Although I can still imagine children teasing the lad for being an internet sensation, but that could also quite easily make him very popular.
Not to his face they won't!
Although I can still imagine children teasing the lad for being an internet sensation, but that could also quite easily make him very popular.
Not to his face they won't!
I hope the bullying stops for Casey, but I have my doubts.
half the story again, does nobody google anything?
Casey received 4 days academic suspension for his act, while the bully received 20/22 and a dislocated knee (lol)
Link removed due to swearing
Not sure what school you went to.
He has made a stand, and in the video shown that he can and will do things to seriously hurt people if he is pushed to the edge. He is large in appearance, probably was picked on for that reason, but by his actions (even if this video wasn't filmed) will change everything in the school. I would safely say that no one in that school will be messing with him again. He will have others who will rally around him, perhaps others that have been bullied in the same school in the past.
No one will bully him at that school again. Son, I am proud.
Bit of a beating there, deserved but maybe a little too much power used - looks almost like he could've easily broken the guys neck if he hadn't have leaned forward that little bit like he did!
But the fact the kid got suspended for it to me is the worst part. That kid deserved it 100% maybe not to get (possibly) his ankle broken, but he deserved a beating.
You can't apply the same rules to Children as adults. If it was an adult I would say he should have walked away or called the police. But it clear he was defending himself and perhaps it went abit far.
Little ****.