Buying the Mrs a hoover for christmas. Good idea or not?

I'm getting my wife a 'Window Wizard' - AS A JOKE!

Then I will give her her real present.

My grandad once did the same, gave my grandma a tin opener, she was in tears until she saw the gold watch he had got her.

Appliances/utensils generally a bad idea.
Get her the hoover, but get something else and put it in the bagless cylinder - This way you don't get as much of a lashing depending on the gift inside :p
The whole point of a gift is it is something you believe the person getting it will like.

Nobody likes getting a hoover, it's just something we use, and sure a better one makes that task less annoying, but to receive it on Christmas day all wrapped up? My God...

Not only would it show you have no idea what she really wants, it also shows you firmly believe only she should be hoovering (and doing other household chores?)

If it annoys you so much, go out and buy the hoover, then do it yourself.

Get your wife something thoughtful and specifically something for her to enjoy.

Good God, it's no wonder this country is full of people who are divorced and claim to have no idea why...

You should know your wife well enough to know if you can outrun her on Christmas Morning tbh......

I would prebook the Travel Inn room though, Christmas can be pretty busy.

That lawn is an OCD heaven, i'd love to have a lawn like that - all neat and square

You can't be serious man? What woman would want a household appliance as a Christmas gift? Buy her something she will like, make her happy, not miserable that she has to spend the next 20 years hoovering and cleaning up after your behind.
I know a guy who bought his wife a cement mixer for christmas.

He then used it to build a patio for her :p
My dad bought my mom new coffee tea and sugar pots for birthday or xmas one year, she started crying. They were divorced a few years later (not due to the pots).

I don't see a problem with it realy as long as it is not the only gift. But woman are shallow when it comes to presents, more so than men. For men if they got a new drill or tool set they would be pleased, even if a woman bought the man a household appliance he would be chuffed. But for woman they want things that they can show off to their friends and stick in a draw and wear once a year. Buy the most impracticable/useless thing you can think of and i am sure she will be pleased.
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