Buying WOW Gold.....and buying power levelling

Confusion said:
give me some hints to lvl faster then! :p

1/Go with empty bags to a area with mobs 2-3 levels below you. (Humanoids are very good as there main drops coin and cloth , use cloth to level your first aid,saves on down time in between killing)

2/ keep killing everything till your bags are full, u may get something useful but vendor the rest.

3/ At the end of this you will have levelled and come out with nice coin.
BTW this is pretty much what the person u pay will be doing, and dont buy gold far easier to earn loads when u hit 60.

Other way is just do every quest in the zone..most should be soloable at one time of the other, however the method above will make you far more money.

Pretty boring i know but its quick and profitable.

BTW ive known people to get to 60 in a few weeks so paying someone to get you to level is crazy and you need to play up to 60 to learn your class.
getting enough gold for your first mount is easy anyway, grinding in badlands on the rock elementals got me from 39-40, i made 60k that level :)
Stiff_Cookie said:
I dont grind on things that are one or two below me because you can usually kill something one or two above you and get more XP for it. When i am grinding I kill things that are higher than me

Yes but grinding 2-4 levels below is far better XPS per hour. (Download titan it will tell you your XPS per hour)
Funnily enough, I got an email about this the other day, some website was offering 100Gold on different servers for as little as £3. Truly shocking that what is a reasonable amount of in game currency can be had for a measly 3 quid.

Still, I don't really play anymore so it doesn't bother me anymore :p
ok i wont power level? :p

but im seriously considering buying some gold, it would really help me get some early cool stuff that may help me lvl quicker.
With my two characters, 27 Warrior and 15 Priest on Haomarush I have serious financial difficulty, around 1G between them.

I can see why you would buy it, but I am just planning on going to a city and begging people for high level trade skill throwaway's and then selling them.

Unless anyone here with a 60 on that server wants to give me a bazillion gold. :p
i was staying at around 1g, dont worry about it the first thing you need to buy really is your mount, and as i said earlier badlands is a nice money maker, or join a guild and see if you can borrow some cash off someone

Gold farmers and their associated friends are getting out of control. It's quite normal now to see them spouting crap in a major city, spamming trade with [Random Epic] for [Stupid price].

Being a miner on my main character I have a problem with farmers - I go to fetch some minerals to make ammunition with, but it's been soaked up by some bot and is instead being sold for a bad price.

If I see anybody, or know of anybody, giving these guys money or helping them stay in business, I will report them and keep reporting them until they get banned.

Yes Blizzard are slow with things like this, but every so often, if you keep on at them, they WILL do something about it.
No disrespect to you personally.

I hate the mentality of people who buy gold or levelling services. It's because of people like that, that others who play the game 'normally' the way it was intended, are forced to deal with bots farming their areas, nerfs to various aspects of the game because it was being abused, random spam tells from level 1 characters advertising their webpages and other varied forms of harrassment and annoyance.

This is not to even mention the people who are made to work for these companies for absolute minimum wage. Without appearing rude, if you can't work yourself for these things then just don't play. Don't ruin the game for others who want to play it properly because down the line that's all you're contributing to.

Rant over.
I'm probably not in a position to express my opinion (or that you'd actually care) but if you're looking to pay someone to power-level you to the first 30 levels than WoW probably isn't going to last for you. I can understand 60's who buy gold for their mounts and people who solely do end-game instances so they don't have the time to grind gold but doing it when you first start is quite odd. You want to spend that time getting to know your class well anyway.

Ultimately, it is up to you mate.
I am opposed to gold farming and renting people to level for you, not because it's lazy and entirely defeats the point of the game, but because I gained some first-hand experience with people who provide these "services."

In my time I've been very active within the communities of Guild Wars and Star Wars Galaxies among other games, and I used to moderate on some of the biggest forums for those games. In that time I was educated to how people in the poorer communities of countries like Korea and China take advantage of the underprivileged and "pimp" them out for practically nothing (even by their standards, not our spoiled western standards) to do this work for stupid hours.

Even relatively large companies will hire people to do this, for the same slave-labour wages, and often you will find that employees live and sleep in the places they "work" doing this sort of thing. It's a dilemma in that these people could be worse off, they could end up in drugs or prostitution, but the point is that what they're basically forced to do (and they are punished if they try to find other lines of work) is not much better than slavery.

Well, that's the end of my preaching session. :) Sorry about that, but I am just pretty passionate about this topic sometimes.
sniffy said:
Have you got any links to any sites which document this kind of activity?
I used to have plenty of links to various sites documenting this, there have been a few documentaries on TV about it too, but I don't keep these sorts of links around anymore as I'm not involved in those communities these days.

There's probably plenty of stuff on Google, and Wikipedia has an article on it here with links to other sources.
Personally I find those levels the most fun in the game. Lots of new things to see and do, and your talent points and fun new spells come thick and fast. dont take away some of the most fun you can have in WoW. as regards gold buying, its as bad as those peeps who go around the cities begging for money, if you cant do it yourself its not worth doing. If you want to get that much gold to buy some good items.. well hell, most of the best items are bind on pickup so cant be brought anyway.
Report anyone you know doing it, we all hate cheaters in our games, and this no better, in fact i might even go so far as to say its worse.

If what they were selling didnt have a direct effect on the actual gameplay for everyone else i might be inclined to change my stance, but as it stands, i think its wrong.
I agree with those that say don't buy power leveling.
But there is nothing wrong with buying gold it depends on your lifestyle, game style and what class you play. Personally i work full time have other commitments that doesn't leave a lot of WoW time so the time i have made for WoW is for raiding with my guild and as i play a healer with not a lot of time free i would prefer to spend a hours real life work to pay for stuff in game like mana potions enchants reagents repair costs etc.. i wouldn't want to know how long it would take to get 1000g+ in WoW just from grinding im sure it would be more than a hour of my time
I'm not entirely certain but I think you do is fine Posty. I've got a question to put forward to you though, it's not a dig at you or anything like that mate. What do you think about the effects on the players who simply refuse to purchase gold or aren't able to?
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