Buying WOW Gold.....and buying power levelling

MiGsY as a question, why did you need to ask him what he did in his spare time when he said he now had more spare time after quitting WoW?

imo you started this little tirade, by giving a stupid comment to a perfectly fair quote
Hmm lets back on the weights now trying to get my body back into shape, gonna do some work round the house, spend more time with my G/F and hopefully get a good nights sleep now...and guess what...none of them cost me any DKPS Points!!!!!
and suddenly he's acting superior?

It's pretty pathetic that you want to buy money already. How exactly are you going to know how to play your character if someone else has leveled for you?
If you can't even figure out how to do quests (I level stupidly fast and I never grind), then this really just isn't the game for you.
Vixen is right, if someone power levels for you, you won't understand half the skills your character will obtain through the levels, or get to know any of the locations that are for lower levelled characters. 0-20 can be done in a very short space of time indeed simply by questing, there are maps that you can look at which tell you the idea area for whatever level you are at, take a look.
MiGSY said:

My old guild raided 4/5 times a week, each raid lasting around 3-7 hours. That's not exactly what I'd classify as an 'insane grind'. Bear in mind also this was a 'hardcore' PvE guild, considered one of the best on the server.

Rank 14 however IS an insane grind. If you've got the time, go for it. Most people don't, so they join a PvE guild and raid a couple of nights a week.

Mate, 4-5 play sessions of 3-7 hours is an insane grind to some of us with other stuff to do in life. Do you realise how much time that is?

tbh, i dont see what wrong with it. My current rouge will be my 4th 60 so i do know how to get to 60, so whats wrong with pling it so i dont need to sit through all the "fun" again imo the game is only fun when your 50+ raiding westfall or somewhere :)
Trojan said:
See, it's selfish people like you who ruin the game for everyone else. Why do you think Krol Blade was so expensive? It's because chumps have bought gold and have inflated prices to ridiculous levels.

Congratulations on improving your enjoyment whilst contributing to ruining the game for everyone else :rolleyes:

So your saying that the Krol blade would be selling for <100g if it wasnt for that farmers? Normal price is 400g+ for the Krol blade not unreasonable imo If someone is advertising for 1000g then i wouldnt buy regardless.

MiGSY said:

My old guild raided 4/5 times a week, each raid lasting around 3-7 hours. That's not exactly what I'd classify as an 'insane grind'. Bear in mind also this was a 'hardcore' PvE guild, considered one of the best on the server.

Rank 14 however IS an insane grind. If you've got the time, go for it. Most people don't, so they join a PvE guild and raid a couple of nights a week.

That is rubbish. There is no way on earth you can just turn up to raids in a top end guild, the highest guild on the server. You want to be in a hardcore guild doing Nax, AQ then be prepared to throw your life at it just like getting rank 14. The reason why i quit is because i have a life away from my keyboard, and all the whining kids didnt help either.

Vixen said:
It's pretty pathetic that you want to buy money already. How exactly are you going to know how to play your character if someone else has leveled for you?
If you can't even figure out how to do quests (I level stupidly fast and I never grind), then this really just isn't the game for you.

OK. Look at this scenario. I have some mates on a different server all level 60s. For some reason or another we ended up on different servers. We have a lan coming up in 1 months time. Would you say that it would be completely unreasonable to power level to 60 on my mates server? Yes power levelling on your first character does sound a stupid thing to do, but imo there are fair reasons for doing it. Oh and the guy that wants the power levelling works fulltime so would be imposssible to get to 60 by the normal route.
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Edinho said:
So your saying that the Krol blade would be selling for <100g if it wasnt for that farmers? Normal price is 400g+ for the Krol blade not unreasonable imo If someone is advertising for 1000g then i wouldnt buy regardless.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Look at the price of epics on new servers (not long after they are introduced) where the gold farmers haven't got there yet. They are far cheaper as no-one can afford to pay hundreds of gold for 1 item. As soon as it gets to the stage where you can buy 1000 gold for a few quid however, the prices rocket as people willing pay ridiculously infalted prices.
Edinho said:

That is rubbish. There is no way on earth you can just turn up to raids in a top end guild, the highest guild on the server. You want to be in a hardcore guild doing Nax, AQ then be prepared to throw your life at it just like getting rank 14. The reason why i quit is because i have a life away from my keyboard, and all the whining kids didnt help either.


Maximum Respect
Edinho said:
That is rubbish. There is no way on earth you can just turn up to raids in a top end guild, the highest guild on the server. You want to be in a hardcore guild doing Nax, AQ then be prepared to throw your life at it just like getting rank 14. The reason why i quit is because i have a life away from my keyboard, and all the whining kids didnt help either.

Is that so?

Then please explain how I was able to keep a full time job whilst remaining a member of the aforementioned guild.
I seen plenty of people with far, far superior armour to my own and they have work all the day monday-friday. And im on holiday and still have just blue armour. IMO it isn't about having a life or not its about managing your time well and sticking at something.

About powerleveling and gold buying. Been around from the start and i see little damage. Yes people can get epic mounts easier and some epic items from AH. But you cannot buy them from BWL or MC (though i understand some guilds do that now). And powerleveling...well its a grey area, some people want to be level 60 but don't have the time and/or drive to do it. So why not use your wages to buy level 60? Im not opposed or for it. I dunno what i would do.
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