Buying WOW Gold.....and buying power levelling

That's the thing that gets me about WoW, if 60 isn't very great then why bother leveling at all? Maybe that's the reason I keep getting bored at around 40-50?
this is what I love about EVE, no power leveling, CCP are hard on ISK sellers/buyers etc, and theres nothing to realy mess up if someone trys to farm an item as the spawns are random!
Tips for leveling, biggest is stay at an in, or if possible a city (iron forge, stormwind, darnassus, orgrimmar, undercity, thunderbluff) as i think you gain more rested xp there.

Second thing, best to do the quests that are yellow, you get good xp for kills and a good reward at the end.

In terms of money, dungeons / instances' are good for getting that, because of the constant drops of money in most, as well as all the green items you may get with a greed roll. These are also good places to get good xp.

Edit, you a hunter yeh i assume u have a pet if so should be quite easy.

What race are you and what server do you play on?
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Most of the fun I had in WoW was levelling up my character with mates - going on quests, visiting instances, and generally just ****ing about and talking ******* on comms. A few months of adventures and giggles.

Then we hit level 60 - did all the quests and the smaller instances (this didn't take long), and started raiding. Things rapidly got boring here. Before you know it you're in ZG/MC/BWL every other night in a never endless grind to get better gear (which only makes these instances easier and less fun)

We joined another server, had great fun levelling to 60, and the same thing happened again.

Think of lv 60 as the grind from lv 1-59, except with little variety and less to do.
It must be great having your account powerlevelled. Having no friends or guild, no clue as to how to play your class or what to do next, missing out on 90% of the game's content, all for your hard-earned cash...fantastic. And you can be safe in the knowledge that you have exploited a low-paid worker somewhere in Asia too.

As for buying gold, well it's cheating, plain and simple. It doesn't matter that you think you may not have the time to grind - if the rest of us legitimate players can do it, you can too. You wouldn't cheat in CS or BF2 or whatever, so why cheat in WOW. Or would you?
lol, didnt think a harmless question would turn into such a heated topic for some.

Using you guyz advice ive started up a new game on one of the new Kilrogg PvE EU servers as an Orc Warrior. I played it for about 3 hours tonight and im closing in on level 9 with over 10 silver. Im spending a lot more time going on beast killing rather than straight to quests, im seeing myself zoom up levels though.

So far though the people on this server dont seem to like to team up and arent very friendly, meaning some of the harder quests i have i will have to lvl up loads before attempting :(
If you want gold try this

Create a character and have him learn mining and skinning. Get those skills up high and then start farming for the skins and ore. Then sell the skins and the metal bars in AH at 1 or two silver less than the median value at the time.

I do this on all of my characters and on my lvl26 I have over 70g, which is a fair bit compared to many others.
Vicious said:
Tips for leveling, biggest is stay at an in, or if possible a city (iron forge, stormwind, darnassus, orgrimmar, undercity, thunderbluff) as i think you gain more rested xp there.

Second thing, best to do the quests that are yellow, you get good xp for kills and a good reward at the end.

In terms of money, dungeons / instances' are good for getting that, because of the constant drops of money in most, as well as all the green items you may get with a greed roll. These are also good places to get good xp.

Edit, you a hunter yeh i assume u have a pet if so should be quite easy.

What race are you and what server do you play on?

I am sure you dont gain faster from cities than Inn's. if you have the 'zzz' in your picture than you are gaining rest as fast as possible.
Yeah I can notch for skinning and mining, great earner. I had 100g on my alt warrior at level 40 after purchasing a mount. I highly recommend a sexy little add-on called "auctioneer". If you gather a number of scans it highlights good deals on the AH. A very nice little earner. I earnt an awful lot on my main reselling materials such as runecloth ect...
Posty said:
But there is nothing wrong with buying gold

Yes there is. Simply put, it ruins the game for non cheaters in several ways. The main two are that 1) it drives the price of epics up to pretty much unobtainable prices due to the abundance of gold, and 2) it makes it far harder to legitimately farm somewhere due to the Chinese farmers constantly clearing the area out.

Try thinking of the legit players whose enjoyment you're spoiling next time.
VeNT said:
this is what I love about EVE, no power leveling, CCP are hard on ISK sellers/buyers etc, and theres nothing to realy mess up if someone trys to farm an item as the spawns are random!

Sure they are....

This kind of thing is what destroys the economy's in MMO's and ***NO*** game company currently takes policing it seriously enough.

Anyone who has ever bought or sold game money, items or accounts are scum and are ruining the game for the rest of the players.

As I said above...
MiGSY said:
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Confusion said:
So far though the people on this server dont seem to like to team up and arent very friendly, meaning some of the harder quests i have i will have to lvl up loads before attempting :(

I thought id start up a character there to help you :)
Actually, on second thought, I agree with the others. Buying gold seems superficially harmless but you have to look at the bigger picture. The business of selling in-game objects not only goes against the whole point of the game but it gradually ruins the game economy for everyone and gives those who want to invest real-life cash in the game an unfair advantage.
its an emotive subject gold buying.

i'm always seeing people in Og yelling about selling gold or getting whispers to buy some.

i've considered it. making money in decent amounts is not always easy - RL intrudes and i find my time for WoW is enough for raiding only.

so whilst people say gold buying is bad i find it difficult to perhaps keep up with those people who seem to be online 8+ hrs a day 7 days a week.

at 60 the game seems to be designed for those people who can play almost all the time as the high end guilds are always pushing ahead and their requirements ever more stringent on raid attendance etc.

atm i've just had to buy arcane crystals in order to get Naax attunement. at 35-40g each they are not peanuts ! luckily i can get a nexus cheap from the guild bank. next its bloodvine for some NR gear - at about 50g a vine !

dont get me wrong, WoW is a brilliant game, the social aspect of it the best element for me. Levelling through from 1-60 etc in a guild with others whom i still am playing the game with 18 months later.

its however no different to any other online game that i've played wrt outside CS and cheats ? I gave up CS cos of getting fed up of people cheating.

Wow and buying gold.....for some people buying gold distorts the economy for others it helps them keep up with other people who can play more.

Being in a good size guild helps as you can get help in farming etc and swap items between people more easily without needing so much money. sharing of professions is ofc much easier to and i know i can get any enchant, including the high level ones done for nothing compared to being charged gold by a 'stranger'.

If Blizz could properly police it then fair enough. But they cant / dont. Until they can / do you wont stop it. I dont feel its like CS cheating so it does not bother me that much. Its the same as people selling accounts on E-bay. I know a couple of peopel who've sold their WoW accounts for as much as £300 !!! If Blizz cant stop that then is there hope for stopping gold buying ?

I know all of these happen but its my choice to continue playing WoW.
MiGSY said:
Really? IMO the game starts at 60.

Yes and No tbh.
Before 60 its very exciting finding new things you can do in the game etc....
But at 60 its all about epics, so you either pvp or spend half your life in MC/AQ/ZG etc.

Basicaly one insane grind, and watch people around you turn into epic hounds...and you gotta love all the leet speak that gets spammed everywhere and anywhere.....

Spent well over a year in WoW and so glad i left, D/E over 15 epics felt good :)
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