*******C.A.R.S - Community Assisted Race Sim*********

So your saying now that i should get a wheel for this game?
No way im going to throw £100 plus away on a flipping wheel!!!!!!!!

you can probably get a DFGT for about £60 which is barely more than a next gen console controller

I tried to sell mine on here before for I think £45 and never even got an offer so just kept it lol
I am literally sitting with my jaw on the floor at all the review labelling this game as "realistic simulation".
Iracing isn't a sim either according to most racing professionals ie the ones not paid by iracing to give an opinion.

some of the cars in that game you can't even drive using the same techniques people use in the game.

skip barber anyone
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i tried it with a 360 pad and hated it . Quite fun with my wheel though !!

Im sure it would be even better if i had some decent settings for my wheel
Besides "Dirt4" mentioned earlier, you can also try copying the exe file and renaming it "3DMark11" or for old timer giggles, "quak" ;)
One of my friends is popping round tomorrow with his thrustmaster rs300 I think its called? R300s? One of them lol to try and tempt me!

Edit: T300!!
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Looking to pick up a wheel for playing this on PC as I think it would be a major improvement over the 360 controller I'm currently using. Would be nice if I could get one that's also compatible with Xbox One for playing Forza as well. Don't want anything overly expensive. Maybe £50-100 or that ball park.

Any suggestions/recommendations? What are you guys using?
Is this game like Shift/Forza/Gran Turismo? Can you own a large garage of customized cars (visually and performance wise) with loads of specific races, like GT racing, road cars, hatchbacks, model specific races etc. for money that you can use to get more cars & upgrades?
Is this game like Shift/Forza/Gran Turismo? Can you own a large garage of customized cars (visually and performance wise) with loads of specific races, like GT racing, road cars, hatchbacks, model specific races etc. for money that you can use to get more cars & upgrades?

WUT?!? Is there a joke Im missing here???

I know its been the case with crossfire, the same might be true for single cards, but its basically activating a crossfire profile because its reading the filename to determine what game it is. So while waiting for AMD to release an update, you could get around this by renaming the file and get some performance benefits this way. The official update may well be better, more specific to its needs, but its better than it being an unrecognised game and applying the default rules.
Is this game like Shift/Forza/Gran Turismo? Can you own a large garage of customized cars (visually and performance wise) with loads of specific races, like GT racing, road cars, hatchbacks, model specific races etc. for money that you can use to get more cars & upgrades?

If just driving a car on a track with no real incentive is not for you then neither is this game.

There are specific race series but not a huge range of cars in those series.

You do not collect cars, you do not upgrade cars, you do not make your own liveries although they do exist that you can choose from (well on PC you can but not with an official tool but with photoshop) , you do not unlock stuff and there is no money in the game.

There is a progression system in career mode where you can start from carts and work your way up or choose to start anywhere but your basically racing for the hell of it with no incentive.
Car classes and car list here

Theres about 60-70 cars

DLC packs eventually will add more, and there's a free car each month but for how long ?

I think they said the DLC packs would add new series rather than just be adding cars for the sake of it. so more like mini expansions I guess
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Does anyone have reconmended FFB setting for a Driving Force wheel?

I'l searched this thread and the net but I'm not turning anything up.
Just completed the first kart season and did the focus race in the wet, and got beat completely, could hardly turn into corners unless I slowed almost to a stop, I have a CDR wheel, calibrated at 900 not entirely sure what the issue could be though.
I bought Project cars a few days ago and I wish I hadn't. It is one of the worse racing sims I have ever played. The cars handle terribly and it's so overated. Graphically not as good as they said either. Played it for 5 hours, now its uninstalled.
On the xbox version what is the use of changeing the cars livery, you cant even use them, you change them then go online and you cant see them, oh and dont get me started on the controller, impossible to have good control, and what is it with some of these cars in game, pointing straight and very little throttle and the cars still do a 360 spin, cant beleive i bought the £49.99 digital copy from xbox live store :( cant even resale it.
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I'm getting an exception crash every time I try and start a race now. Was working fine until this morning and nothing has changed.

Bit of a pain, Going to re-install and see if that cures it.

Edit - Re-installed and still the same. As soon as I try and start a race it just crashes to desktop with the Red stop sign error message. Weird as it was working fine last night and nothing has changed.
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