but i only like the 2011 x99 ones, and no new ones for z97, well not that i like at the moment, there prob waiting for the new chip out later ths year.:mad:
Looking good,
You know what you should do with that EK block?
Polish it ;)
scroll a bit to the polishing

I've been following your busy bee build hehe. Fancy giving me those 240 EK rads? OcUK have a real shortage of them. Everyone but me seems to be able to get hold of them. Even though the CSQ design on a polished block does look really nice I'm sticking to the frosted look.


I may just be "frosting" my tubing instead. Here's a quick test I did yesterday. I need to get a finer grit sandpaper but it bounces the light so much better than the clear tubing. Should look awesome with white coolant.
haha, It is annoying having stock issues.
But I just got my fans, so the rads stay with me :p

your 'frosting' looks good, what grit's that?
I'd have tried a 200 for a similar look to the ek stuff
your 'frosting' looks good, what grit's that?
I'd have tried a 200 for a similar look to the ek stuff

I have no idea to be honest. It was just a piece of sandpaper I had lying around so I thought I would give it a try and see how it looks. It says p120 on the back so I guess it's 120 grit. If it is then 200/250 would probably be the sweet spot.
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