Buying WOW Gold.....and buying power levelling

jeez, a harmless question and i get some right attitude. :rolleyes:

im new to MMORPG and i dont know head or tails on this topic, i was curiously asking what its all about.

In the future..........ill keep my mouth shut :mad:
Well, I think it was a fair question tbh, and you've got a pretty good summary of the issue now, so you can make an informed choice for what to do. :)
Some strong responses here

I am addicted to WoW. I don't play every day, but maybe 4 nights out of 7 in the week I am raiding with my guild. That's nearly 20 hours or so of gameplay on one game a week. Quite a lot.

Personally, I would never buy gold or a powerlevelling service, purely for the worry associated with the transfer, credit card payment or account details. I have considered it, but then realised that if I went down that route, it would clearly signify there is nothing more for me in the game, and I should move on.

Time = money in ANY MMORPG. No matter what your action is, whether you're standing still or creating runecloth bandages, that time equals money. You are paying for it. Others in the game world will always be profiteering. This is the clear motivator which keeps millions playing - the advancement of your character beyond others. Virtual bragging rights is essentially all it is.

People like to criticise farmers, and yes they can be a nuisance to the game, but they can never be stopped. You need to realise this - no matter what attempts the game moderator's / community make, someone somewhere will always be profiteering through 'dodgy' means. I have learnt to accept famers and botters, and to try and understand what their techniques are. This in turn helps me to advance in the game at a faster rate than others.
Confusion said:
im starting to find it a major grind now actually. Maybe they shouldnt of made the levelling process so slow, i understand they want longetivity, but months and months to reach the end of the game is just silly.

Find one that isnt so much of a grindfest :D (cough*eq2*cough) :p

Ok, buying stuff (Apart from it being against the rules of your account) sounds stupid to me, and always has. You have bought a game, but now you aren't going to play it how it's meant to be, you're going to get others to level for you, PAYING them REAL money to do it, and pay REAL money for an ingame currency=worthless.

I know people do it, but i fail to see the point. If you are unable to eg. get to level 30 yourself, then you SHOULDN'T be level 30, you don't deserve it and are going to have the exact same problems then. Sam ewith money, what the ********* (CAPITAL censors btw) are you going to do with 1000 gold at level 12??? (Or even at level 30!!!) You aren't MEANT to have that money, and that is one of the things that destroys a games economy.

Play the game, or stop paying for it tbh :p

As an aside... 8 hours to go from 10-12.... I think you were doing SOMETHINGN wrong really :o
I Must say, i play on Garithos on the US servers, i got a long time guildy to mail me a US version over as ive been in Xen of Onslaught since Jan 2003.

I played all the way through to 60 with my Hunter, i have never bought gold or plvling, and i love the game. I also have a lot of experience with WoW now as i have played it from release.

Any decent items will not be purchasable anyway, All my gear is BoP near enough. Raiding BWL, there is not one set item that is BoE, (MC does have BoE belt and bracers... but MC is craptastic now).

The best advice i can say is, dont buy gold unless you desperately need your mount, because you dont really need money for anything at end game if your a hunter (which you said you were). You wont need flasks for bosses (i.e warriors need flask of titans) or anything like that, the only costs for you should be pet food, your own food/drink and either AV Reward arrows (+16.5dps) or Thorium headed arrows
MiGSY said:
If you can't handle a little grinding then WoW isn't for you, it's as simple as that.

Maybe early on,but after 60 theres no such thing as a little grinding, ITS INSANE grinding.......

Like trying to get to rank 14....need 60-70 hours per week to get that on my old server so unless your a kid/student or unemployed its imposible.

To get the best outta PvE you need to be raiding almost everyday otherwise your DKPS will be so low you will never afford to buy anything.

