Bullying - Who's in the wrong here?

Nope, he should have put his head into a wall, then years later realise he had an anger issue and then come to an internet forum talking nonsense about how another kid shouldnt snap, as if they do, they have obvious anger issues.

Reacting violently to years of sustained physical and emotional bullying isn't 'anger issues', if anyone the bully is the one with 'anger issues' as he had been abusing this poor kid for years.

Do you think the bully would have stopped if the kid had gone down? He did his awesome move and backed off, showing restraint.

You sir, are wrong.
Reacting violently to years of sustained physical and emotional bullying isn't 'anger issues', if anyone the bully is the one with 'anger issues' as he had been abusing this poor kid for years.

Do you think the bully would have stopped if the kid had gone down? He did his awesome move and backed off, showing restraint.

You sir, are wrong.

He was joking, as there is someone else in this thread saying the kid in the OP has anger issues. :p
i cant believe people are approving that. standing up and defending yourself is one thing, but the rate that large kid turned and slammed that other kid in to the concrete is...concerning to say the least. It would appear, at least from the video, that he has a serious anger problem. that's not good for anybody, let alone somebody who's clearly a mountain compare to the other kids.

Don't be such a bloody wet. If somebody is giving you physical punishment against your will you should have every right to drop a train on them.

Goddamn left-wing sob-jobs have us fearing defending ourselves whether it be out on the playground or when somebody breaks into your house. Bloody lunatics running the asylum.
That kid is a legend:D i love seeing stuff like this where people get back at the people attacking them. :D

That rung of a bully must have had 3brain cells to attack someone that much bigger then him. He's lucky he isn't in the running for a darwin award :p
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That's such a bunch of box-ticking rubbish. That entire page reeks of PC policy writing for the sake of it, without any real intent behind the policies.

Just to add a bit of balance, not all schools are like this, my son has recently suffered bullying in school and the deputy head dealt with it really well. He completely took our concerns seriously and in my opinion, had a rather enightened perspective on what constitutes bullying. I appreciate it all depends on those enforcing policy, but there are some good teachers out there, my son's now back to his old self. You wouldn't believe how grateful I am as a parent, I only wish my schools had been so good at dealing with it, I might not have half the baggage I do in adult life if they had.
Even though I'm quite a lefty, the scrawny rat got what was coming to him. He was a bully and I don't feel sorry for him in the slightest.

As for our new hero, 'The Beast'. Good on him. Whatever the rights and wrongs, he did what many in his position wished they could, or should have done, he stood up for himself. Making him out to the villain of the piece actually makes me angry.
You could tell that hte bullying has lasted quite a while by the way the bully acted. Acting like he was absolutely sure he wasn't going to do anything, then BAM.

That is all.
That's such a bunch of box-ticking rubbish. That entire page reeks of PC policy writing for the sake of it, without any real intent behind the policies.

Just to add a bit of balance, not all schools are like this, my son has recently suffered bullying in school and the deputy head dealt with it really well. He completely took our concerns seriously and in my opinion, had a rather enightened perspective on what constitutes bullying. I appreciate it all depends on those enforcing policy, but there are some good teachers out there, my son's now back to his old self. You wouldn't believe how grateful I am as a parent, I only wish my schools had been so good at dealing with it, I might not have half the baggage I do in adult life if they had.

What did the deputy head do to solve the situation?
That's such a bunch of box-ticking rubbish. That entire page reeks of PC policy writing for the sake of it, without any real intent behind the policies.

Just to add a bit of balance, not all schools are like this, my son has recently suffered bullying in school and the deputy head dealt with it really well. He completely took our concerns seriously and in my opinion, had a rather enightened perspective on what constitutes bullying. I appreciate it all depends on those enforcing policy, but there are some good teachers out there, my son's now back to his old self. You wouldn't believe how grateful I am as a parent, I only wish my schools had been so good at dealing with it, I might not have half the baggage I do in adult life if they had.

TBH with the amount of rubbish, teachers have to put up with from spoilt/stupid brats from bad parents, it only takes a certain amount of time before they give up on the good kids.

obviously different in private schools, but my public school had a lot of idiots in it, 1 of them even threw a chair at the teacher, another teacher had a knife pulled out on them by a kid.

schools were probably a lot better when the teachers were allowed to cane the pupils. it would stop these idiots in 1 sweep.
TBH with the amount of rubbish, teachers have to put up with from spoilt/stupid brats from bad parents, it only takes a certain amount of time before they give up on the good kids.

obviously different in private schools, but my public school had a lot of idiots in it, 1 of them even threw a chair at the teacher, another teacher had a knife pulled out on them by a kid.

When I was at secondary school, one of the maths teachers had a sheet of paper stuck on the back wall, behind all the pupils, with "At least they're not setting your chair on fire" to remind him that things could be a lot worse. That had actually happened to him when he taught at some rough school in Liverpool.
Good on the fat kid, the small skinny guy got everything he deserved.

James, the time for tea drinking and a pat on the head is over:

Thieves should have their hands cut off.
Buglers should be knocked out with a bat without the home owner being prosecuted for it.
Bully's should be bullied in response.

Real crimes should be punished FAR more. Also anyone who committed multiple crimes repeatedly should be castrated and forbidden to have kids.
Don't know if things have changed since I was at school about 15 years ago, but there was some moron in our class who bullied a few of the kids and when I complained to the staff and headteacher I was told they couldn't do much as he had troubles at home??!?!. But the school was crap anyway, so it was no surprise the staff were useless.

When I first saw the video I thought the kid would likely to be suspended but that should stop him being bullied perhaps. Whilst he is overweight, he does look strong and clearly must have been holding it back for years.
Good on the fat kid, the small skinny guy got everything he deserved.

James, the time for tea drinking and a pat on the head is over:

Thieves should have their hands cut off.
Buglers should be knocked out with a bat without the home owner being prosecuted for it.
Bully's should be bullied in response.

Real crimes should be punished FAR more. Also anyone who committed multiple crimes repeatedly should be castrated and forbidden to have kids.

Now look, I'm not a huge fan of brass instruments but I think knocking Buglers out is a bit excessive.
Now look, I'm not a huge fan of brass instruments but I think knocking Buglers out is a bit excessive.

Luckily here a government is in charge which adopted a policy which won't prosecute people defending their possessions any more, in the past you were prosecuted for excessive violence, now you're not, an example is a snackbar being robbed a while ago, the police will not charge the owners with anything (unlike in the past) for them throwing hot oil in the face of the robbers :).

In the same way, I hope that if someone catches a bungler in his house, he won't be prosecuted if he breaks his legs with a bat so he can't get away before the cops show up.
Luckily here a government is in charge which adopted a policy which won't prosecute people defending their possessions any more, in the past you were prosecuted for excessive violence, now you're not, an example is a snackbar being robbed a while ago, the police will not charge the owners with anything (unlike in the past) for them throwing hot oil in the face of the robbers :).

That's rather worrying.
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