Buying the Mrs a hoover for christmas. Good idea or not?


You can't be serious man? What woman would want a household appliance as a Christmas gift? Buy her something she will like, make her happy, not miserable that she has to spend the next 20 years hoovering and cleaning up after your behind.
Yeah! Get her a dust buster instead, so she can tidy more easily. She would prefer that.
Why don't you see if you can get a combo.....Hoover/iron/washing machine and see if they will do it for a better price!

That way you both win :)
yes get her a hoover and as good faith get her an ironing board, new iron, some new sponges and some nice smelling fairy liquid

she'll love you for it


house hold applinces like that should be upgraded as and when is needed. not gifted.
A guy i worked with bought his missus a stamp one year, i kid you not.

He said she opened it and said "its a stamp", and didn't speak to him for weeks after lol.

I said to him does she like stamps then? He replied "no, but it was a penny black stamp in a nice box".

Blokes like him will never ever get it.

Yes get her the hoover if you want peace and quite for a few weeks or even months :)
Good god no. A million times no!

My moron of a father bought my mother a deep fat fryer for Christmas not long after they got married. He also got her a bottle of cooking oil, which my mum had assumed was a bottle of alcohol when she saw it wrapped up. To say she was unimpressed would be putting it mildly. I had to listen to that story at least once a year until my mid 20s!

So unless you want to have a grudge held against you for the next few decades, DONT DO IT!!!
Oh god no! If you want to make it through Christmas day alive, and you want a peaceful marriage, then god no!
i'm planning on getting my better half a kindle fire HD

see the difference :)

hoover = weeks of peace but grudge held over your head for rest of your life

kindle fire hd = weeks of peace , possible BJ and a happy lady.

you decide!
Get her something nice for Christmas, and then buy her a new vacuum cleaner somewhen else. I.E not for a special occasion.

I have the weirdest boner..
Don't do it.

My wife once said she wanted a set of Le Creuset pans for Christmas. So I bought them. She didn't speak to me for quite some time and eventually explained that, whilst she told me she wanted them, she didn't mean from me. Female logic...
She uses a cheap £40 hoover at the moment but uses it on an almost daily basis. It's noisy and it does my head in. After using my moms miele cat & dog hoover yesterday i was stunned at how quiet yet powerful it was. Is it a good idea to buy her a hoover for christmas (specifically the miele) :D Would you dare do it?

I would still buy it for her but not as a christmas present. Buy her it beforehand and give it to her as normal. A christmas present imo shouldn't really be something that highlights her daily drudgery, it should be something to make her feel a little special, which i'm not sure a new hoover, no matter how nicely wrapped, qualifies as. :p

If you get her a hoover for xmas, then THAT will be the only thing sucking things over the festive period! fo sho!

Oh come on he's married, BJ's probably stopped years ago. :D
OP - surely you should know your lady by now?? what she actually likes, or dislikes? F.G.S. - show her you KNOW her.
I don't see a hoover as a present - presents are. . . items you wouldn't buy for yourself, presents are treats.

I don't see a problem with it realy as long as it is not the only gift. But woman are shallow when it comes to presents, more so than men. For men if they got a new drill or tool set they would be pleased, even if a woman bought the man a household appliance he would be chuffed. But for woman they want things that they can show off to their friends and stick in a draw and wear once a year. Buy the most impracticable/useless thing you can think of and i am sure she will be pleased.

mayhap "some" women are shallow - not all of us :)

so, you'd like a hoover would you???? - buy me a f'n hoover - you die!!! a hoover is a household thing, NOT a Christmas pesent.
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