Buying WOW Gold.....and buying power levelling

Confusion said:
:eek: 1-60 in 15 days

ive been playing 15 days and ive gone from 1-15! been playing 4 hours every evening.

It took a lot of playtime before I settled on a class.

My current hunter (main) is my 3rd Hunter i've levelled to 60, and my 6th level 60 overall.

Once you learn the missions and the areas, and your partner plays a priest and follows you around healing you, you can tear through missions very quickly!
Edinho said:
Yes there is. In an FPS, in general, you are all on a level playing field, the only thing separating you and the other player is skill, using bots, wallhacks is nothing but cheating.

Like i said before you want the best items in wow you cant buy them anyway so there is a limit to what you can buy. Being in a guild where you get gold loaned, given gold would be this be classed as cheating? The two genres are different you cant compare the two imo.

I would class twinks as cheating if your going down that route.

Being loaned or given gold is ok, as normally in a guild your guild members aren't ffarmers, and a loan implies payback - therefore the economy remains stable. Giving gold to help someone, again is not too bad, as it is less gold for them, and providing they dont farm, means although the eceonomy tips a miniscule amount, if it was only guildies lending to guildies there would be no problem.

Buying gold is taking money off someone who wouldnt spend the money anyway, in great big heaps. It is different to a slight redistribution. It goes to many many low level players, hence the economy problems.

Also the fact that, plain and simple, buying world of warcraft gold is illegal. Posting it here should be no different imo than any other illegal activities posted here = deleted. If someone came on saying whether so much money was a good amount for a particular illegal drug, how is it any different?
badgermonkey said:
Also the fact that, plain and simple, buying world of warcraft gold is illegal. Posting it here should be no different imo than any other illegal activities posted here = deleted. If someone came on saying whether so much money was a good amount for a particular illegal drug, how is it any different?

I think buying sold isn't actually illegal, it's just against blizzard's EULA.
Buying the gold just breaks the fair use agreement you agree to when signing up to the game, the punishment for breaking it is a cancelled account with no refund for your purchased time.

Nothing illegal by law with buying and selling MMORPG gold, so it is fine on the forums.

If Blizzard had an impact on UK law I would get terribly worried! :p
Confusion said:
well its took me 8 hours to get from 10-12, is this normal?

No. It took me 3 hours. ;)

Just started playing (fancied something simple compared to EVE for a change), new character and all that.

Just find a bunch of NPC's that you can clear easily and that drop good loot, then get your grind on. Quest rewards are crap, you need to do too much running back and forth. i'll be coming back to do them when I get a mount at lvl 40, besides they'll be a cakewalk then.

On the otherhand if you can grind in an area that also completes a quest or two, do that. An extra couple of thougsand EXP kicker is always nice.
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Le_Petit_Lapin said:
No. It took me 3 hours. ;)

Just started playing (fancied something simple compared to EVE for a change), new character and all that.

Just find a bunch of NPC's that you can clear easily and that drop good loot, then get your grind on. Quest rewards are crap, you need to do too much running back and forth. i'll be coming back to do them when I get a mount at lvl 40, besides they'll be a cakewalk then.

On the otherhand if you can grind in an area that also completes a quest or two, do that. An extra couple of thougsand EXP kicker is always nice.

But grinding is boring and not what the game is about.

I loved doing quests, it's what kept me going for all those months, I took my time, absorbed everything, no point racing to lvl 60 and I was a casual gamer.
WoW what a really informative post! GG

Enjoy wasting your life for purple items that have no use outside of a computer game :)

This is what I think about people who go clubbing every day of the week, drink all their money away and have nothing but a hangover to show for it afterwards!

Not saying you're one the aforementioned, but IMO it's similar. Except with a computer game there's a far less chance i'll get glassed by a psycho chav.
MiGSY said:

My old guild raided 4/5 times a week, each raid lasting around 3-7 hours. That's not exactly what I'd classify as an 'insane grind'. Bear in mind also this was a 'hardcore' PvE guild, considered one of the best on the server.

