Buying WOW Gold.....and buying power levelling

5 Jul 2006

Im considering buying 1000 gold pieces for £17, also im thinking of buying one of these power levelling services to get my character through the current boring phase of 10-30, ive priced it out at £50. Have any of you guys ever done this?
Confusion said:

Im considering buying 1000 gold pieces for £17, also im thinking of buying one of these power levelling services to get my character through the current boring phase of 10-30, ive priced it out at £50. Have any of you guys ever done this?

Probably not those with lives. :p
I haven't bought gold but I know people who have. That seems like a reasonable price for it, but I'm not sure.

As for powerleveling, 20 levels from 10-30 doesn't take that long really. Your money, though.

I believe it's against the terms of use btw. :P
I'm guessing you're new to the game then?

If that's the case I would stay clear of buying gold and powerleveling and enjoy those early levels where everything is new and learn how to play your character.

Jokester said:
I'm guessing you're new to the game then?

If that's the case I would stay clear of buying gold and powerleveling and enjoy those early levels where everything is new and learn how to play your character.


What he said :)
i know LOADS of people that are doing it, Blizzard seem unable to identify and punish these peeps.

as for my experience, im about a few weeks into playing as a hunter, i think ive pretty much got the hang of him and using my pet, i seem to go through most quests without any hassle. Just takes SO LONG to level up. :(
afraser2k said:
Isn't it against the T&C's of WoW anyway to buy gold or power leveling?

Yes, but sadly Blizzard don't know their **** from their elbow when it comes to gold buying and powerleveling. And since they've been offering the free download trial farming seems to have gotten worse.

I've been tempted to go for the gold offer when closing into level 40 for my mount but the prices always seemed to be too expensive for what it was offering.

I don't trust most of the companies offering power leveling with my account since there are so many who use bots to do it or sell all your characters gear at the end. :eek:
wow £17 for 1k? thats very cheap, mind sending me the link ? :)
and i agree with what the others are saying when you first level to 60 its brilliant, after that WoW is a different game... think major GRIND
im starting to find it a major grind now actually. Maybe they shouldnt of made the levelling process so slow, i understand they want longetivity, but months and months to reach the end of the game is just silly.
Confusion said:
im starting to find it a major grind now actually. Maybe they shouldnt of made the levelling process so slow, i understand they want longetivity, but months and months to reach the end of the game is just silly.
m8 it's so fast to lvl in wow it's stupid , looks like wow isn't for you :D
Confusion said:
give me some hints to lvl faster then! :p

When you log off, make sure your in the Inn. You will generate rest A LOT faster.

Personally, I dont do many green quests and very rarely do grey ones. I usually stick to the yellow and ill group up for the orange ones and if I can find a high lvl friend ill do the red.

The quests where you have to kill x number of Y etc, try and do them when your rested. You will have to kill X anyways so might as well get 200% XP for them.

If you can do the quest solo, then I suggest doing it solo. It is nice to help other people out but they will drag down your XP gains. However, remember, what goes around comes around and the guy you shoose not to help now may one day be the guy you need help from.

Unless you are just looking for drops in an instance, dont get walked through them by a high level. You get very little XP.

I dont grind on things that are one or two below me because you can usually kill something one or two above you and get more XP for it. When i am grinding I kill things that are higher than me
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For the love of God why?! The gold for a mount maybe I can understand but levelling?! It's like buying halflife then paying someone to get halfway through it for you.You will miss out on social interaction with other players,learning how to instance properly,cutting your teeth in PvP (either via battlegrounds or world PvP) learning your class diversity via the talent point system to name but a few.

Also why stop at 30? Why not pay to get your character to 60 and then pay for HK points for the epics?

Services like this are whats wrong with the game.It pushes the economy sky-high and means there is less chance for a world drop epic for the rest of us normal players.Meaning we are paying someone real cash for the pleasure of ruining our game.Utterly wrong and sadly symptomatic of what's wrong with some MMO's nowadays.
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