Obvious troll is obvious.
I think its one of the nicest looking graphical games around. I think that a lot of the footage and screenshots coming out of the game are a good representation of the game. Do you have any examples where you feel the promotional graphics don't match the actual gameplay at this stage?
where to start with this post.. ok here goes.
1. There is nothing more tedious than people who spend far too much time on the internet labelling opinions they don't agree with as trolling. Is this what you do in real life when someone expresses an opinion you don't agree with ? Are you socially broken ?
2. The screenshots are not a good representation in any way shape or form for a variety of reasons. Most of them have had post processing applied to them and extreme levels of AA which are not available in the game and if they were would leave you with about 1fps if you're lucky. They soup up the screenshots the same way Gran Turismo and Forza do.
3. The other major thing with them not being an accurate representation is that the game looks considerably worse in motion than it does in still form. Anyone who is honest and has an eye for detail will back me up on this. When the game is in motion all the visual artefacts and inconsistencies and poor AA become all the more apparent. The track and scenery textures are especially poor, shadows flicker and pop in and out, lots of object pop in as well. The game is not clean looking, it's messy with snazzy effects chucked on top.
The lighting is brilliant though as are in the car graphics, but overall the game is very messy looking in motion. If you judge it based on the souped up post processed screenshots with extreme levels of AA applied then its the best looking racing game ever, if you actually play the game in motion with the monitor 15 or so inches from your face it looks MILES away from the screenshots.
If you don't agree with this thats fine, I'm not gonna call you a troll just because you don't share the same opinions as me, I'm not 12 years old...
Putting the graphics aside for a moment, this game ships in a couple months yes ? Well i've been trying the new builds every couple of weeks since signups were originally opened a couple or so years ago and whilst its improved it's still so far off being a finished product in terms of physics, visual polish, ffb, gui etc.
They have an awful lot of work to do in not much time, I'm sure the game will be popular but based on the most recent build it's not going to be anything special to anyone who craves an actual simulation of motorsport. I hope I'm wrong, but i'll bet my house I'm not.