[Build Log] --->PROJECT:LAUNCH<---

That's pretty logical.

Does it work with rads?

I'm not entirely sure how they have done the dust filters in mine to be honest but hopefully I will know soon enough. Hopefully they have made them removable since I'm going to be using hardline tubing so I cant have radiators or anything moving around when I take panels off.

dont see why it wouldnt work, how i done mine was 2 screws in fans then 2 through filter into fan, that way when you take it off the fans are still in place.:)
Here's those sanded tube pics I mentioned:




Guessing if you're not so zoomed in it looks much less "scratchy" than my attempt lol.
[Spoiler Alert]

Just got this back from the guys over at Parvum this morning. I think it's fair to say im hyped.

Finally the radiators have come in stock. Just ordered me some. Only thing I need now are for the Ram blocks to come in stock and for the case to arrive.

Case came today!

Here are some quick shots! I still need to do a few mods so things aren't finished yet.

Enjoy for now guys :).




Looks nice, some nice shots with window off next, more pics. :)

There will be don't worry. Proper pics coming as soon as everything is ready to be put in. Had some problems with the radiators not fitting so have to wait to get that sorted before doing anything else. Been feeling under the weather so wanted to just get it together asap to make sure everything was okay. Hence the crappy mobile phone pics. I'm going to need a few days to do all the cooling and everything too since once I start it means I will be without a computer for a while. :mad:

On a side note. Anyone got any tips to remove dye from waterblocks? I thought maybe just leaving them overnight in paint thinner but don't know if that will mess with the nickel coating or not?
There will be don't worry. Proper pics coming as soon as everything is ready to be put in. Had some problems with the radiators not fitting so have to wait to get that sorted before doing anything else. Been feeling under the weather so wanted to just get it together asap to make sure everything was okay. Hence the crappy mobile phone pics. I'm going to need a few days to do all the cooling and everything too since once I start it means I will be without a computer for a while. :mad:

On a side note. Anyone got any tips to remove dye from waterblocks? I thought maybe just leaving them overnight in paint thinner but don't know if that will mess with the nickel coating or not?

I bought a second hand block and it was really bad with red dye, all i did was wash it out with warm water, then took it apart and used a tim cleaner, washed it in warm water again then ran di water through it, came out like brand new. DONT USE PAINT THINNER.
[Small Update]

Hope everyone had a good long weekend over easter. Just ordered a new D5 pump with an EK top/res. Hopefully they will be with me tomorrow. Also fingers crossed that the new parts from Parvum show up soon (Hoping tomorrow too). If that's correct then I will be jumping straight into the build and as long as no problems present themselves, we should be looking at a completed build by the weekend!
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