*******C.A.R.S - Community Assisted Race Sim*********

devs said loads of stuff would be fixed and it never happened.

tyre smoke was supposed to be a place holder?
Doppler effects are still as bad as ever?
FFB never got fixed
Handling never went full sim
When the car leaves the ground and enters the air physx takes over with the worst possible air physics known to man so non of the crashes are realistic it's like the cars lose mass as soon as the game switches physics engine
The new menu system screams console as it's not intuitive with a mouse at all or with a wheel since the buttons it shows on screen aren't the same icons as the buttons on my wheel.
other games did this fine DFGT wheel so games show playstation button icons
I think even shift 2 did this?

It's not a hardcore sim like they said it would be clearly it's dumbed down for consoles.

Why are all the historic tracks turned into DLC??!?!?!?!?!?!? they existed ages ago in the beta and so did some of the cars they decided should be dlc

Force feedback is terrible in fact I can turn feedback to 0 and still get feed back at points when I go off the track which is just stupid it's like the ffb is bugged more than anything.

how can you feel some effects at 0 ffb strength ?

The games not as bad as a lot of people say, it's quite enjoyable to drive but it starts to feel pointless after a few laps for me.

It shouldn't be a full price game it should be like £25 max on pc

The only time I joined an online race it was already in qualifying but let me join, wouldn't let me leave the pits with 3 mins left.
warm up session started and the only option I had was to exit the session because I hadn't qualified.
never bothered trying mp again

exactly, a lot of very important stuff was ignored :)

Any other gems you want to get on record? Perhaps tonight's lottery numbers in advance of the balls being drawn?

There has been plenty of listening and fixing, go read some development build logs!

nice attitude :)
i really really REALLY want to like this game. i dont like this game if im honest with myself :(

its not a bad game tbh :) could be way better if the obvious bugs were fixed but for now it's fine! :)

still haven't managed to have a proper online race, career is dull and so on so mainly been TT'ing!
Did you back this game? If so you can hardly be objective.

I started as a basic member and upgraded to "Full" just before the deadline, so I could test multiplayer along with single player and get the retail version at the end of development. I'm not likely to retire of my profit returns, but there were members that literally remortgaged their home as investment.

There was and still is plenty of listening by the dev team, but the dev team (like others) had to prioritise what bug got squashed before releasing, rather than a continual postponed release such as "Duke Nukem gate."

exactly, a lot of very important stuff was ignored :)

nice attitude :)

Nice trolling statement that caused my response. How could you possibly come to that statement of fact you posted, if you were not a WMD member?

This is not the GD forum sub-section. ;)
when they try to crowd fund the next one I wouldn't be surprised if they don't even get the few million euros this game did.

most people backed because they said it would be a full on pc sim but it never turned into that and I'm not convinced in the abilities of people like the audio guy who said stuff would be fixed forever.

whoever does the ffb must have heard the complaints of the community and the couple of racing drivers they hired for pr points

One of the guys doing some of the car models was amazing though and his renders looked fantastic compared to how they do in the game, not that they look bad anyway but he clearly put tons of effort in
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I find it much better than Grid 2 and NFS Shift series. The original GRID is hard to beat though. I suppose this is much more a sim than both of those though
the first blow was finding out my DFGT wheel doesnt work with ps4 (ffs sony!)

the graphics arent anywhere as good as they were made out imo, usually the case for games and should have known better but oh well

i cant get to grips racing with a control pad

all the car wants to do is spin in circles unless all driving aids are on.. even a fwd car like its got skates on the back instead of wheels (even after a full lap with warm and fuzzy tyres)

and and and... even a 'sim' game is still full of muppets that just want to push you off track or smack into the back of you going into a corner.
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I started as a basic member and upgraded to "Full" just before the deadline, so I could test multiplayer along with single player and get the retail version at the end of development. I'm not likely to retire of my profit returns, but there were members that literally remortgaged their home as investment.

There was and still is plenty of listening by the dev team, but the dev team (like others) had to prioritise what bug got squashed before releasing, rather than a continual postponed release such as "Duke Nukem gate."

Nice trolling statement that caused my response. How could you possibly come to that statement of fact you posted, if you were not a WMD member?

This is not the GD forum sub-section. ;)

Look at the first page of this thread :) I've been playing this since day 1.
[edit]I take back everything I said about this game. Put some real hours in now and its definitely growing on me.[/edit]
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If anyone is interested im going to host the Clio's in a minute. Probably do donnington and Oulton park.