Yup 3-7 hours raiding, this dont include grinding gold for repair bills, or grinding whatever you need for professions to make money..and im sure as a good guildie you were helping the lower levels in dungeons.....oh and a guild BG once or twice a see it never is just your raid much more in the game designed to suck u in.
Tute said:
This is what I think about people who go clubbing every day of the week, drink all their money away and have nothing but a hangover to show for it afterwards!

LoL i havent done any clubbing well raving since 1992-1996 :)

In fact ive just quit WoW had a infamous PVP Orc Shammy with over 50k lifetimes kills and fully epiced up....

My point is i regetted all the time ive wasted in the game cause i could have been doing better things with myself instead of wasting over a year in a game...

Im just trying to edcuate people that RL > WoW.
LoL i havent done any clubbing well raving since 1992-1996 :)

In fact ive just quit WoW had a infamous PVP Orc Shammy with over 50k lifetimes kills and fully epiced up....

My point is i regetted all the time ive wasted in the game cause i could have been doing better things with myself instead of wasting over a year in a game...

Im just trying to edcuate people that RL > WoW.


So what exactly do you get up to in your spare time may I ask?
MiGSY said:

So what exactly do you get up to in your spare time may I ask?

Hmm lets back on the weights now trying to get my body back into shape, gonna do some work round the house, spend more time with my G/F and hopefully get a good nights sleep now...and guess what...none of them cost me any DKPS Points!!!!!
Hmm lets back on the weights now trying to get my body back into shape, gonna do some work round the house, spend more time with my G/F and hopefully get a good nights sleep now...and guess what...none of them cost me any DKPS Points!!!!!

I just converted my other half into a WoW addict. Easier :D
Hmm lets back on the weights now trying to get my body back into shape, gonna do some work round the house, spend more time with my G/F and hopefully get a good nights sleep now...and guess what...none of them cost me any DKPS Points!!!!!

Ok, so that's what you do for enjoyment? Right?

More often than not I play WoW for enjoyment. Fundamentally, what's the difference? Why do you feel that gives you the right to look down on me?
MiGSY said:
Ok, so that's what you do for enjoyment? Right?

More often than not I play WoW for enjoyment. Fundamentally, what's the difference? Why do you feel that gives you the right to look down on me?

Look down on you??? Think you are either paranoid or are reading a different forum.... Ive simply corrected some of your statments... im not the one using roll eye emotes :)

Dont Believe me?
Then please quote me on where i have looked down on you :)

Correct me if im wrong but didnt you refer to people who cant put 35 plus hours a weeks into WoW as "Casual Pussy Gamers "

Want me to go on?
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What I cant understand is why people think you either have a life, or play WoW.

There's no reason why you cant go to the gym, do things round the house, see the G/F and go out with your mates for beers/whatever - and still do a few raids.

I'm in a raiding guild, fairly new so we're just working through MC. The guild raids 4 times a week, in 3 hour slots. I go when I can, the other nights, I live my "RL" - just like 5 of my other RL mates who are also in the guild.

And anyway - who is ANYONE to tell anyone else how they should spend their free time? If someone wants to spend 40 hours a week PvP'ing to get Rank14 - best of luck to them.
Look down on you??? Think you are either paranoid or are reading a different forum.... Ive simply corrected some of your statments... im not the one using roll eye emotes :)

Dont Believe me?
Then please quote me on where i have looked down on you :)

Correct me if im wrong but didnt you refer to people who cant put 35 plus hours a weeks into WoW as "Casual Pussy Gamers "

Want me to go on?

Well for a start, you seem to feel that you are in a position to educate me as to what I should be doing in my spare time. Surely this indicates that you think you are superior to me?
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sniffy said:
I think buying sold isn't actually illegal, it's just against blizzard's EULA.

Im fairly sure that it's considered selling on something which wasn't yours to sell ie. all ingame gold belongs (intellectually) to Blizzard. Isnt that Racketeering or something (I know no technical terms :p )

But yeah, selling on something that doesnt belong to you IS illegal.
MiGSY said:
Well for a start, you seem to feel that you are in a position to educate me as to what I should be doing in my spare time

Ok where have i have said i think Migsey should be doing X Y Z in his/her spare time????

You still having quoted me on where ive looked down on you....

Are you on Drugs by any chance????
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