Bullying - Who's in the wrong here?

Bit of a beating there, deserved but maybe a little too much power used - looks almost like he could've easily broken the guys neck if he hadn't have leaned forward that little bit like he did!
why would you upload a video of you and your friends attempting to bully someone and being made to look like fools to youtube?

The larger kid will come out of this well with people at the school, everyone will love the viral kid.
Not to his face they won't!

You'll be surprised. If children think they've got safety in numbers or if by Casey's past disposition think that he is unlikely to snap again, they will be back to their old tricks soon enough. Only if Casey continues without hessitation to defend himself to reinforce the point that the status quo has changed, will they cease. Either that or the school will need to step in. It does however, depend entirely on the severity of the bullying to begin with; if it was just this group of lads they may find themselves thinking twice. If it has a wider social implication, they - and others - may need a little more persuading.
Well done to him. Having been bullied at school I will say that yes, there does come a point when enough is enough. Breaking a kid's nose (albeit not-intentionally) certainly put a stop to it for me (I'd like to point out that I'm very much against violence wherever possible, but after 3 years I'd just about had it!)
I hope the bullying stops for Casey, but I have my doubts.

Not sure what school you went to. :confused:

He has made a stand, and in the video shown that he can and will do things to seriously hurt people if he is pushed to the edge. He is large in appearance, probably was picked on for that reason, but by his actions (even if this video wasn't filmed) will change everything in the school. I would safely say that no one in that school will be messing with him again. He will have others who will rally around him, perhaps others that have been bullied in the same school in the past.
GOod on the kid and a cracking move right there. On the other hand he could have dropped the bully on his neck/head and caused some serious damage.

Still, +1 to the kid for defending hiself and walking away and the suspensions do seem about right tbh. Hopefully the little runt learned his lesson!
If you watch the Video , you see the bullied kid glance over and see the girl. Once he see's her his alpha hormonal instincts kick in and power bombs the little ****.
You can't apply the same rules to Children as adults. If it was an adult I would say he should have walked away or called the police. But it clear he was defending himself and perhaps it went abit far.

Little ****.
Not sure what school you went to. :confused:

He has made a stand, and in the video shown that he can and will do things to seriously hurt people if he is pushed to the edge. He is large in appearance, probably was picked on for that reason, but by his actions (even if this video wasn't filmed) will change everything in the school. I would safely say that no one in that school will be messing with him again. He will have others who will rally around him, perhaps others that have been bullied in the same school in the past.

See my above post for further clarification. If you truly think it's as simple as what you're saying above, I'm afraid you're very naive. You are however, correct in the assumption that I'm speaking from personal experience.
yeah but i doubt many people became instant internet celebs off the back of an incident. His cool factor is going to go right up while the group of bullies will plummet.
IMO, if he is being constantly wound up by little ***** like him, then surely he was going to snap at some point. He did kinda give him a non verbal warning. The little cocky runt wasn't expecting that. A life lesson for him not to pick on someone who is twice his weight. He should have learnt his lesson when the big lad took that punch like a champ. As for the slam, it was very controlled, I think he knew his strengths and to a degree what he was doing. Its not like he turned red and started 'wind milling him'.
No one will bully him at that school again. Son, I am proud.

Indeed. I had a moment in school when the wrong person decided to have a pop at me for alpha points. I momentarily lost it and punched him hard in the face with a single shot. He ended up taking a trip to A&E that evening when the bleeding nose wouldn't stop. Had a very peaceful couple of years after that.
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Bit of a beating there, deserved but maybe a little too much power used - looks almost like he could've easily broken the guys neck if he hadn't have leaned forward that little bit like he did!

I noticed that too, could very easily have serious spinal injures had the angle been more perpendicular, not that I or anyone else really care what happens to bullys :p :D
But the fact the kid got suspended for it to me is the worst part. That kid deserved it 100% maybe not to get (possibly) his ankle broken, but he deserved a beating.

Youre right, he didnt deserve to get his ankle broken. What he actually deserved was to have both his legs broken, leaving him with a life long limp and a constant reminder of just how big a (insert various words) he is.

He walked upto a kid, and punched him in the face, for no reason. Im certainly against violence, but im even more against bullying. He had every right to snap, who knows how many times he has had to put up with that kind of thing happening. The little scrat deserved everything he got, and to be honest...although dropping someone like that is dangerous, the bullied kid was hardly thinking about that at the time, and nor should he have to. If im totally honest, I dont think I would feel sympathetic in the slightest if the kid had been paralysed.

I hope the bullied kid can finally get on and just enjoy his days at school without the constant worry of waking up every morning!
i cant believe people are approving that. standing up and defending yourself is one thing, but the rate that large kid turned and slammed that other kid in to the concrete is...concerning to say the least. It would appear, at least from the video, that he has a serious anger problem. that's not good for anybody, let alone somebody who's clearly a mountain compare to the other kids.
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