I'm still debating on getting this is it worth getting for £20
Quick question on this.....backed this way back and have had the 1st instalment of proceeds, but am now wanting to re-download and give it a go as have not played it since 1st backing.
Where do I go to get it and also where can I find out what level I backed it at to start with? Have no idea what I did back then...
Depends which toolpack you bought and also whether you redeemed your Steam key when it was first issued, when the game was still in alpha.
If you didn't redeem the Steam key you where issued in the first place then your percentage discount or full copy of the game, again dependant on which toolpack you bought.
If that's the case then it means you'll have to buy the game either from Steam direct or a key site or retail.
you dont have to care as i said look at the games status. what i said has come true the games struggling.
hate my responses all you want, its true.
when game bombs just remember who told you it would bomb nearly two years ago . .
I don't hate your responses because you are predicting failure, nor do I hate them because you even speak of the game. I hate your responses because you just don't shut up. Everyone has at one point said this game will fail, I said it 5 years ago, as did many others. You're very late to the party, and you are just so up yourself you can't see that you are repeating what has already been said a million times before.
Meanwhile, against the expectations of many people, the development of the game has continued. Some of us are intrigued by this (for various reasons) and take a mild interest into where it will go.
You have taken a disliking to the game, but unlike the countless masses that have quietly left this game behind, satisfied that just not playing is all the action that is needed, you rabbit on about how awful the handling is (and little else) and are on a personal vendetta against this game. Like some errant child trying to convince everyone (and yourself) that quitting the game is the right thing to do. You are clearly embarrassed by anyone that gets even an iota of enjoyment out of the game because it doesn't comply with your prophecy, so you bark your usual crap - tell everyone you are going to leave, whilst looking over your shoulder to see if anyone is actually going to follow you, and when they don't you run right back to start again.
you laid the bait out ill take...
the games ****
so you made money on a **** game because you backed it early. thats well done. unlike the game.
im kinda sad the project turned out so badly for all the racers who wanted a decent title.
whats worse is the whole scamtastic project because the game made money even though ivestigated for doubious business practices more times than al capone will continue.
why ?
because the game sold well on console at a time when no decent car games were out.
on pc it bombed ! absolutely bombed !
so basically gamers who wanted a car racing sim on console had nothing but pcars to buy they brought into a crap game on the hope it would be good to satisfy a need.
what kind of really saddens me is that because all of the console boys brought the game and read what i put CONSOLE BOYS they will get to do another abortion of a racing game which will be just as terrible.
read the reviews 90 percent are bad only fanboys project it as good.
the real funny thing is no matter what arguments are put forward no matter how well written IT BOMBED ON PC !
for eg dirt rally last month sold more on pc than pcars did in month of its life.its not even on console thats the BS you buying into.
so congrats on making a profit off console users i hope the pc title works out well.
you laid the bait out ill take...
on pc it bombed ! absolutely bombed !
for eg dirt rally last month sold more on pc than pcars did in month of its life.