Buying the Mrs a hoover for christmas. Good idea or not?

Shes not looking that great anymore.

Yeah, she's a bit of a munter these days eh. :D


LOL, superb.
Do it!

A few years ago my dad got my mum a hoover, it was only a joke as she had a load of other presents but didnt go down well at all!
See, now that in an odd way works better than just buying her a hoover!


In my wedding, he did a speech and at the end said. Now I'll give you this gift, which will save your life.

He handed me a bag of flour. Then he explained, "She was going to bake you a cake, but her cooking is so bad, it would probably kill you. Make one yourself instead."

My wife's uncle, funny bloke :)

You can't be serious man? What woman would want a household appliance as a Christmas gift? Buy her something she will like, make her happy, not miserable that she has to spend the next 20 years hoovering and cleaning up after your behind.

exactly, buy a Dust buster instead. Much more female friendly (not as heavy, smaller)

make sure its a good one though :D
Buy her one, and another present.

If she gets all womany about the vacuum with hold the other present. If she is grateful give her the other present.

Would also be funny.

I would do it.
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