*******C.A.R.S - Community Assisted Race Sim*********

Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
Is Project Cars the spiritual sequel to Shift 2?

Been watching some videos and looking at the screenies in the high res thread - which look amazing btw - and it looks very NFS Shift 2 to me. (I know its the same developer) They even have the little rubber chunks of debris on the track mainly found on corners, this is identical to Shift 2.

I love Shift 2 and think its still one of the best racing games out there compared to other more recent games. Really looking forward to PCars. I missed the Steam access :(

Not really

It's more of a sim racer than the Shift series and certainly works well with a Steering wheel, unlike the shift series.

On a side note, SMS have reintroduced the login for members so the leaked build will be the last until release day.
28 Nov 2003
One of the consistently annoying parts of the current state of pCARS is the UI for me. Some of the UI iterations have been really annoying and I don't get how a modern UI can be developed (no matter what stage it's at) with such tiny scroll bars and poor hit box layout. Not to mention the poor flow and general layout of a few sections, as has been mentioned on the official forums.

BUT, I'm so glad to be drawn to that forum post... There's hope!
10 May 2004
South UK
This game - aka Shift 3 - is awesome.

Theres so many similarities in the game engine to Shift 2, I know its the same dev and probably just an updated engine to include - amongst other features - things like dynamic weather and time of day etc. Can run it on my rig at max settings with DSX4 or 6 AA but at DSX9 have to drop the screen resolution down a notch as it can get a bit choppy.

Shift 2 similarities Ive seen:

Track heat haze
Some of the music is similar
The cars bonnet shakes slightly when accelerating hard
Helmet cam with foreground blurring
Look into Apex

What I do like is the better customisation to toggle features like the starting lights animation and rolling starts etc.

Looking forward to the final release next year.
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Man of Honour
20 Dec 2004
From my testing over the last few weeks, there's a massive difference in how the game looks between a single screen and triple screen.

The game looks very very good on one screen at 1080p, but just doesn't look right at all over three screens no matter how much change settings.

Trees looked like lollipops in Shift 2.
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25 May 2010
I re installed this a few days ago after a long break, and I must say that for the first time I am having fun now. The game feels much better!
I am enjoying testing a few different cars on the Azure track, and my favorites so far are the Clio and the old turbo BMW 3 series. I enjoy putting 4 different weather's and setting the time at near sunset so that it moves into night time by the end of the track.

What's your favorite track, car, weather and time combos ?
18 Oct 2002
Hear, their, everyware ;)
Gave this a dusting off today and I see there are still massive differences with the handling on certain cars/tracks, also I couldn't believe how badly the yank woman irritated me on the GUI once she had said 'Garage' in the way yanks can't pronounce it a few times :rolleyes:.

I was using an Xbox360 Pad and the GUI menus are still not very user friendly, it is actually frustrating to use when I was trying to set up a simple Time Trial, they need some way to show a 'confirmation' of your settings so you don't have to keep going backwards and forwards through the menus and accidentally exit the whole game, the shoulder buttons only seem to work on certain menu screens too so you then need to grab a mouse... Even just logging in is clunky, it highlights the 'Log in' and my Username/Password are pre-filled out already, click the button and it sends you up to Username.. then Password...then you can actually Log in like you wanted to in the beginning.. Unnecessary clunk before you even start playing, no need.

Then we get to the cars and tracks, choose carefully because it becomes a game of fun or turns in to 'Wonky-Wheeled Shopping Trolley on Ice Simulator'. :D Might be different with a Wheel but I figure an awful lot of Players will be using game pads, specially as they are going for the Console sales, if you want to see how horrifically bad it is, play it with a pad, it is seriously game pad unfriendly. Can't believe they are going to be releasing this in March! :eek:

Does look very nice though! :cool:
18 Oct 2002
Hear, their, everyware ;)
cant get it to work

Clean reinstall usually fixes things, IIRC they asked us to completely delete all the Game Files not long ago specifically for a clean install, or that might have been another Game(?) Someone who plays it regularly will probably know better than me, I just find it too frustrating to play so lose interest very quickly so I miss a lot of the updates/news, I just fire it up every couple of Months to see if it has improved, it always seems to get worse to me.. :p
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