So to cap it off if you want the purple stuff say goodbye to your life...and sometimes even thats not enough :(
I can see why someone would do it but i personally wouldn't bother. I've only got a 28 mage and 18 priest but have never felt the need to buy an equipment. I will sometimes do an instance for items but i rarely can tell the different to my character after getting a blue item. e.g. 10 DPS, with +3 spirit and + 3 intel to "Rod of the Sleepwalker" with 23.8 damage per second +11 Intellect and +10 Spirit. Yes it's fun to do and maybe makes a slight difference but I’d never feel the need to buy gold just to get a few more adds which don’t change how your character plays.

I've only been playing a bit over a month but i still really enjoy it. I'm on with my mates so there's all ways someone to help you out with anything and as a group we take in more people to our guild and everyone gets treated the same. I hope this is true with other guilds. If i can't get help from my guild i just ask a few people similar level to me what they are up to, help them with something then they'll normally help me back. I’ve met some really nice people doing this.

[Sorry for the lengthy reply]
Maybe early on,but after 60 theres no such thing as a little grinding, ITS INSANE grinding.......

Like trying to get to rank 14....need 60-70 hours per week to get that on my old server so unless your a kid/student or unemployed its imposible.

To get the best outta PvE you need to be raiding almost everyday otherwise your DKPS will be so low you will never afford to buy anything.

So to cap it off if you want the purple stuff say goodbye to your life...and sometimes even thats not enough :(


My old guild raided 4/5 times a week, each raid lasting around 3-7 hours. That's not exactly what I'd classify as an 'insane grind'. Bear in mind also this was a 'hardcore' PvE guild, considered one of the best on the server.

Rank 14 however IS an insane grind. If you've got the time, go for it. Most people don't, so they join a PvE guild and raid a couple of nights a week.
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MiGSY said:

My old guild raided 4/5 times a week, each raid lasting around 3-7 hours. That's not exactly what I'd classify as an 'insane grind'. Bear in mind also this was a 'hardcore' PvE guild, considered one of the best on the server.

Rank 14 however IS an insane grind. If you've got the time, go for it. Most people don't, so they join a PvE guild and raid a couple of nights a week.

7 Hours sounds pretty insane to me.
MiGSY said:
Well that's pretty normal for me. I guess you lot are all pussy casual gamers :p

No I think you're the unusual one here matey :) How long did it take you to get to lvl 60 with your orc rogue again? 2 weeks was it?

The game starts at 60 for people like you and I'm happy for you (keeps you off the streets and from interacting with real people ;) ) but for people like me the game ended at 60.An average of 25 hours per week raiding is utterly impossible for me.Having said that I'm pleased with the epic set's a step in the right direction.
Confusion said:
im starting to find it a major grind now actually. Maybe they shouldnt of made the levelling process so slow, i understand they want longetivity, but months and months to reach the end of the game is just silly.

In 1 month and 10 days I manged to get my hunter to level 36 I have bought gold once and I have to say that it can really help but dont do it too much. I wouldnt do lvling though its better jus to go on raids and meet new people and do instances and make more friends that way. If you level to quick those new missions you find will grant you very little exp so you will get borred even quicker.

My advice stick with it and only buy gold if you find a weapon or armour you will use for at least 5 lvls. You will make more friends that way and find it easier to join raid groups and do instances
There is next to zero point in buying gold in any MMORPG.

You've paid £30 or £35 for the game, then (in WoW's case) you're paying £9 a month to connect.

So you're going to give a gold farming company real money for a virtual item and at the same time run the risk of getting your account banned - wasting all the time and money you've already put in?

Any economics experts wanna back me up here? :D
ExRayTed said:
No I think you're the unusual one here matey :) How long did it take you to get to lvl 60 with your orc rogue again? 2 weeks was it?

Yeah, it was about 2-3 weeks. Bear in mind I was a student back then, and on my easter holidays, so I could play pretty much all day and every day for two weeks.
MiGSY said:
Yeah, it was about 2-3 weeks. Bear in mind I was a student back then, and on my easter holidays, so I could play pretty much all day and every day for two weeks.

My main went 1-60 in 15 days, i'm pretty proud of that as I also had a full time job to hold down too.

Pretty tiring.

OT: Migsy, how did you make your sig?
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