I did 17 players earlier at donnington and it was great fun. Steam I.D is cobrauk
It's not a hardcore sim like they said it would be clearly it's dumbed down for consoles.

You wrote a lot of stuff that I agree with but it clearly just boils down to the quoted statement. I don't mind that it's a wall bouncing arcade game with a mix of sim but I just feel as you said "dumbed down". Whether it's to cater for consoles I don't know but it doesn't appear to be the finished product.

It's not going to stop me to "try" and enjoy it and get my money's worth from the game though. I just hope that these investors stop looking through rose tinted glasses and step up and try and make the game complete.

FOA Investors:
Have the devs given global FFB settings for the T500RS and suggestions for each car? Will it have a friendlier (easy to understand) UI and integrated in one place instead of within the main menu and in game garage?
You wrote a lot of stuff that I agree with but it clearly just boils down to the quoted statement. I don't mind that it's a wall bouncing arcade game with a mix of sim but I just feel as you said "dumbed down". Whether it's to cater for consoles I don't know but it doesn't appear to be the finished product.
Yea it still has an early access feeling to me.
I don't think they will ever fix the FFB after all these years of trying.

They pretty much left it to the community to fix.
same deal with tweakit tool in beta, they used the profiles the community created because they looked better than the lighting the devs managed.

it's a pity the community can't change the handling with cold tyres the clio cup almost reminds me of my first time playing iracing in the mazda or whatever sports car it is.

Investors kind of ruined the game though since it was crowd funded they should have made the game fully moddable.

stuff paying for DLC.
in fact I can drive the cars I don't even own in multiplayer as long as it is the default selected car when I enter a session.
hate games with dlc on the disc.

I bet all the historic tracks they are going to sell as dlc are still in the games files too, although I can't be bothered to look
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See this sort of withholding info which is useful for all those who bought the game ****es me of

Doing some looking around and saw that there was a PDF posted in the WMD forums explaining in more detail many of the FFB settings, unfortunately those forums are restricted.

Fortunately someone was nice enough to put the document into dropbox.


It doesn't really tell you where to put your settings, but it does do a better job explaining what they all do.


also there is a video from isr that goes through ffb stuff

Has anyone got a fix for vanishing servers and even worse nearly every lobby is retuning Full even when it's clearly half empty.
The UI in this is abysmal. It's not slick at all, no highlighting of some buttons/text, to quit it's the X in the corner, no second chance option, it just quits. Car selection is a low rez cruddy picture of the car, the track selection is the same and does not show the track layout.

For a community assisted game, what were the community doing exactly? Too busy estimating their financial reimbursement as a member when the game is released me thinks... :(

Not what I was expecting to be honest, the whole thing seems 'bitty', unfinished and not polished. Kind of like an early access title hmmmmmmmm...
The UI in this is abysmal. It's not slick at all, no highlighting of some buttons/text, to quit it's the X in the corner, no second chance option, it just quits. Car selection is a low rez cruddy picture of the car, the track selection is the same and does not show the track layout.

For a community assisted game, what were the community doing exactly? Too busy estimating their financial reimbursement as a member when the game is released me thinks... :(

Not what I was expecting to be honest, the whole thing seems 'bitty', unfinished and not polished. Kind of like an early access title hmmmmmmmm...

I had access to the WMD forums, and I can tell you now. The ones that did care about this game in terms of fixing the issues were in the last few years ignored or worse yet told to shut up, the ones that complained and never actually provided any constructive criticism found themselves with a ban and refunded, and the ones that provided useful and maybe constructive and even helpful advice, there woes fell on death ears.

The best post I saw on WMD was the press release thread - this was just one huge thread were those used it to try and stamp out any negative news, and did nothing but talk about "our" game is feature in top gear mag etc..

TBH that was the most posted in thread, along with the gamepad and FFB threads, but these two latter threads consisted of many just moaning about how poor FFB or gamepad support was.

I also noted that when Ps4 footage started to emerge, a few said hang on its looking a little ropey performance wise, man that caused senior WMD members to get right grumpy.

All this talk of "our" game actually made me feel pity for them. I think the whole community thing was a farce in the end, and those that remortaged there homes for this - well says it all really.

I play the game, yes. On PC and Ps4 but I agree its not finished. And the WMD community just didn't gel IMO.

Doesn't help that the ones that did care just got nowhere. I know one chap designed a wonderful UI - did it get used? Did it heck.
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