BYE BYE Corkscrew

Corkscrew is slow and boring! hope they replace it with a monster ride something that will wrap my nuts round my throat and strangle me to within seconds of my life before bringing me back to earth with a wonderful release of pleasure. :)
Yeah, that's what me and a mate did, just went on the single riders que normally...Not as if you talk to the person on the ride anyway!

Free tickets? Be nice :)

My mate gets a fair wack off the total price, his company gets discount, which is annoying, mine doesn't :(

I remember Rita actually making my eyes water...probably didn't help the fact I kept my eyes open...I also looked like a tomato when I came off, probably didn't breath or something.

I think the best bit of oblivion was the water sprinkles going into your face :p
Went to AT yonks ago and the Corkscrew scared the pants off me, the bit as you get to the top of the first ramp then it has a wide right hand turn, with the car leaning out slightly :eek: still gives me the shivers.
*******, well done AT, destroy your park!

Man i cant believe this is going! Was on this at the beggining of summer this year! Was awsome!

Love the thing, was one of the first rides i went on, was actually my 1st fav ride :D
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It was good, but hopefully they are freeing the space for something new.

Alton Towers is crap now though, you que for an hour each ride easliy. By the time you have done all major rides the day is over.

When is the best times to go? Went when it was raining once and that was pretty good.
28 years is a hell of an innings but I think it's time it went, for the kids of today it's nothing much when you've got Nemesis, Oblivion, Air, Rita et al in the same park!

Having new rides each season must be a big thing for Theme Parks it gets the punters coming back year after year for the new stuff and they base all their advertising around it. Of course to keep putting new rides in something has to go.

Problem Alton Towers has is the restrictions the place has on it you can't have the rides higher than the treeline, noise restrictions etc so they have to be creative with the rides rather than just whacking some 400 foot coaster in, be interesting to see what they try now.
When is the best times to go? Went when it was raining once and that was pretty good.

School time, ideally just before end of season. We went last year and there was barely any queues.
Later in the year we went a second time and it was torrential rain. Loads of people leaving the queues for Rita, so dived in. Waited a while as they thought about closing it, but instead gave us a warning it could be uncomfortable. Which it was :p Large drops of rain hitting you in the face at that speed stings! - Was awesome though :)
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