Burger King veteran of 27 years gets goodie bag for never missing a day of work

I wonder was it a whip around from the other staffers in the place, rather than anything from actual BK, and 27 years, its an odd figure.

Pretty sure it was a whip round, I think that's where this story has went slightly askew, people are thinking the "package" was from Burger King and are donating in outrage at how cheap they were. Working out well for the recipient though.
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I seen one random quote saying it was employees in the store that did it, cant recall where. But another article states it was from management.

That was my guess earlier in the thread, it seemed pretty likely this was an ad-hoc thing rather than something official:
That's quite sad, I presume there wasn't necessarily a corporate policy re: this? Maybe it was a local manager or shift leader who took it upon himself to put together a little present after noticing it was another work anniversary for this guy? Does anyone know? (In which case it's still a nice gesture).
He managed to put 4 of he's children through university flipping burgers? Not sure what to say but that is impressive given how even middle class parents struggle to fund university.

That's not what she said, read it again:

he continued to work there because of the amazing health insurance that was provided through this employer because it was unionized. This got all four of his daughters through high school and college with full healthcare coverage.
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