The Raystorm blocks look really good.
This is looking stonking!
Maybe I have been living under a rock, I have not heard of water cooled RAM before! Admitidely I am not a water cooler, Next build I will do that, nom nom nom
Completely pointless cooling the ram
I Love it
Looks awesome, keep it up!
looking good, love the RAM coolers
The Raystorm blocks look really good.
Love the colours can't wait to see this beast finished!
Great job.
Epic build mate
looking superb. love the 3D grills!
i too have just received a package from Ricardo, AMAZING work as ever. I cant wait to see what he sends you.
i wouldnt of filed anything tbh, would have sent the xspc block back saying it doesnt fit
pretty poor of xspc if thats how its meant to be. dont want to doubt you but your sure you installed it right? weird tbh as all the bolt holes would have lined up so i guess you had to of got it right
It's threads like this that make me look at my bodge-box and cry
Very nice indeed.
The attention to detail is impressive.
Hukkel , will you be folding for OCUK?
Great build and its been inspiring me recently !
Brilliant build log so far - keep up the good work!
Loving the cooling on the RAM and the GPU backplate too!
Fantastic build so far. Custom backplate looks very nice on the graphics card.