Building Oblivion

Cool, will do :)

Do you know of any way to be invisible to attackers (so you can wander around with being interrupted by battle music) with actually turning invisible?

I have a ring that gives me 100 chameleon so I'm never attacked - but I also can't see my character (including hands and weapon!).

Know any way around that?
I've ran into a probelm with All Natural (Well it happens with Bettter Citys, but that needs All Natural to run anyway), Oblivion is just closing straight too desktop everytime its launched, Oblivion works fine with all the other mods I've installed though
More problems....since Better Cities my FPS in parts of the Imperial City drops - I kid you not - to around 5 fps.

Is my computer really that feeble??

Try with the FPS patches. Like I told you I suspect you are getting texture memory overload. (especially as you are running full fat QTP3) Open console, sdt 13, tdt, what does texture memory say?

I get around 12-15fps in the Waterfront which is the heaviest area, my card has 2GB VRAM - other than that you have a better rig than mine. The LOD stuff around the Imperial City will murder your frame rates. Look at my suggestions as to what to install and what not to install with RAEVWD.

I've ran into a probelm with All Natural (Well it happens with Bettter Citys, but that needs All Natural to run anyway), Oblivion is just closing straight too desktop everytime its launched, Oblivion works fine with all the other mods I've installed though

Better Cities doesn't need All Natural to run. Read the docs, make sure you've installed it all correctly and run Boss (READ THE OUTPUT WITH A FINE TOOTHCOMB), rebuild Bashed Patch.
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Better Cities doesn't need All Natural to run. Read the docs, make sure you've installed it all correctly and run Boss (READ THE OUTPUT WITH A FINE TOOTHCOMB), rebuild Bashed Patch.

I got it too work by building it as a OMOD in OBMM :)
I got it too work by building it as a OMOD in OBMM :)

Probably you picked a couple of mods inside that conflicted with each other. Bash decided to redo all of the wizard code which has broken a bunch of stuff, so we have to wait while the downstream mods fix themselves.
OBGE update.

BTW: to respond to the question about the next update. I'll update when we got MSAA on ATI working or definitly rejected. I optimized a lot of the effects, so actually in reality it should be a real performance update (if nothing else).
When RAEVWD runs it generates *.LOD files in Oblivion\Data\GeneratedLOD - each one corresponds to a cell on the map. (You can see X and Y coordinates in the file name).

I've cobbled together a whitelist of cells that have something of interest in them and are in the more open areas (so not behind half a mile of forest). The script just deletes the LOD from areas you are less likely to see. It has around 60 cells whitelisted (out of maybe a 1000) - helps framerates a lot. It means you may get statues and such popping up - but the key dungeons and landmarks should stay viewable when distant.

It does the same thing as some of the other VWD mods, but uses the much improved meshes from RAEVWD. (The other mods just display the full detail meshes)

Been doing some work on this, and while the principle is good it's an awful lot of work. Mostly fairly tedious work at that, basically it involves travelling around a lot with full VWD, making a note of what you can actually see / think is important, then visiting each of those areas and jotting down the map locations.

There may be some way to extract the data out of this map:

But i'm mostly working against this and this
Sldsmkd i have slight problem,everything been fine until i loaded quals which produced some conflicts,i ran tesedit and it says unable to locate oblivion,in the registry what exactly do i do so tesedit can locate oblivion folder?

Thanks zia

P.s ignore above solved it 2.2 wouldn't find any of my mods so downloaded and installed 3.0.15 and placed it in oblivion folder worked
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Whoooaaaaa :eek:

I just "discovered" that you can enjoy HDR with AA! Yay!! Just on a whim I decided to try it out and it wooooooooooooorks :D

You need to go to your GFX card software (Catalyst for me) and de-select Application Settings for AA and then set the AA from in there.

Whooo hoooo now HDR+AA = Oblivion looks fantabulous.

Altho Im guessing most of you lot know this already huh lol. But for the sake of others who might not know what Im bleating about:

Oblivion itself does not allow HDR + AA. So while HDR can look good you get the jaggies. But using ur GFX card app you can get around this :o
Whoooaaaaa :eek:

I just "discovered" that you can enjoy HDR with AA! Yay!! Just on a whim I decided to try it out and it wooooooooooooorks :D

You need to go to your GFX card software (Catalyst for me) and de-select Application Settings for AA and then set the AA from in there.

Whooo hoooo now HDR+AA = Oblivion looks fantabulous.

Altho Im guessing most of you lot know this already huh lol. But for the sake of others who might not know what Im bleating about:

Oblivion itself does not allow HDR + AA. So while HDR can look good you get the jaggies. But using ur GFX card app you can get around this :o

welcome to 2006 ;)

no joking didn't you know you could do that??
I installed the 275.65 qudro-telsa drivers and so far my FPS have gone by 10 and Oblivion is much smoother.
Bump OP, have you paused on this for now?

Got sidetracked. I'll finish it up this week, not much to do now.

Been learning Python.

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